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Leo's POV

It has been two days since I came back to my house. Avni had tried calling me once but I was in hospital so I didn't pick up. But that wasn't my first concern, Leon-- he was in hospital and my dad's attitude is not changing. He even refused to pay the hospital bills, left for his so - called work and hadn't returned since.

I don't know what to do everything feels like is suffocating me. I don't have any money; I don't know, for how long mother will be able to keep up with the hospital bills; and I don't know if father will return this time or not. As much as I don't want to accept it but my father has cheated on my mother more than once. She knows about it too but never said a thing.

I don't know what to do now. First problem is money so I guess I should start finding a job. But I don't know anything about this place.

Avni, maybe she can help. She knows this place. Yeah she can help me. I dialed her number and waited. She picked up after two rings.


"Yeah, Leo. How are you? Everything's fine at your hom- house?" She was, maybe, doing something or moving continuously. There was continuous rustling sound coming from her side.

"Actually, I need your help." I ignored her question. I don't know how to answer them. "I- Can you help me find a job."

"Oh." Pause. Maybe my sudden request startled her. "Yeah, sure. Is it urgent?" Maybe she stopped moving because there was no longer any sound coming from her end.

"Yeah, it is kind of urgent."

"Okay then meet me at 3 o'clock in front of Passionate Black... I hope you know the place, right?" She asked unsure. I have heard about that cafe in school. It's safe to say people are crazy about that cafe.

"Actually I don't know exactly where it is. Can you text me the address?"

"Are you serious? You don't kno- nevermind, I'll text you the address. See you there.... And wear something good." And with that she hung up.

Leon is on the hospital bed in front of me, unconscious, wrapped in bandages. Thinking of it, I remember Leon once introduced one of his friend to me. But Leon never introduced anyone else before him so I guess Leon liked him.

After his accident, we informed his school about the situation and many of his friends and their parents visited him except that boy. I can't wait for Leon to wake up and introduce me again to the boy. I just can't wait to hug him again and say that it's okay; that everything is okay. I love him for him. His sexuality doesn't changes a thing. I squeeze his hand gently reminding him that he has me, no matter what. I don't know if he can feel it or not but I hope he can.

It's 1:25 already, so left the room and gently clicked the door shut. Walking through the hallway of the hospital I found my mother at reception talking about something about the bills. I walked to her and told her I'm leaving, she just nodded in return.


I was waiting at the exact place Avni asked me to wait I'm 10 minutes early so I think I'll need to wait. As she asked I'm dressed nicely. Black turtleneck, blue loose fitted jeans and black shoes.

My thoughts were bought to an end by the sound of combat boots, Avni. She was walking towards me almost twining with me. She was wearing a black oversized shirt with black jeans and, her signature black combat boots. Beautiful disaster. She stopped infront of me looking at me as if she was studying me.

"You look good." She suddenly said with a very cool face which caught me off guard. Yeah, I don't get compliments very often.

"Uh- thanks. You too." I said unsure of what to say.

"Let go instead." She said turning towards the door of the cafe.

"Wait, we came here to find a job, not for a date." I said hurriedly. She turned and gave me 'are-you-serious' look.

"Seriously? Date? With you ? I'd rather die." She said in a bored tone. "We are here to get you a job?"

"A job here? Aren't people crazy about this place? Is it really this easy to get a job here?" I asked with a little too much hope. Because the place was famous so the salary will be good.

"It's not easy to get a job here but I once helped the owner, I owe him. So we'll see if I owe him enough to get you a job here." She said already walking though the door. So I followed behind her.

As soon as I entered the cafe, the smell of coffee blended with rose and honey welcomed me. Looking around the cafe, I must say the craze is understandable. The walls were painted in black, brige and crimson colour, the furnitures are made of wood and painted in black with a touch of red for details. It was like walking stright into a vampire's party. It was so beautiful.

While admiring the beauty of the cafe I forgot, I was here for a job which was why Avni was waiting for me on the counter. As I walked their she turned towards a room which I suppose was the kitchen, due to the smell of food. She walked inside and talked to a man, and then called me.

"Hye kid, I'm Aston. I'm the owner of this cafe." A man in his mid forties greeted me and held his hand out for me.

"I'm Leo. Your cafe is very beautiful." I took his hand and shake it.

"I heard that you are looking for a job?" He asked.

"Yes sir, I am." I replied.

"So would you like to work here, as a waiter?" He asked raising a brow at my direction.

"I'll be glad to work here." I said with a smile. It was easier than I thought but then again Avni helped me.

"Okay then, your shift will start from 5 o'clock in the evening till 8. And you can start coming from next Monday. And talk to the cashier about your salary." He explained and then left the room with a nod.

After talking to the cashier about everything, I was far more than happy, the salary is good the timeing is good and the owner is go.. no he is bearable. As soon as we left the cafe.

"Thank you. Thank you so much, Avni." I said gratefully.

"No problem but now I own you one, don't forget that." She said in her monotone voice but I can bet it had a bit of happiness. And with that she left. And I started walking back to my house.


While changing my clothes I found a piece of paper in the pocket of my jeans. It was a note.

Hye Leo,
We know you are going through a lot these days so we thought, we should help you. We hope we will hear from you soon.

Contact us: xxx xxxx xxx

What is this! I'm sure it wasn't here while I was going out. I searched for anything else but nothing was there other than this note. I guess this is some kind of prank. Throwing the note, I left for the hospital.


Good night guys, it's 3:52 a.m. I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Do vote and comment your views 😊.
Bye bye🤎 Love you all✨ (longest fucking chapter and without any cuss)

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