"Please? He doesn't pick up," her tone changed once she realized her initial demanding tone wouldn't get what she wanted. "This is kinda an emergency."

"What did Percy do now?" Nico groans.

"Not him, me, promise. Please Nicky?"

Nico's faint voice mumbled a complaint about the nickname she had given him at a young age and to not call him 'Nicky.' After some time, his voice returned louder, calling for his fiancé, "Will, it's Nina. She says it's an emergency."

Shuffling could be heard as Will's warm and soothing voice came through the phone, "Hi, Nina." His voice matched him as just the kind of person he was. Her brother's friends all had this talent for stressing her the fuck out or calming her immediately. She took a deep breath, collecting herself with the help of Will and then preparing herself with the knowledge that a scolding was soon coming.

"So, well, hi, Will." She was hesitant. The guy on the other side frowned, realizing she had done something wrong. "So, this guy kinda broke in through the window. He didn't do anything, kinda fainted." Nina hurriedly added before reaching the point she wanted to push across toward the main healer of the camp. "Umm, Will, he's hurt, and I want to help. Please help me?"

"Nina," now Will's tone turned scolding. She's pretty sure that through the phone, she heard Nico laughing.

"Okay, okay, so please don't tell Percy, but this guy's a vigilante of Gotham, and he's hurt. And I know it's dangerous, and I should kick him out, I know, I know," Nina said, wanting to show her brother's cousin's fiancé that she was aware of what she was doing as her voice hurriedly informed them. "But I can't just leave him out there. He needs help. I don't know how to treat him. Please? I can't just leave him injured, Will."

A sign was heard through the phone. After some faint bickering from two voices over the phone, a response was finally heard. "Fine. Describe the wound."

"Wait a second." Nina put the phone on speaker. She would hear if Will said something while the phone wasn't in her ear. Grabbing the vigilante's armpits, she started to lift him, and boy, was he heavy as fuck. "Do you eat bricks as a kid?" Nina absentmindedly comments, "No, wait, I can lift bricks." Grunting at his heaviness, she dragged his body to her room and not so gently placed (dropped) his body on the floor, she threw her blanket off the bed and then placed him on the mattress.

"Are you done?" words were faintly heard from the living room.

Nina ran back to the living room to grab her phone. "Yeah, yeah." Using her phone's flashlight to see in the dimly lit room, she identified several bullet wounds and stab wounds. "Bullet wounds and stab wounds. The bullet wounds can be located on his lower torso, and the stab wound is on his right leg. It looks like the person he took down didn't want to go alone."

"Alright, let's deal with the bullet wound first," Will's voice came through the phone. "Do you have clean towels, bandages, tweezers, any type of alcohol works, fire, needles and string, and gloves?"

Nina quickly ran to the bathroom, rummaging through the cabinets, she found tweezers for the eyebrows and a stack of clean unused towels. Grabbing a couple, she ran into the kitchen, her next stop. There, she grabbed matchsticks and looked for alcohol, but nothing. Needles were conveniently in the sewing kit in the living room before she returned to her room where the vigilante lay. She couldn't do much about the gloves or the alcohol.

"Yes," Nina replied, her voice trembling slightly with fear and adrenaline. It wasn't her first time witnessing gruesome sights or treating someone. Gods know how much she has helped her brother, but his injuries were mostly healed with nectar or ambrosia. However, this semi-good mortal would most likely die if he ate those. She didn't mind criminals or those who have committed wrong as long as there were reasons behind their actions, and this man seemed to be trying to improve Gotham City bit by bit, in a twisted way, but his mind was in the right place. "But not everything, though. I don't have gloves or alcohol."

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