"Don't let the thoughts take over when we're away, okay?" Cas asked softly and played with Dean's hair. He really was worried that the other would hurt himself again as soon as they were gone but he had to trust his friend – even if that meant practically hoping that he wouldn't take his life. "I'll try, angel," the blonde whispered softly and looked up to his friend, smiling slightly. The lad blushed deeply, he obviously couldn't get used to that weird nickname Dean had given him.

It had started just a few weeks after their first encounter. They were talking to each other while watching The Lion King – it was just another day and that was how they usually spent it. It was around the time that the movie was halfway over when Dean turned to Castiel with a serious expression. Castiel was confused, his friend had worn a smile just a few seconds ago until his thoughts were interrupted by a few muttered words: "Thank you, angel." Castiel didn't understand, was confused. Why did Dean call him that?

Castiel didn't know the reason behind that nickname to that day and he was planning on asking Sam if he knew why Dean was calling him that.

And so he searched for the younger Winchester boy and found him quickly. The kid was so happy to be able to go out and so they could go out soon. Cas watched Sam practically bounce next to him, talking about anything that really didn't make any sense to him and just look carefree.

And Cas knew that was something that rarely happened. Sam was always worried about his older brother, scared that something would happen to the older. Even though Dean tried to always make sure that Sam was okay and didn't worry about him, their past made it natural to worry about each other. At least that's what Castiel knew so far – and he was determined to get to know more about the Winchesters this afternoon.

At first they went to a shop that sold antiques – the shop Cas was talking about earlier. He loved those shops, the things being sold already had a story and they weren't made in a factory – they had a character. And he knew the thing he was searching for wouldn't be in any other store that just sold factory new stuff.

After a few minutes he had found what he had been looking for – an angel statue. It wasn't too big, just a few inches tall, and it was made out of wood but it had character – just what Castiel had been looking for. The statue wasn't coloured, the features were just carved into the wood, carefully.

Sam curiously approached Castiel, just as the older was about to pay for the statue. "Why did you choose that?" He asked softly, softly letting his fingers wander over the smooth surface. Castiel just smiled slightly and shrugged. "I just think that Dean would like it.. He calls me angel all the time and so he has something that reminds him of me now, so he doesn't have to be alone, you know?"

Castiel felt quite anxious as the younger boy didn't react for a few seconds and just stared at him. Thankfully the younger tore himself out of his trace pretty quickly and practically jumped at the older boy. Castiel was confused and slowly wrapped his arms around Sam.

"Thank you, Castiel, thank you so much," Sam whispered and Castiel heard that he was on the verge of tears. He wanted to say something but Sam decided to continue in the exact same second. "Thank you so much for being there for him and making him smile again and making him forget about his past again. I've never seen him as happy as he was in the past weeks and I'm so glad that he finally found someone that wants to be close to him. Never leave him, he would be devastated and I think he would actually try and commit again," the young boy sobbed.

Castiel frowned deeply, rubbing over Sam's back. "I would never leave your brother. He means too much to me to just leave." He assured Sam and hummed quietly. "And I promise you that I will always be there for him because he deserves a friend like that," he added softly.

Sam just nodded and waited for Cas to pay. As they were outside Castiel smiled slightly. "You wanna go grab a burger? We could take one home and give it to Dean, I guess he would be happy about that." He suggested and got exactly the reaction he wanted. Sam nodded excitedly and looked just like a puppy – maybe he was a puppy-moose hybrid? (A/N: Sorry not sorry)

And so they went to a diner nearby, talking about anything and nothing at all. He found out that Sam wanted to be a lawyer in order to be able to make guys like his dad pay for being dick, Dean wanted to get a Chevy Impala '67 and the reason why he probably was calling Cas an angel was that the blonde felt protected and safe whenever he was with his new friend – and from the stories their Mom had told them when he was little Dean believed that it was exactly what it felt like to have an angel watching over him.

After their dinner, and after they've got a bacon burger for Dean, they made their way back to the foster home. Sam instantly went to his own room, being tired from being outside all day and practically only seeing new things, but Castiel went to Dean's room, knocking softly before he entered the room.

He smiled softly at the sight he got as he entered. Dean was lying on his bed, curled up and sleeping quietly while holding onto one of Castiel's sweaters that somehow had changed its owner. Castiel wasn't mad at Dean though, he was glad that he was able to help him and he didn't care that he couldn't wear that sweater any more as long as Dean was happy.

Just as he wanted to leave the room again, he heard a soft whisper. "Hey angel, how was the city?" A very sleepy Dean asked. Castiel had to use all of his will power not to coo at the adorable way Dean looked and sat down on the bed.

"It was fantastic, Sam was really happy and he wants you to come with us someday," Cas smiled and placed the bags he had carried on the bed. "And we got you a burger, you must be hungry."

Dean nodded excitedly, quickly taking the burger out of its container and devouring it. "This tastes amazing," he hummed quietly and closed his eyes, just enjoying the greasiness of the burger. "I'm glad but.. I got you something else and I hope you like it," Cas added, quieter this time. Suddenly the idea with the angel statue didn't seem to be such a good idea any more.

"What it is? I never got any presents," the blonde asked shyly and looked into the other bag. As soon as he saw that little figure his eyes started to water and he threw himself at Castiel, sobbing quietly. "Thank you, that means so much."


I'm so sorry for not updating in like a month but I'm just lazy and meh. I'll be stressed for the next few weeks so... I don't know when I'll update again. Sorry T.T

And Wattpad decided to be a bitch and change the layout of the chapter. It took so long to change it again -__-

Bye, stay awesome <3

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