Painful night

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Viv's pov:
3:31 am. I lie wide awake waiting for the minutes to pass.It's that time of month once again, my head is pounding, my stomach feel like knives are repeatedly stabbing me, all whilst Beth is fast asleep. Grabbing my legs in agony I spend ten minutes readjusting my legs trying to ease the pain, it's not helping if anything it makes it worse.

My movements must of woken up Beth as she turns to face me and her eyes fluttered open. "What's wrong darling, do you feel ok?",Beth whispers still not fully awake, "I'm okay, go back to sleep" I say not convincing either of us. I groan due to the immense pain I was feeling. Beth strokes my hair lightly pulling me onto her chest, "Seriously Vivi what's wrong", she asks concerned. "It's my period, my stomach hurts so much and my head is throbbing, sorry for waking you up" I say, Beth kisses my forehead gently. "Aw baby, I'm sorry, let me fill you up a hot water bottle and grab you some tablets" Beth suggests gently lifting me off her chest. "Be quick I'm cold", I whine before letting out another wince of pain.

Beth's Pov:
I think this may be one of Viv's worst periods she has ever had, she is never normally in this much pain. Once I filled up the hot water bottle and a glass of water for my girlfriends headache, I hear out bathroom door slam shut. I think nothing of it that door is pretty stiff and she probably just shut it to hard.

However, when I re-enter our bedroom I hear retching noises coming from the bathroom. I quickly place the stuff I was carrying on my bedside table and open the door (which luckily was unlocked). "Hey it's okay gorgeous" I coo rubbing her back whilst using one hand to hold her hair up. The pain must be awful for her to be throwing up especially so early on in the week. "Let it out Viv" I continue to reassure her. She is sick for another 5 minutes before she finally finishes, she rests her body on the bath tub tears escape her eyes silently. "Come here baby" I say sympathetically gesturing her to lean on me. "It hurts so bad Beth" Viv croaks in my arms. "I know darling, I know let's get you sorted and then we can just spend the rest of the day in bed together if you want, I made you a hot water bottle" I tell her stroking her hand with my thumb. "I'm so glad we have the day off tomorrow this is one painful night" Viv sighed, "more like today" Viv rolled her eyes. "Get yourself sorted, you know where everything is" I say pointing at the sanitary draw and leaving the bathroom.

Viv's pov:
I climb into bed next to Beth who is already tucked in waiting for me, Beth places a hot water bottle onto my stomach to ease the pain. "Take these mijn meisje", Beth says handing me some tablets and water, I thank my girlfriend and rest my head on her chest once again. "You look shattered darling, shall we go back to bed?" I ask an incredibly tired Beth, I mean I am all to blame for her sleepiness. "Yeah do you still feel sick or do you think sleep will help, do you need me to get you any thing else to help-" my girlfriend rambled on obviously concerned about me. "I just want to cuddle and sleep with you" I cut her off nuzzling my head into her neck.

"Thank you for helping me tonight" I whisper. "Thank me at the ending of this week darling" she jokes before yawning. "Go to sleep" I laugh listing to her pulse from her neck.

"I love you Vivi" she says pressing  a soft kiss on my forehead.
"I love you more" I say kissing her neck.

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