Beth's ACL

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Viv's pov:
One second I'm watching Beth compete for the ball against United's defender Hannah Blundell, the next she is on the floor screaming in pain. I feel my heart sink as she continues to stay down- this unlike Beth she would be up by now. I have to fight to not rush over and make a fuss as it would destroy the both of us. As the medics rush over to my girlfriends side, I feel a hand on my shoulder. "She'll be alright whatever happens she'll get through it" I turn my head to face Lotte who has a sympathetic smile on her face. I nod my head without saying a word, my eyes fixed on Beth hobbling off. She looks to be in so much discomfort. I hate this.

The last minutes of the game were awful, my passes were sloppy, my runs were delayed, my tackles were half hearted. Nothing was going well. Beth's scream was replaying over and over in my head. A sigh of relief left my body as the final whistle blew, after our team talk I decided not to do a lap to thank our fans instead, I raced straight to the medical room briefly smiling at some staff members before knocking on the door.

Once I opened the door, I was greeted with a heart aching sight. Beth was lying on the medical table, her hair was messy, her eyes were puffy and blood shot from crying and she had ice and a knee brace on her right knee, which in all honesty surprised me because I thought it was her ankle.

"Hey love, how you doing?" I ask my girlfriend whilst stroking her hand which was now interlocked with mine. "Been better" Beth's voice says croaking, a fake smile drawn across her face to hide her pain.I notice a chair with no one on and sit down next to the table and continue to hold her hand."I love you Beth Mead, no matter what happened out there I will be with you every step of the way I promise" I say honestly. Beth now had more tears strolling down her cheeks I wipe them  away gently. "I know what I've done, my ACL...I just know" Beth starts sobbing into my chest. "If that's what it is then we will get through it, you are the strongest girl I know" I reassure my devastated girl.

After five more minutes of tears, we decide to go back to the changing rooms. "You ready?" I ask grabbing her crutches. Beth just nods in response. "Hey Meado, how are you mate?" Jen asks all of sudden half the girls are over and fussing over Beth which I know is overwhelming her as she looks over to find me. I go to say something but Kim gets there before me, "give the poor girl some space!" Kim tells her teammates (children) and looks back at Beth who thanks her.

The bus journey back was quiet, very quiet. Beth who was obviously exhausted fell asleep on my shoulder after only five minutes. The rest of the girls were also incredibly quiet, all listening to music or just like Beth asleep. The loss must of hit them hard.

Three days later, me and Beth are eating breakfast when she gets a call. "It's the medics", Beth states now dreading this call, "put it on speaker baby" Beth follows these instructions and answers the call. "Hey Beth have you got a minute?" The doctor asks, "yeah" beth responds squeezing my hand with her shaking one. "I'm sorry but it's not good news, it's your acl" the doctor responds clearly not enjoying this conversation either. I wrapped my arms around Beth and whispered sweet nothings into her ear. "I'll will send you over the details of the surgery before you will then start rehab, once again I am so sorry Beth", he finished, Beth thanked him before resting her head on my shoulder.

"I don't know why I'm so upset, I knew what it was,"Beth cried her eyes were bluer than ever. "It's okay to be upset darling, this is going to difficult but I believe in you," I cooed stroking her hand with my thumb. "I love you Vivi"my girlfriend smiled eyes still silently streaming. "I love you more and I will be right behind you every step", I kissed her gently on the forehead.

What I said was true I really was right behind her every step because three weeks later I also ruptured my ACL. You couldn't write it could you? The two stars of arsenal and partners both stuck with two good acls between them!

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