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TW: Mentions of suicide.

Y/N's POV:

I had been dealing with my inner turmoil since my teenage years. The lack of affirmations, strength and finding the right direction had weighed upon me.

Everyone around me reflected my inability to deal with life. It was a sea of sadness, loneliness and desperation.

One day, i was walking around the city when i suddenly stopped in front of an abandoned building.

I knew deep down that i couldn't bear the weight of life's disappointments any further and i am going to end it all.

Just as I was about to take the fateful step forward, someone called out my name.

It was Haerin.

I turned around to see Haerin, a person i had saved from suicide just a few months ago.

Haerin's POV:

I had never forgotten Y/n and the deep bond of friendship that had formed between us. We had kept in touch since then.

Feeling grateful for the second chance at life, I had immediately tracked Y/N down after learning of his current situation.

"What are you doing here Y/N?" I asked, full of emotion.

Y/N was speechless, too overwhelmed to answer. I hugged him very tight and started to cry.

"Y/N, it's not your time yet. There's still so many things to be done, so many people who love you, and a future that you will make for yourself. We can do it together. Please don't give up," i said, as i wiped the tears from Y/N's face.

Y/N looked at me and could see how much he had changed since we first met.

Y/N's POV:

I could feel the warmth and care radiating from Haerin. It was the same warmth and care that had saved me from the brink of suicide once again.

I smiled and hugged Haerin back, realizing that i wasn't alone.

With Haerin's help, i gained the strength to fight the despair and i knew in my heart that i were strong enough to face and overcome anything life throws at me.

Haerin and i left the abandoned building together, our strong and deep friendship having saved each other from despair and suicide.

We both knew that life was filled with joy and sorrow and we thanked each other for being there when we needed each other the most.

From that day on, Haerin and i became even closer. Haerin reminded me of the beauty of life and the importance of cherishing the little moments and gifts that life gives.

With Haerin by my side, i faced every obstacle with courage and perseverance.

Third Person's POV:

Years later, The two fell in love with each other, and from that day on, they made a promise to always support each other and never part.

They faced tough times ahead, but with each other's support, they eventually found the strength to overcome any hurdle that life threw at them.

In the end, Y/n and Haerin ended up tying the knot and living happily ever after.

All the time they had spent in the abandoned building was now a distant memory, as they both faced their lives together with joy and optimism.

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