a guide to ABO

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Note: Every author writes a different type of abo, my version might not be same as the other author and their might not be same as mine.

I'm making this so there's no confusion :)

ABO:   Alpha, Beta, Omega


Dominant alpha


Recessive Alpha


Dominant omega


Recessive Omega

The concept of mates and pheromones;

-they can identify their mates at the age of 19

-if they mark someone before they find their mate, the mate bond that was originally there gets broken

-there is a chance of rejecting your original mate, but it follows through immense pain and discomfort for 1 year. Then later,  they are free to choose their own mate.

-Betas cannot smell pheromones except if their mate is an alpha or Omega

-Recessive alphas and omegas don't have strong pheromones, their scent is faint but still present, except for few exceptions.

-Dominant alphas and omegas have strong pheromones

-Betas dont have pheromones

-Alphas and omegas are mostly Recessive through genes. Recessive nature occurs due to several factors, genes most of the time plays a role, sometimes doesn't.

-It is highly suggested for a Dominant alpha and dominant omega to choose their fated mates, as it is proven to be more beneficial

The concept of heat/rut:

-Dominant omegas go through heats 6 times a year

-Omegas go through heats 3 times a year

-Recessive omegas go through heat 1 time a year

-Dominant alphas go through rut 2 times a year

-Alphas go through rut 1 time a year

-Recessive Alphas go through rut 1 time a year

-Each heat lasts upto 3 days - 2 weeks

-Rut lasts upto  3weeks -1 month

-Betas do not have heat or rut

-Induced heats and ruts are prohibited unless for medical reasons

The concept of scent blockers and inhibitors

-Alphas and omegas are required to wear scent blockers

-Scent blockers do not block the scent 100 percent, only 85 percent is blocked

-Using your pheromones against someone is illegal

-Omegas are suggested to stay at home during their heats

-Inhibitors are only available for omegas

-Since there are no inhibitors for alphas, they are strictly prohibited to appear in public places during their rut for public and self safety


-there is no concept of packs/pack houses

-everyone is free to choose their own mate but it is suggested to choose their fated mate.


Note -

-these are the only things I can think about for the time being, I hope u can understand the concept <3

-this book will be officially starting in few days

-updates will be once a week

-each chapter will have a 2k-4k word count

Thank you for reading :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 08, 2023 ⏰

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