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Liza was preparing for her bedtime shower, when she realized Tony had probably made good on his promise.

It had been exactly 2 months since her father's death, and she couldn't remember the last time she bled. Anxiously, she wondered who to call. She knew she checked most of the boxes for symptoms, but a test would be the only way to know for sure.

As she dried off and got ready for bed, she tried to make a note of picking up a test tomorrow;It didn't feel right to let the maids do her dirty work.

As liza put on her nightgown and settled into bed, Tony approached- happy to see his woman after a long day. "Hey baby." he greeted, throwing his body on her outstretched legs. "Hi,my love.." she answered back, cautiously placing her book in hand aside, taking note of Tony's mood. Truthfully, Tony had gotten nowhere after Marco's death. He had no leads and no idea who he could turn to.

Upon his death, Marco apparently left everything to Liza; as if he was never expecting to go back to Spain. Liza wanted no part however; she had the chance to return to Spain and gather some of Pedro's belongings before selling everything Marco owned. She could live comfortably on her own, a fact that unbeknownst to her- bothered Tony. He couldn't lie to himself and say it didn't feel good to be able to finally take care of her, but she didn't need him to. The thought scared him; knowing she could leave him-leave their life together and be alright. But he wouldn't hold it against her- if he were to die she would get everything he had to his name as well.

"What's wrong mi amor?" Liza caressed his head, watching the way his body relaxed into the bed. "Just tired baby." he answered shortly, not wanting to give any hint of what was really going on. He felt exhausted and overwhelmed all at once; the only thing that calmed him was Liza's touch.

"I got an idea." He sprang to life, stripping off his jacket and rolling up his shirt sleeves, his eyes not leaving Liza's. "Let's take a vacation huh? Anywhere you wanna go." Liza couldn't lie- the thought of escaping the estate for a while was a dream. "Really?" she smiled, reminding herself that she needed to be sure if she was pregnant before they left. "Yeah baby," Tony re-approached, peeling back the sheets and climbing between liza's legs.

Liza blushed, but made no move to stop him as kissed her neck, slowly going down...

Elvira was livid.

She had no right, of course. She and Tony had a horrible relationship, so bad that not even the money would make her stay. So why did she feel jealousy towards a woman who had no idea who she was? Was it because of the fact that she knew Antonio and not Tony? Or was it the fact that Tony was happy? Did she resent him enough to despise his happiness?

She was lost.

Elvira had no idea how her life had went to shit so quickly. She was once wealthy and beautiful; she didn't have to even worry about what she would wear for the day. Frank died, her relationship with Tony crumbled and she went back home only to be reminded why she left in the first place. Now she was here, back in Miami, with a whore's brand. Could it be any more humiliating?

Tony wasn't going to help her- not unless her situation affected him directly of course. She had to play dirty to get out of Miami- something she was trying to fight, but Tony gave her the perfect opportunity...

She watched Liza enter the pharmacy- tailed by her guards. Elvira couldn't help but think that maybe the reason Tony appreciated her so much was because of her humility; no way in hell would she have been going to the store on her own.

Liza exited a few moments later, looking both ways before entering a clothing store nearby. Elvira looked on, crouched in pain from the beating she received last night. Jealous rage flared; that should be her having a carefree life. What had happened to make her lose it? Although, she supposed it didn't matter anymore.

The only thing that mattered was that she was coming back for her old life.
Liza stared at the positive pregnancy test in fear.

She shouldn't be surprised; she did nothing to prevent it- but she was still shocked. A child would change everything in her life, something that both excited and scared her.

Exhaling loudly she paced the bathroom, thankful that the maids had already cleaned and were elsewhere- no one was around to gossip of eavesdrop. And the more she paced, the less scared she became about the pregnancy, and more scared about Tony and his reaction.

Even though it was too late to worry about it-she silently prayed that Tony would be around for their child's life. She prayed and prayed, that he would accept their child despite everything they had going on.

Leaning against the bathroom sink, Liza took deep breaths- letting it fully hit that she would be having a child; half her and half tony. She wasn't sure if to be happy or scared. But, happiness prevailed nevertheless.

Quietly, she hid the test amongst her personal hygiene products, knowing that it was safe and out of sight. Now she had to think of a way to tell Tony on vacation.

As she exited the bathroom and went downstairs, she was unaware of a shell-shocked Tony who stood behind the door- having seen everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26 ⏰

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