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Jimin did as she promised to the younger woman. She brought Minjeong's older sister the next day to meet her, probably stay with her for a while. Jimin had some drama shooting to do outside Seoul, and Minjeong had no one to look after her except her sister.

After serving Taeyeon a cup of tea and an apologetic smile at the living room, Jimin excused herself to the bedroom to meet Minjeong, who was still asleep from a fever.

"Minjeong, I need to go to work", Minjeong shakes the body of the younger woman lightly, fixing her hair into place.

A soft humm escaped from Minjeong as she turned her head towards Jimin. With a small smile, Jimin gave a light tap on Minjeong's arm and repeated her words. "I need to go to work, Minjeong".

Hearing the words much clearer this time, Minjeong eyes slightly widen in shock and goes trembling in horror. She held Jimin by her wrist tightly, "Don't", she begged. "I'm scared without you".

Jimin couldn't help but feel pity for Minjeong. Her captor made her like this. Her captor made her live in fear. This is all because of him.

"Minjeong...", Jimin said softly as she kneeled beside the bed as her eyes gazed warmly into Minjeong's for assurance. "We are in the safe house, remember? He won't hurt you here", Jimin put her other hand on Minjeong's hand.

"B-But-- I'm alone. I'm terrified, Jimin. P-Please-- can't you stay?", Minjeong begged again as her eyes started to get teary.

Shit. Jimin cursed inside her brain. Minjeong almost got her.

"I got a surprise for you", Jimin nods before she slowly frees her hands away from Minjeong's. Panic, Minjeong tried to reach back, but the older woman was faster.

"Yu Jimin!", she shouted from the bed, a tear already escaped from her eyes.

"Don't cry, I'm just at the living room!", Jimin shouted back as she brought her surprise with her to the bedroom.

Minjeong heart beats fast because of the loss, but it soom exchanged with a greater relief and thankfulness as soon as Minjeong saw Jimin came back into the bedroom with another person behind her.


The two siblings were looking into each other. Both couldn't hide how grateful they were to see each other. Happiness mixed with worried, Taeyeon ran straight towards her younger sister, hugging her tightly like never before.

"Thank you for being alive, kid", Taeyeon sobs got heavier, and Minjeong does too.






the healing process






The scene that Jimin to act today is a bit tough. Why not? She used to act in action drama, which is her speciality since she is a spy. But then, this happened.

"When Jeno pulled you by your neck, please don't tremble when he got close. If you are, then when will you guys kiss?", the director said as the actor and actress had their rest under the canopy.

A romance drama was never the apple of Jimin's eye. She is so suck at being romantic since forever, and she always got complained a lot by Aeri. Plus, Jimin wasn't into man that it would make this even harder for her to act out.

"I understand. I'll try", Jimin sigh with her tiny smile. Why is acting love scene is so hard? Digging information is much easier than acting on this kind of scene.

After a few more shoots and slates, finally, her job for today is done. Jimin literally count how much they kissed that day. Six times, and she can't help but feel a bit disgust with herself.

When she wanted to take her leave, the male actor stopped her actions by grabbing her gently by her arm as Jimin turned around.

"Jimin, would you like to have dinner with me?", Jeno asked, but Jimin immediately shook her head politely. "I got someone waiting for me back at home".

"Who? Your parents? Or your boyfriend?", he asked in hesitation. Jimin sneered before she answered, "it's a friend, and she needs me home as soon as I can", Jimin nods to confirm.

When Jeno slowly let go of Jimin's arm, Jimin flashed her tiny smile as her thanks before she walked away. She could hear how Jeno shouted from afar, "Let's have a dinner other time!".

Jimin keep walking as she lifted up her hand cooly, saying goodbye to him.

Well, maybe never. She is not interested.


Jimin entered the passcode to the door before entering the safe house with her light sigh as she called, "Minjeong! I'm home!".

She got no answer at first as Jimin closed the door shut. But when Jimin put her shoes on the shoe rack, she could hear the footsteps of someone running before hugging her tightly from behind.

Jimin thought it was just a cute gesture from Minjeong to welcome her, but she got it so wrong when she turned around to see that horrified expression on Minjeong's face.

Jimin immediately turns her full attention to the younger woman, squeezing both of her shoulders. "Why? What's wrong?", Jimin asked in worry.

"Where is Taeyeon?"

Minjeong keep crying instead of answering, suddenly releasing the hug before cupping both her ears aggressively to block any single sound to come in and hit her eardrums. Her eyes squinted in pain, and looking at her make Jimin's heart ache.

"Minjeong, tell me, what's wrong?"

Minjeong keep shaking her head, groaning painfully before she pointed out to the veranda at by the living room. Soon after, Minjeong immediately crouch down in heavy breathing.

Jimin couldn't understand but ended up running to the veranda to see what's going on. She could only see some plumber fixing the main pipes down there, and the noise wasn't that disturbing to Jimin.

When Jimin turns back to Minjeong, the younger woman is still in the same state. Crying, shutting her eyes, crouching, and cupping her ears shut.

Jimin slowly walk towards the woman, hands on her shoulder and on her head, caressing them gently. "Did you hate that sound?", Jimin asks with her tender voice, and Minjeong nods almost immediately.

"Why?", Jimin keeps asking in her soft voice.

"The m-metals! They-- They wanted to c-chain me again!", Minjeong voice is a bit frantic, but gladly, Jimin understands immediately.

"Oh no. No-no. No, Minjeong. No one will ever chain you again. They are plumbers, fixing the pipe", Jimin explained as she pulled Minjeong deeper into her embrace. "If someone ever chain you again, I'll fucking kill them, Minjeong. I swear".

Minjeong head buzzed despite the assurance. The pictures of her got chained by her captor and beaten up to death keep repeating inside her blurry vision.

But, at this moment, Jimin won't leave her. Never.

"It's okay. I'm here", and Jimin keel calming Minjeong down for what it feels like almost an hour, in front of the main door.

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