Chap 20: Dark fairy tale

Start from the beginning

"Was that low budget.. Mila Kunis or..", he trails and we chuckle.

"Just some annoying people", I say just as Callie walks up to us.

"Hey", she chirps.

"Hi", we both say simultaneously.

"Glad I met you today", she says and I'm reminded of my little panic attack yesterday which caused me the rest of the afternoon at school.

"Sorry about that", I say sheepishly.

"No worries, why'd you leave so early?", She asks.

"Um.. I wasn't feeling too good", I say and she nods.

"Oh, hope you're okay?", She asks and I nod. "I would've totally called but you know I don't have your number".

"Oh yeah.. about that..", I trail wanting to mentally prepare her for what's coming next.

"What?", She asks raising a brow.

"Your dad already gave it to me this morning", I tell her and her eyes widen making a quick glance at Hernandez before flying back to my face.

"Why in the world would be do that? Ugh!", She yells and Hernandez and I both share a look.

"Aren't you glad you have the number now?", He asks her as she visibly takes a deep breath.

"Yeah but..", she trails with a sigh, "I should go home I have alot of work to do. Catch you later", she says almost sounding tired.

We wave her off and watch as she exits the school building.

"Well she's stressing over something", Hernan says and I sigh.

"Her dad just needs to let her do things on her own", I say then look up at Hernan, "c'mon".

We walk out of school and the first thing I see after the sun is Noah standing right down the steps like he's been waiting for me all day. I sigh, oh boy.

We walk down to him. "Hey", he says softly but the quick glance he gives Hernandez makes me question the softness in his voice.

"I've been waiting for you, let's go home", he says and I look over at Hernandez.

"It's your call Ginger", he says with a smile and I chuckle.

"Ginger?", I ask smiling.

"It's something that describes how pretty you are, remember?", He asks and my mind goes back to last night. His compliments were so heart felt I almost cried.

"Yeah", I say grinning from ear to ear.

"So, tutoring tomorrow?", He asks and I nod. "I'll call you", he says and I nod again then watch him walk away and it's like I suddenly remember Noah standing beside me.

"Yeah I'm still here, ginger", he says with an eye roll and I shrug not knowing what else to do. "Since when does he have nicknames for you?".

"Um yesterday I think", I say although I don't think.. I know.

"Whatever", he says pushing the topic away, "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the chocolates. It wasn't my intention for any of that to happen and it's okay, I made sure Mike ate his words", he says and I blink.

"You beat him up again?", I ask.

"Would you be mad if I said yes?", He asks and I scoff.

"Of course",

"Then no",

"Noah!", I exclaim and he shrugs.

"Look I'm not going to stand there while you get bullied.. not anymore", he says and I look away folding my arms around my chest.

"But you watched Loren and did nothing-", I say and he cuts me off.

"I said not anymore", his voice loud and clear. Albeit people walking by could hear him. "I'm sorry", he slowly says reaching for my hand but I withdraw.

"Don't", I say.

"What?", He asks.

"I can't. Don't start cutting her off because I can't deal with her when she knows I'm the cause of it", I say. If Loren finds out I'm the reason whatever relationship she and Noah have is falling apart, she's going to make my life miserable. I'm sure she's gonna be on my tail till we graduate because of the little show I pulled at the cafeteria today. I don't need more hate from her.

"I'll make sure she doesn't-", I stop him.

"You're not Superman Noah. You can't fly to my rescue everytime Loren's lid or someone else's is exploding. This isn't some DC or Marvel comic. Hell even Clark couldn't save everyone", I say and he sighs.

"But it's just you I want to save. It can't be that hard", he says reaching for my hand again and this time I let him take it. "Whether you believe it or not princess, you mean alot to me..", he trails scrunching his brows.

"And princess is way better than ginger, what are you? A cat?", he says and with that he takes me to his car. Noah helps me get in before turning around to get in as well.

I put my bag behind before putting my seatbelt on. He puts his seatbelt on too and then starts the car. He drives out of school and instead of taking the right bend he takes the left. I look over to him.

"Is there a short cut or..?", I ask.

"Nah we're not going home yet", he says swerving pass cars. Since he took the left bend he's driving on the wrong lane so he has a lot of swerving to do. 

"We're gonna get pulled over", I panic and he chuckles. Is there anything funny going on here? Why the hell is he laughing?.

"Relax princess you're prince is here", he says and if I wasn't panicking I'd use the entire day to fawn over what he just said.

Noah finally reaches the U turn and drives into the right lane. Phew, I thought we were going to crash or get pulled over.

"So where are we going?", I ask.

"Somewhere", he simply says and I sigh knowing he's not going to tell me where exactly we're going.

I look out the window, unconsciously counting all the buildings we pass. Soon I start counting by colours. One blue, two yellow, one pink... I stare longingly at the pink building. Who just carries pink paint for a grocery store, a nail salon would have been ok. The buildings start to disappear and the color green is so prominent. Trees, tress and more tress.

The car rolls to a stop and I turn to Noah. I'm about to ask what we're doing here when he takes off his seatbelt, gets down from the car and turns around to get the door for me.

I'm speechless as he helps me get down. "Thanks", I say walking further into the forest looking place.

"I knew it", I say looking at him and he raises a brow, "You brought me here to kill me didn't you", I say half jokingly.

"Now slow down princess.. What kind of fairy tale would it be if I killed you?", He asks and I shrug.

"A dark fairy tale.. I mean, it's already dark as it is", I say regarding to everything that's happened today.

"Nah.. I mean if something were to happen to Loren then- ", I interrupt.

"Noah!", I exclaim giving him a look. He shrugs carelessly.

"Just saying", he says and I sigh.

"So why'd you really bring me here?'', I ask him and he sighs.

"I just.. I know you're still mad", he says.

"I'm not. It's just.. why would you give me all that chocolate? Don't you care that I'm fat already?", I ask and his face falters. Noah knows those chocolates are my biggest cravings and one of my key weight gainers. That's all I ate when my dad left, those chocolates are like curses but blessings at the same time.

"I don't. I don't care, I only care about what you think about yourself but if it bothers you then I'll do anything to help fix that", he says then takes a step closer.

"Know how to swim?".

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