Chapter One - Jewel of the District (Edited)

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The declaration of War was announced on a beautiful afternoon, where one could (and quite rightly) assume that all would be right within the World. It's strange really how the sun shone so distinctively above the streets of Poland as the birds sang joyous songs in the sky and flew free in the sky, whilst true, true horrors awaited the people below them. 

 In 1939, the Germans had attacked the harbour on Westerplatte near the city of Gdansk and it did not take long for months of speculation and rumour to be answered. After a swift radio announcement which aired to the whole of Poland, the nation seemed to unite in singing "Mazurek Dąbrowskiego"- the Polish national anthem and as the solemn harmonies of the Polish people rang throughout every street, it seemed at the time to be the end of the world, or what was to be the end of the world as Irena was to know it. 

As the Germans began to relinquish their control over Poland, it was the Jewish population who were severely targetted, as their demise began with their gradual exclusion from everyday activities such as  riding a bike, going to the shops at certain times, to the cinema, all things we take for granted, all things every person should be entitled too. It was not, however, until the following year in 1940 that they came for the people Kazimierz in Krakow. 

Oh, that day is something I can and never will forget dear reader. I watched helplessly as they tore families out of their homes, like cats dragging mice out for slaughter on the streets. Their cries were animalistic as these foreign invaders violated their homes and smashed down their doors yelling 'SCHNELL, SCHNELL', as they destroyed the worlds of so many people worked a lifetime to create for themselves within a matter of minutes. Amongst the chaos, the Jews of Kazimierz were forced to pack their bags and leave their homes for what was for many, the last time. How could they have ever known?

I can still remember Irena's mother frantically packing what seemed to be years worth of memories into any box or bag that would fit them. Tears streamed down her face as she hid entire generations worth of gold jewellery into a small wallet, and then suddenly the panic stopped, just for a second, and as she removed the last remaining item it was as if time its very self stood still. She revealed a beautiful Star of David necklace, cut by what looked like the finest jeweller in the whole of Poland, who fitted the solid gold necklace with a single diamond in the centre.  She brushed the tears off of her cheek, as the dull pain of grief swept over her once more, replacing all fears and numbing her senses to the events outside.  She thought she was the only one who felt it, But I did too. "Irena, przychodzą, szybko". Her voice jolted me out of my daydream and a young woman appeared at her mother's doorway before wearily walking up to the place where her mother stood. 

It was true, she had quite expectedly aged since I had last seen her. She must have been around.. twenty years of age, not the young innocent girl I had met on my last visit. Her beauty, however, well that had only blossomed and it really was apparent by the way her striking features moved, that she was her Fathers daughter. "Tak Mamo?" she asked quizzically as her mother raised a finger to her lips in a motion to silence her. As she reached into her pocket, a gentle shine caught Irena's eye as the beautiful star of David necklace was revealed in the palm of her mother's hand. Silently, her Mother placed the necklace around her neck and said "It was your Father and I's wish that this would be yours one day, I only wish I did not have to give it to you under such' she hesitated 'circumstances'. 

I can remember the day I took Irena's father as clearly as I can yesterday. He was such a kind-hearted man, who would rather have starved to death before seeing his family reduced to the circumstances that awaited them. I honestly wish, with every fibre of my being that I could have known his story in greater depth, but the universe had other plans for him and I was called too soon to claim him from those he loved dearest. Following her father's death, it was as if all the joy, laughter and happiness that circulated around their home had vanished and it was my fault... my fault. 

"I don't understand Mamo" the sudden sound of Irena's voice shook me back to reality. "Shh moje dziecko God knows Irena and that is all there is to it. He will have mercy my darling don't you worry" she said stroking her daughters face. It was clear that this answer failed to satisfy Irena, but it was also evident that there was no time left for her to question her mother's words, and so she packed up her things and in what seemed to be no time at all, the Nazi's had once again returned rapidly to collect their new prisoners. 

Nobody could have predicted that following this very day, that the once vibrant town of Kazimierz would be abandoned for another twenty-years until the Soviets attempted to revive the war-torn streets of Krakow.  

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