Wrong number Miedema

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Beth's pov:
As the sun glares onto my face my eyes flutter open,I turn to face the bedside table and switch on my phone. My phone reads 8:33. "Shit" I think. Our alarm went off half an hour ago, looking over at my girlfriend still fast asleep I quickly get ready.

"Viv!", I whisper quite loudly. She groans, I call her name again. Rolling over she finally opens her eyes. "Morning lieverd", she groans her mix of accents coming through. Viv leans up reaching for cuddles I gently pull her up. "Viv you know i want to give you hugs but..." I check my phone "40 minutes until we have to leave so get up and get ready" I say, slightly pushing her to get ready. "Ugh I'm so tired though" she croaks smiling as she knows she winding me up.

Finally we were ready to leave, "have you got everything baby?" I ask her before opening the door, "yeahhh" Viv replies. We then leave the house with everything we needed. All except for Viv's coat with number 11 written on it.

Reaching a red light I turn to my partner, "Viv are you sure you have everything?", I ask staring into her eyes then turning back to the rear view mirror concentrating on the road.
"Yes mum" she says sarcastically, god I love her sense of humour, so dry and sarcastic, some hate it but I am quite the opposite. "I bet you've left something at home!" I laugh, Viv laughs back claiming I have no faith in her and that's true when it comes to this stuff.

Viv's Pov:
Still half asleep I go to the changing rooms where i go to put my boots and shin pads on. Then realising it was to cold for me  to wear just my shorts and shirt (I'm not Katie McCabe I am fair from immune to the cold), I can't find it in my bag. Despite the fact I do not want Beth to know she was in fact right, I go other to my blonde haired girlfriend.

"Beth?", I say in a sort of sing song tone . "Yes Vivi",the blonde women asks smiling at me. "Before I say this I don't want this to get to your head, but you were right I did forget something" causing a cheesy grin to appear on her face. "Knew you would!" Beth laughs "what did you forget babe?" "My jacket" I mumble smiling at her adorable face. "Borrow mine" she gives me her jacket with number I thank her and we head out to training.

"Number nine? That's the wrong number Miedema", a strong Irish accent smirks at me. "Very funny Katie," I roll my eyes at her. "It suits you", my girlfriend whispers into my ear.

When we are all at down having lunch, Jen looks at me. "Viv how tall are you?" "5 ft 9" I say confused expression, "Beth how tall are you" the Scot asks.
"5 ft 4" Beth replies also very confused.
"Right... so had did Beffy's jacket fit you?" She laughs. " it was a bit tight" I smile looking at my girlfriend who has now got a red face. I wrap my arm round her waist, "I liked it baby", I whisper to calm her embarrassment.

Beth's Pov:
I'm lying on our sofa with Viv's head on my chest. We're both looking at my phone as I scroll through instagram, Arsenal have posted some photos of our training session - including Viv in my jacket. I look at the comments they are all going crazy over a jacket.
I let out a small laugh, "what is it baby?" Viv ask, "who knew people would go so crazy over a jacket!" I say still laughing. "They are obsessed with us", Viv smiles kissing me on the cheek. "And so am I" I kiss her back.

"I love you Beth" my girlfriend whispers. "I love you more Vivi", I say kissing her gently on the lips.

Sorry I didn't manage to get it up yesterday my Wattpad was being annoying. Anyway hope you enjoyed it. Please give me ideas because I'm going through a slight writers block!

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