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20 Years Ago
Havana, Cuba

Tony stormed off in anger, stripping off his name-tag and yelling curses at the useless manager. He only took this busboy job so that he could afford something nice for Liza on their anniversary; everyone knew the Americans tipped well enough in the hotel industry. Today was their one year anniversary, and Tony was hoping to collect his paycheck on time to be able to grab the necklace he'd been eyeing for so long.

Until, his manager would approach him with the news that their paychecks hadn't been cut yet.

Tony couldn't believe it. It was as if the universe was determined to keep him in the gutters for the rest of his life.

Liza didn't want to make a big deal of it, she was fine with having dinner at home with Pedro and her Papa, knowing that Tony's little paychecks were what he relied on solely. But Tony couldn't believe it.

"It's our one year anniversary. How can we not do something fun?" He growled. Liza had sighed, continuing to fold her laundry, not thinking much of his reaction; she knew Tony could be dramatic when he wanted to.
"I just think we can save that money for something else, Antonio. You see how things are going nowadays.." Liza tried to reason. Everyday was a different protest and reality, having something to fall back on wouldn't be so bad- especially when both her Papa and Tony didn't want her having a job.

"Well," Tony had grabbed her, kissing her as fiercely as he could ton convey his message. "I insist." He whispered on her lips, running his hands through Liza's hair. Liza could only sigh, knowing Tony's stubborn attitude had no limits.

But Tony was still determined to get her a small gift at least, something to have to mark the milestone of their relationship. As he stormed off the hotel grounds and onto the street, he couldn't help but be angered by everything and everyone. He wanted to scream and shout- he wanted to question god why he would never be enough for anyone in his life. He collapsed against a wall, tears threatening to fall as regret consumed him. How could Liza love someone like him? Someone who couldn't even buy a gift for her on a momentous occasion?

Gathering himself, Tony marched home to Liza. He passed her Papa in the garage working on a truck, and Pedro in the the living room watching a telenovela. When he approached Liza's room, his heart could have fell out of his body. But the door opened, and Liza greeted him with her beautiful smile and little black dress- and suddenly Tony didn't feel so bad.

"Te amo." She'd told him. "I don't need diamonds and pearls, I just need you to be here and hold me down."


"I killed them." he blurted, watching the color drain from Liza's face- her eyes going blank. "I killed them." He said-louder this time- "And I would do it a million times again if it meant that you would be safe." he grabbed her arms, trying his best to catch her blank eyes.

"Liza, I love you. Te amo, mi amor." he caressed her hair as he slowly pulled her into his arms. Liza didn't know if she should feel angry or relieved. The man who she thought her father was died a long time ago, so his actual death couldn't seem to register in her brain.

"Please.." Tony whispered. "I need you, Eliza. I'm going to go all the way to the top and I need you with me.." he pulled back from their embrace, cradling Liza's tear stained face in the palm of his rough hands. Slowly, she could feel her eyes water. Because no natter how much she may want to leave, she now realizes that she could never leave Tony; he's permanently engraved in her heart and bound to her side through fate.

What else would be the explanation for their meeting after all these years?

"I appreciate your honesty, Antonio." Liza confessed, shakily. "But I don't know how i should feel about this.." she admitted, breaking from his embrace and stepping forward to place her body on their bed- she felt as if she would fall through the floors. "Does he even deserve a funeral?" she wondered out loud. Tony clenched his jaw, remembering his admittance for being responsible for his only son's death- remembering that said son's grave is an empty casket because of him.

"No." Tony scoffed. "He doesn't even deserve your tears." He sighed, picking at the stubble on his jawline. "You tell me what you wanna do."

Liza sighed, as if the movement would release the stress she was under. "Just get rid of him." she answered boldly, wiping her eyes and finally raising her head to meet Tony's eyes, "He can burn in hell for all I care."

Tony was taken aback at first, but he knew in this moment to not question her feelings.  "Alright amor. Whatever you want." he kissed her forehead- a silent way of showing her that he was here.

Tony still felt uneasy. Now he had to find out if what Marco was saying is true, and get to the bottom of Pedro's death. Liza would not and could not leave his sight.

"Do you wanna have a kid?" he blurted. It was the only way he could think of to ground her. Only, he was halfway joking. Liza stilled, "What? Of course I do." she answered instantly, warming Tony's heart. "But not right away..I mean isn't it a bad time?" she asked, not denying that the thought of having a family hasn't crossed her mind since coming to Miami. Maybe it was the start she needed, now that she believed that the business with her father was done due to his death.

Tony looked down at her, still clad in her black dress and coat- skin shimmering from the tears she let out. He never felt more twisted than now for being turned on at the sight of his undone woman.

Sighing, he shook the thoughts away. Liza would not be in a good mindset for sex knowing her father's dead body was just below them.

Tony needed a line.

"I wanna go take care of business." he announced, not hiding his anxiety of her leaving - knowing she was packing a bag to leave him just a few minutes ago. Liza knew Tony would be bothered by that especially- knowing that despite it being unwilling- the last time she left him he had lost her for years.

"I will be in here, Antonio." she answered softly, reaching out to intertwine their fingers. "I panicked.." she trailed off, her heart aching at the way Tony's eyes widened in panic as he begged her to not leave. Tony could see her turmoil- he knelt before her, holding both her hands in his as he pressed them to his chest.

"Do you feel that?" He asked. His heart pounded against his ribcage, not quite registering that the heartbreak was to be no more. "Eliza, you own me in every way possible; mind, body and soul. I love you more than anything and anyone in this world, you got that?" He proclaimed, ensuring that his eyes were locked onto hers. "If you left me again, I would never recover this time. Please don't ever do anything like that to me again, okay?"

Liza blinked her tears away regretfully, "I'm sorry, my love." Tony sighed, pressing his lips against hers to reassure her- they were going to be just fine. "I love you Eliza. Don't ever try to leave me like that again." He warned her, sternly this time. "I wanna put a kid in you- but I have to know you are here." he admitted.

Liza nodded, accepting her fate- accepting him.
"I promise my love. I am yours, just as you are mine." She took the initiative to kiss him this time, letting her kisses say the rest.

As tony let her settle back down in the room and he descended the staircase to deal with business - he hoped things would go smoothly this time.

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