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Kris's P.O.V

Words cannot describe how horrified I was when I realized I didn't have a soul, by Undertale's logic when it comes to souls I shouldn't even be breathing- let alone walking! it just makes absolutely no sense

"Hey! I'm just as baffled as you are, but now's not really the time to be asking questions-Here He Comes!"

Frisk faced us both head on and attacked me, I jumped away from him and blocked the attack, I kicked frisk in the stomach and attacked with the spear, it managed to damage his arm as he tried to attack me again but I dodged it luckily. I jumped back and like before I threw the spear at him but he dodged it however I reached my hand out and jut like before it returned to me but hit frisk along the way. He fell to his knee and took out an item

'that means with the two hits I did alone was enough for him to be concerned for his Hp'

Again frisk attacked sans, he was so fast I didn't even realize he made his move. but his attack never landed, I expected for sans to have dodged the attack but I was gob smacked when I realized that ... it was papyruses scarf that blocked the attack. Absolutely furious I pierced frisk through the stomach, and grinned as frisk look just as shocked as the rest of us

"Hey Frisk, don't you know to Never Let Your Guard Down, gods and here I was hoping you'd Change!"

I Reached out and crushed his soul with ease, His body faded away as I sighed in frustration and turned to sans as he looked at me with a furious face

Sans:" Kris, Where Did You Get That Scarf?!"

I stepped back, a bit surprised and gave him a look that was saying 'I'm sorry'

"I'm sorry sans, but when I first came to the underground I came across a pile of dust with this scarf. I actual was planning on leaving the scarf with the dust that I put in a jar on who I assumed was his home but when I was about to place the scarf down. suddenly a talking flower told me to put it on and told me that it would protect me. I didn't know who it belonged to so I'm sorry sans"

Sans looked really puzzled, I don't blame him. After all I'm pretty sure he never expected Flowey of all monsters would try to help. i reached out, about to take of the scarf until sans held up one hand, telling me to stop

Sans: "I understand Kris, until we stop frisk i want you to keep that scarf on. but once this is over I want the scarf back, you don't have a soul so theirs no telling what'll happen to you if you were to get killed

Sans did have a point, I'm not exactly comfortable with the idea of me being killed while soulless, I mean take a look at ink. He's soulless and immortal but there is a key difference between me and him, I'm human and he's a monster.

"I just really hope that we can bet Frisk, I don't understand though"

Sans: "What?"

"Last I remember, back on the surface frisk was a pacifist and hardly ever started any conflicts. This is what I don't understand, why go through such a change? That's something that even frisk of all people would tell about. Knowing frisk he would've told someone something was wrong. I just don't get it "

Sans paused and started brainstorming

Sans: "You're right, if frisk was truly as you day he was then what could've caused this change"

"I don't know but something tells me that theirs a third person at play here"

Sans: "So you're saying that someone persuaded frisk to do all this killing"

"No, I think frisk is being manipulated to do this. If I truly did know frisk before he fell to the underground then I should know that frisk of all people would answer his problems with words and not violence"

Just like before frisk reappeared but this time I was able to see that he reappeared from the save point, or from where I assumed it was since I can't actually see the save point

Sans: "We'll have to figure that out later, for now let's keep the kid busy. We'll figure out what to do as we fight"


Time Skip

I was absolutely exhausted, over fifty times, Fifty Times!  Frisk no mater what would Repeat loading and kept fighting us! No matter how many times we changed our strategy, no matter how many times he died! He would not give up. However while we were fighting I realized something that was wrong with frisk.

'Those damn strings... every time I killed frisk those strings became more and more clear to see. It doesn't look like sans can see them though'

Their was black and red strings tied onto frisk, his arms, his legs, hell even around his neck. The strings were wrapped around his entire body, the way the strings moved and how frisk reacted to them proved all the more that frisk had become nothing more then a puppet

'Even if we were able to talk frisk into resetting he doesn't even have a choice in this matter. I can't see who's the one pulling the strings but it does take a genius to realize who's pulling the strings'

"H-hey how are you h-holding up?"

Sans: "Pretty Bone tired pal but I think I'll manage, how about you?"

"If I'm being honest, not to good. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep up"

I said as I watched frisk body vanish again, my knees feel so weak. I can hardly keep standing

"Sans did you see what I saw?"

Sans:" See? No I didn't see anything"

"Then that confirmed my suspicion, you can't see them"

Sans:" See what? What can't I see?"

I sighed as I stabbed the spear into the ground and leaned on it

"While we were fighting frisk I noticed something, every time we killed frisk some kind of strings would begin to appear. At first I thought it was just my imagination but as frisk died every time the strings would become more and more clear to see"

Sans:" then I'm gonna take a guess that those strings are controlling frisk like some kind of doll or marionette"

"That's right, this means that frisk isn't doing this by choice, he's being forced to kill by someone else and I think I have a pretty good idea who's behind all this"

Pulling the spear from the ground I got into my battle stance, getting ready for a rematch

'Just how do I break frisk free from players control though'

Time skip (Again)

Exhausted, absolutely exhausted, I couldn't get up. I was so tired, sans looked like he was about to pass out to

'S-shit, I can't keep going. What the Fuck Is Wrong With This Player?!'

Sans: "Kris! Dodge!"

But I wasn't fast enough and then...


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