Prologue - I am Death (Edited)

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Just because you cannot see something, doesn't mean it is not there. We cannot see time and yet we age, we cannot feel the Earth turn yet day turns to night, we can feel love. Oh, we can all feel love. We feel its heat, its passion, its consumption and its eventual end. So why, if we cannot see things, do we imagine them to be real?

I apologise my dear reader, for I feel I have confused you. You are probably reading this and questioning why I am talking in such philosophical riddles? Let us go back in time to seek the answers.

The Holocaust, everyone has heard of it haven't they? So why is it that some still like to believe it never happened? I suppose the only logical answer is , is that the comprehension of such monstrous actions occurring should happen only in works of fiction, where the evil ends at the last page of the book, or the credit sequence of a film or television programme. The reality however? those people were not monsters, they were people like you, they had lives, families and they loved... perhaps it was their humanity that made them so much scarier than any mythical demon, devil or ghoul could ever be. My dear reader, it may shock you to know that despite the many harrowing discoveries and truths that came out of the War that many still believe the Holocaust to be a myth, a lie, a conspiracy constructed to distort history. But remember, just because you did not see something, does not mean it did not happen. Truth is subjective, and every being in this life will have their own stories to tell. So let me tell you mine.

Who am I you may now be wondering? I can feel your curiosity peaking, as your mind reels and you begin to deduce who? no, no, what am I?

You've always had so many questions, ever since your creation, you've always wondered about me, even if you haven't yet realised you have. When will I arrive? too soon? too late? too unjustly? am I evil, am I the devil...why? Sound questions which I can cannot answer for you and so you, my dear reader will have to determine the answer once you have read this story.

It is not often that humans enrapture me. Most of most of you live mundane lives, you are born, you grow up, you have children, you die, it's in your nature. But sometimes, oh just sometimes I see exceptional people who live the lives they never should, just like Inge and Werner. Oh, they called out to me, their story so full of compassion, love, and heartbreak...

But I didn't want to do it, I had no choice. You see dear reader, there was no choice, there is never a choice.

Because that is the price one must pay for being Death....

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