Let the Journey Begin

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Kris's P.O.V

It was such a relief to see Toriel alive and well

'With everything that's happened I'm so glad that she was able to come back, just sucks that everyone's suffered from what happened.'

Toriel:" Child! Had just fallen down? Are you alright?"

She asked me ask she had looked around me to see if I was injured

"Don't worry about me, I'm just fine. If it wasn't for the flowers that I landed on, I most likely would've been injured"

I assured her that I was fine in an attempt to calm her down, luckily that worked as she did calm down and gave me a warm and gentle smile

Toriel:" That's wonderful my child, my name is Toriel. I am the caretaker of these ruins"

"It's nice to meet you Toriel, my names Kris(Y/n) it's a pleasure to meet you"

Toriel was happy to see another human that was safe, that fall was nothing to scoff at, she reached out a hand and offered to guide me through the ruins to which I was happy to take the offer. She noticed that Flowey was wrapped around my arm but when I told her that he was a friend of mine she seemed a bit hesitant but had accepted it none the less.

Later on Toriel had given me the phone and had gone ahead, leaving me behind with Flowey. It was such a relief that everything was going well but one thought had crossed my mind.

Flowey:" You've been staring of into space for to long human, what's wrong?"

"...While it's true that I managed to take frisks place for being the human that fell into the underground , I can't help but feel like something is wrong"

Flowey:" After all you went through, what could it possibly be?!" He said as he was both shocked and angry at my sudden comment

"...that's the thing I have no idea, it's in the back of my head."

'I already have n idea of whom I'm thinking of, it's either chara or Gaster'

I thought to myself as I encountered a froggit and spared them, I got some g from that. I'm hoping to get enough g to get one of muffits spider donuts. I don't feel like fighting her since I'm afraid of spiders

(A/n: yeah as sad as it is the author unfortunately really does have arachnophobia T-T')

'If it's really either one of them I should proceed with caution. If anything from underplayer taught me something, it's that those two in particular are very important people. One is capable of manipulating the laws of this world to continue his experiments. While the other could easily kill me in one strike'

I encountered another monster but proceeded to show mercy

'However there's also the matter of my soul, the fear soul is from glitchtale. This means that chara had intended to take control of frisk to do a genocide route while being filled with hate. Putting up with either logic there's still the problem with chara, just like what Flowey said from underplayer, chara was originally attached to Frisk. The same rule applied to glitchtale to. I wonder if that rule applies to me, I'm not frisk but I do have his soul'

As I approached the room with the one rock I got a call from Toriel

'Huh, right on time. I don't have a particular favorite when it comes to butterscotch or cinnamon, both of them are equally good when it comes to pie'

As expected she had called and given me the question but I answered that I liked both, it can be a hard choice when you think about it. While I explored the ruins I encountered a few random monsters but I also made some small talk with Flowey. As heart breaking as it is remembering the story of how he became a flower in the first place, I don't have the ability to create monster souls.

'The fear soul is more then capable of doing so but unfortunately even though I've had plenty of fighting experience with the soul. That doesn't mean that I could use all aspects of it yet, not to mention I would already need a monster soul just to give to Flowey. Betty had killed sans and stole his soul and then remade his body to fight everyone but the end result is still the same, I would need Floweys original soul to bring him back as Asriel'

i had finally encountered with nabstablook, gotta say that i really liked him. i had a friend in my previous life who was just like him. when me and the others mentioned that he was really similar to nabstablook he actually pouted at us and didnt say a thing

'It kinda sucks that I'll probably never see him again, but in a way it's for the better. After all I'm pretty sure I died and reincarnated here, I wouldn't want him to suffer a death to come here'

After the fight with nabstablook and him showing me his hat(in all honesty I found that absolutely adorable) he left while I said that I hoped to meet up again. He smiled and faded away. Once he left I realized I had enough G and went to buy a spider donut, I honesty felt a shiver down my spine when I grabbed the doughnut from the spider's

'I seriously need to get over that'

I thought as I sighed and walked back to the hall, I sat on the floor and made sure no one would be able to hear us

"Something happened after you died on the last run and I reset the timeline flowey"

Flowey:"What happened?"

"...Right after I pressed reset I suddenly heard three voices telling me thank you. I recognized one of them was frisk while the other two I'm not so sure"

Flowey:"...was one of them the voice you mentioned while fighting frisk? The one that was saying those random things?"

"Yeah, it was"

'Good God just how long had he been watching us fight? Was he there the whole damn time?'

Flowey:"I see, That was definitely chara then"

"The first human who fell to the underground Huh? Based on everything that's happened, I'm not really surprised. It also makes sense to know who the last voice belonged to then"

Flowey:"Your talking about the original owner of that fear soul right?"

"Yes, I have memories of the previous owner. Her name was Betty, and just like us it seems like she was trapped in a repeated cycle"

Flowey:"That makes sense but how did you get her soul and why did she give it up like that?"

"For the how question, I have no idea. The last of her memories were of her walking through some kind of void. As for the why, based on her memories every reset she was torchered to death only to be brought back. Rather than a reset like how frisk did, it was almost like a video being on constant reply and whoever was in control. They wanted her to suffer regardless of knowing her past and what made her the way she was"

Flowey:"Wow...I kinda feel bad for her now"

"Don't be, she gave up her soul so she could be free from the torcher. And now that she is, she can finally rest"

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