Personal for Blessing

Start from the beginning

Her cheeks were glistening with tears as she leaned up, bringing our lips together. And for that moment, I forgot about everything else. My body was filled with love as I remembered that I was finally back home and with my girl for the first time in far too long.

"I missed you, Haz." She murmured against my lips as she leaned down and grabbed one of my suitcases, wheeling it into our bedroom.

"I missed you more." I spoke with a huge smile on my face as I followed my girlfriend into the room. She had the suitcase on the bed, opened and was already gathering up my dirty clothes to wash.

"Babe, you don't have to do that right now." My arms came around her from behind and I brought her into me as she hugged my dirty clothes to her chest. Sighing, I nuzzled my face into her hair, taking in her scent as so many questions filled my mind.

"Has everything been alright while I was gone, baby?" Turning around, she set my clothes down before placing her arms around my waist, trying to muster up the biggest smile she could.

"Of course, I've just missed you." There were so many things that were different with her in that moment - the purple circles under her eyes were as heavy as the weight on my heart, her complexion was pale and she seemed so fragile. Her eyes didn't have that twinkle I loved.

"babe" I said sternly, her eyes widening as she realized I was catching on to her lie. We've been together for so long, I can always tell when something is wrong. And right now, something was definitely off. She just simply shrugged before turning back to my laundry,

"I've been a little stressed with college and stuff, but nothing to worry about, okay?" Her voice was so calm and casual, it almost felt like a slap in the face to me. Why won't she just tell me what is going on?

We Skyped, FaceTimed, texted, talked and did everything in between the entire time I was gone - I had never noticed the change in her and she never brought it up either

With her back to me, I reached for the hem of her shirt and raised it up - exposing her back. Her bones weren't protruding out, but they were significantly more defined than ever more. I knew Blessing's body like the back of my hand and this wasn't normal.

"Harry!" She snapped at me, taking two huge steps away from me so her back was to the wall, clutching one of my black shirts. That was another sign, she normally didn't panic or worry when I tried to take her clothes off and now she was on edge around me, knowing I knew something was wrong.

"baby, what is going on? Don't act like I can't see it, babe." I spoke softly, trying to keep my wave of emotions directed anywhere else, but her. I could be angry at the situation, but I couldn't be angry at her.

She stared at me with big eyes before her face fell towards the floor and violent cries began to leave her shaking body.

"I've just been really stressed, Harry." She choked out, sliding down to the floor, cradling her legs against her chest as she wept. I was next to her in an instant, my arms around her as I tried to calm her down.

"Tell me, baby. Please. Tell me everything." I whispered into her ear as we huddled in the corner of our bedroom. Her face was still buried in her hands, refusing to look at me no matter how hard I tried.

"I hate it when you're gone. I don't like telling you that because I know it makes you sad, but it's true. I don't like it when you aren't here - I get sad and lonely and I spend each and every day worrying about you."

With those words, I could feel myself starting to get choked up as I fought with her to be closer to me. She finally succumbed and buried her face into my shoulder as I held onto her as tight as I could, afraid that she was going to evaporate into the air.

"Are you sure it's not what we argued about before I left? Because if it is baby you know I never meant any of that and was just talking a load of shit to act big to the boys which was bloody stupid, you are perfect to me no matter what, if you blow up to the size of a hot air balloon I will still love you, even if you shrink down to the size of my phone I would carry you round in my pocket to make sure I was never without you baby" I confessed

"I am so sorry, Blessing. I should have been there for you and flown home more to be with you. I-" She looked up at me finally, silencing me with her sad eyes as she shook her head violently at me.

"Don't blame yourself, Harry. Please, things have just been really stressful lately and they have been bottled up inside for too long."

I took her face into my hands and placed a long, passionate kiss onto her lips before bringing her into me once more.

"I need you to tell me when things are like this. It hurts more coming home and seeing you like this then you just being honest with me when I am gone, alright? You know I can't always take you with me even though I wish I could." I mumbled into her shoulder as her tears began to quiet down. I could feel her head nodding in response, agreeing with what I was saying.

"I need you healthy, babe. You can't be like this, alright?"

"I know. It just all happened without me realizing it. I am just happy you are home." She whispered, clutching onto me for dear life.

So many things were running through my head and I didn't know what to do? Was this just a one time thing? Did she need to talk to someone? I didn't know what to do in this situation.

"Are you going to-" I began to question, quickly being cut off with her relieving words.

"I am going to make a call to that place down the street and see about talking to someone about everything. I have just kept so much bottled up for too long. The stress is causing me to not want to sleep or eat and I know it's not okay." Lifting her head from my shoulder, she wiped her tears, trying her best to smile.

"I am always here. I want you to talk to me when something like this is going on." I moved to stand up off of the floor, but she quickly grabbed my hand.

"Can we just sit like this for a few minutes? I really missed you." Nodding my head at her small words, I placed her on my lap with my back against the wall and held her close to me.

"Do I need to be worried Blessing?" I sure as hell felt worried. While she was still herself, mostly, on the inside, she was completely someone new on the outside. I watched as she fiddled with her fingers in her lap before looking up at me with honest eyes,

"Ask me that question in a few days, after I've started talking to someone."

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