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Liza sighed, going over the paragraphs on the page once more.

"Whatchu think?" Tony returned with refreshments in hand, watching Liza's brown eyes analyze the words before her. After a minute if silence and Tony's eyes boring into her figure propped against their bed, she finally nodded. "It sounds great but.." doubt clouded her mind. "I don't think I'm ready." she admitted, setting the papers aside. "I know you're trying to help but I'm not even legally here in Miami." She worried.

Tony scoffed. It was easier to get her green card than getting this job offer. "Yes you are." he assured. "But whenever you wanna- it's all good. The chief is my good friend. We go way back." Tony recalled. When Elvira had snorted enough yayo and was unable to stomach anything else, Dr. Henry personally pumped her stomach- multiple times.

He wasn't blind to Tony's ways.

"I'm not entirely sure if I want to continue being a doctor." Liza blurted, twisting her fingers anxiously. Tony paused, staring at his girl in their bed. "Fuck you talkin' about huh?" he scolded. As long as they knew each other she only ever helped others. But in hindsight- maybe that was why she didn't see herself doing it anymore.

Liza shrugged. She didn't feel like explaining the spark to help people had severely diminished- the one person she wished she could've helped was gone. "It was my father's idea anyway." she diverted. "And running a hospital in Spain is completely different that working in Miami."

Tony stood, adjusting his rings before stealing a tender kiss from her lips. "That wha' you want?" he barely pulled back, looking into her eyes. "You want your own?" he asked, caressing her neck.

Liza shivered, "No. It was horrible being the boss for me." she answered shortly, a brief wave of guilt overcoming her as she remembered the displaced staff members back in Spain. "You got all the time you want okay?" Tony assured. "You never have to work again if you don't wanna."

As tempting as it was, Liza refused to lay around his Mansion all day.  "I'll figure it out." she said, watching as he threw on his jacket and smoothed out the wrinkles. But he looked tired. He wasn't as witty and loud as usual. Liza knew exactly what it was.

"Mi amor." she called, stripping off her nightgown, knowing exactly what he needed. It was was she needed too. "Eliza." he warned, fighting the temptation to be seduced. "I gotta go." he whined, watching as her breasts were exposed- her long dark hair flowing over her bronze shoulders. "No...no lo haces." she crawled to the edge of their bed where he stood, fully exposed. "Creo que necesitas algo de energía para el día."

Tony sighed in content, grabbing her and devouring her lips before ultimately giving in.
Liza awaited Tony's return at the poolside. She hadn't the chance to explore the estate's grounds yet, and even though she had a guard assigned to her, she much preferred Tony and Carlito to be present when she decided to see what scenery the estate offered.

"Miss?" a maid approached. She seemed nervous, though liza noted all Tony's staff seemed on edge these days. And the certain absence of one particular employee did not get past her either- it would be a lie to say she wasn't afraid to face the truth.

"Yes?" she answered calmly, pulling down her sunglasses as she grabbed her towel to cover herself in her bikini-knowing Tony would lose his shit if she was exposed in front of anyone. "What is it?" she followed, then grabbing a sip of her orange juice as the maid cleared her throat. "Mr. Montana has a visitor who insists on waiting for his presence."

Liza frowned, "Alright. But how exactly does this concern me?" The maid escorted her to the guest, not knowing how to handle such a situation, all the while hoping confrontation would not occur.

The maid presented her to a skinny blonde woman. She was dressed rather loosely- a simple crop top and leggings and big sunglasses over her eyes. Her blonde hair was just above her shoulders, and her skin seemed irritated- redness visible in various places. The staff cringed and glared as Elvira's reputation precedes her- to everyone but Liza.

"Hello. Who are you may I ask?" she approached Elvira, and the woman looked her up and down, scrutinizing every inch of her skin.  "Where's tony?" Elvira answered back. She seemed to be in a hurry, and Liza wondered if Tony even knew who this woman was- much less than if he knew she would be here to see him.

"Who are you?" Liza repeated firmly, hostility settling into her tone. She didn't know who this woman thought she was, but Tony had made liza's role in his life clear. No strange woman could just appear and question her about her man.

Elvira seemed as if she had suddenly snapped out of a trance. "I'm his wife." she answered brazenly. "Who the hell are you?" she glared. Liza narrowed her eyes, keeping calm- finally understanding the situation. "You won't question me in my home." She smiled. "What business could you possibly have with Tony?"She diverted, knowing that Tony had disclosed to her that Elvira had approached him with divorce papers to which he signed. Now, with Elvira's presence and attitude, she was forced to question if that was even the truth...

Before Elvira could answer, Carlito appeared through the door, leading a rather frazzled Tony, who no doubt- was instantly informed of his unwanted guest. He approached liza first, fearing the worst. "Baby, give me on second to deal with this, alright?" He smoothed her hair back and placed a tender kiss against her temple,hoping that Elvira hadn't approached her wrongly. He was still in shock over her appearance- having not heard from her in almost two years- however the need to reassure Liza that nothing was going on was stronger than said shock.

However, that did nothing to soothe the burning rage that was threatening to erupt from Liza. She had so many questions. What the hell did Elvira mean that she was his wife? How did she know where they stayed? What did she want with Tony? They were supposed to be divorced! If they weren't, where did that leave her?

"Baby." Tony sighed, running his hands along her back as he hugged her tightly, ignoring Elvira's glare to the back of his head. Liza felt as if she was suffocating. She pushed Tony away before storming out, returning to their room with tears in her eyes and betrayal in her heart.

This was why she preferred to stay in bed.

As she exited, Tony could only sigh and hope for a chance to explain. He turned to Elvira, who was as dead-eyed as ever. "What the fuck you doin' here?" Elvira's eyes had suddenly watered. It wasn't fair that Liza got the man she should have. The level headed,caring, consistent man. But nevertheless, she needed to put aside her distaste. "Please Tony." she sighed, the words tasting like acid. "I need your help." 

Carlito was ready for any sudden moves, watching as Elvira slowly lifted her shirt to reveal a brand just above her waistline.

Tony's eyes were wide with horror and confusion.


A/n- Thank you for your patience everyone! Trying to update as much as possible for the next few weeks.

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