Personal for Mélissa

Start from the beginning

"Yes? Who is this?" you nervously asked

"It's Liam, did you not recognise my voice?"

"Oh um no sorry" you chuckled

"How did you get my number?" you added

"I got it from Harry's phone but he doesn't know I got it and he also doesn't know I'm ringing you" you could practically hear Liam rolling his eyes through the phone

"I just wanted to ask if you were going to the Sony event today?" he added

"Yes why?"

"Oh god, I was hoping you weren't going to say that" you could hear him sighing on the other end of the line

"Liam who are you on the phone to?" you heard that voice in the background, the voice that sent chills down your spine everytime you heard it

"Just Sophia mate" he answered Harry "Gotta go babe" was the last words you heard before the line went dead

What could he mean that's what he was afraid of?

*At your event*

"Please welcome Melissa to the stage" the DJ introduced through the microphone and the audience screamed

You walked onto the stage and placed your microphone on the stand which had been placed in the middle for you

"How's everyone doing today?" you asked to the roaring crowd before you to receive a reply of screams, you scanned the crowd and admired the support you were given from your fans before your gaze met one of those who you hoped you never would

"Liam?" you whispered to yourself, he smiled back at you and gave you a wink in reassurance, you continued to scan the crowd to see if the rest of them were there or just him as you were hoping

You felt your body seize up


There he was, all cuddled up to a short blonde girl as they headed towards Liam and Sophia, you could see in Liam's face he was concerned for you

"Who hates boys?!" you unexpectedly said into the microphone causing Harry to snap his head towards you as the crowd screamed in reply

"Yeah that's right girls! We don't need stupid boys in our lives, especially the ones who will just abandon you when you need them the most" you could feel yourself staring at Harry who was trying not to react

"This is my next single 'Next Chapter' and it's based on the next chapter on my life which will be difficult to face on my own but a chapter which I am very much looking forward to, I hope you like it" you naturally placed your hand on your growing bump but quickly removing it once realised what you had done

By the look on Harrys face, he had noticed it before you removed the gesture

You sung your song to the crowd but couldn't help but focus on Harry who now had a clear look of panic and shock plastered on his face throughout your set

"Mélissa that was amazing!" you heard Sophia yell from outside your dressing room before she appeared in the door way

"Sophia!" you exclaimed before you ran to each other for a tight embrace

"Hey what about me?!" Liam pouted

"C'mere you!" Liam smiled before pulling you into a loving hug

"So what did you think?" you nervously questioned

"It was so good Mélissa, your fans went mental" Sophia laughed

"I know I defiantly weren't expecting it" you chuckled

"So, who's the blonde?" You asked the question everyone was expecting you to ask

"Some girl he met in a bar a couple of days ago, she's a right sl-"

"Liam, careful" Sophia cut him off as Harry and the blonde in question walked down the corridor

"Mélissa I've heard so much about you! That song was so good I really enjoyed it! And I must say I love your outfit!" the blonde exclaimed as they approached your dressing room door

"Thanks" you gave a polite smile

"I think Simon wants to see us so we best be going" Liam spoke to cut the tension and silence which had filled the air

"It was great meeting you Mélissa!" the blonde happily yelled to which you replied with another false smile

"We will have to organise a day out soon" Sophia smiled as she pulled you into a hug

"Yeah defiantly" you smiled into the hug

"Take care you" Liam whispered whilst also giving you a hug

"You's go ahead I'm just going to run to the toilet" Harry gave the blonde a kiss on the cheek before walking the opposite way

You returned back to your dressing room and sat down to start removing your make up before you heard a knock on the door



"Mélissa I need to talk to you, urgently" he excused himself past you and sat down on the sofa behind you

"Sure you can come in that's fine please just make yourself comfortable" you sarcastically said

"Alright enough of that, is that baby mine?" he questioned


"What makes you think I'm pregnant, I could just have gained some weight for all you know" you sharply replied to cover your panic

"Cut that crap Mélissa, is it mine?" he moved closer to you and leaned on the table you were sitting at

You nodded

"Why didn't you tell me?!" his sudden look of worry and anger changed to sympathy and love

"Maybe if you answered your phone one of the hundred or so times I rung you you would bloody know Harry! But you told me to leave you alone because you had moved on so that's what I did, I was just going by your orders" you couldn't even face him

"Mélissa look at me"

"Mélissa" he crouched to your level so you were eye level

"Why didn't you tell me before I left? I would've stayed, I would've helped" he whispered

"Too little too late Harry"

"don't say that babe" he placed his hands on your, your heart warmed at the gesture

"Well what do you expect me to do?" You looked into his eyes to be met with eyes filled with hurt and sadness

"Take me back, please Mélissa"

"Woah Harry" you got up from your seat and walked to the other side of the room

"Baby just hear me out, I know I've been a jerk and I don't blame you if you never want to see me again and I will completely understand if that's what you want to do but I know deep down in your heart that that's not what you want, I know I don't deserve you to take me back after all of this I've put you through but please baby, I want to be part of this baby's life as much as you and I want to be there for you to be the amazing boyfriend you know I can be to take care of you throughout this. I love you Mélissa, I always have and I always will, there wasn't a second I didn't think about you from the moment I walked out when I clearly wasn't thinking straight and focusing on my priorities which is you and only you" he poured his heart out and you couldn't help but see Harry becoming the person you had always wanted him to be, the caring and sweet boyfriend you had loved and missed

"You promise this is the real thing? No more arguing, no more blonde girls you picked up at a bar and for us to become a proper family?" You questioned while playing with some curls which laid on his shoulder

"I promise baby"


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