Chapter 4 This is serious!

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Entry 1, Day 156 since leaving home,

I would've started this upon my arrival on the island, but I feared that in doing so, I'd run out of pages too quickly. I summarized the events on the previous page. In any case, the fateful day has arrived. My classmates and I completed the basic training and today we will finally be paired off with our dragons. I can hear them outside my dorm as I am writing this, the sound of hundreds of wings beating like a howling storm, talons scrambling to get a purchase on the red stone rooftops, and that dawn chorus, sweet imperials! Due to the unfortunate positioning of my window, I haven't seen any of them yet except for scattered shadows and a stray blue tail,(was that mine?). At long last, after all these years, I am finally going to meet my soulmate, my hero, my partner for life! I sure hope I don't disappoint!

"I can't believe I saw one! I saw a dragon! A real live dragon!"

"I mean granted it was just a tail, but it was longer, spikier, and bluer than anything I have ever seen," I cheered as I raced up and down the tall sandstone hall, behind me, Natalia plodded along with a steady pace. My voice and our footsteps echoed far and uninterrupted down the vacant halls, for my transgressions against her sleep she forced us to leave extra fashionably late. Her head was fixed foreword with a focused deliberate determination of her destiny. But her eyes remained glued to me, they bounced and swerved at every one of my skips and spins. Her gaze upon me was not eager or agitated but her concentration was absolute, like a wolf tracking a fresh lamb, it was an uncanny attentiveness.

A faint bellow rang from one of the classroom doors and I paused and glanced in the general direction, a dragon must be just outside. By some strange reflex, I stretched my arms out and began running forward, flapping them up and down as I went. My backpack and the other items I was carrying swung wildly about, my dress twirling behind. I can feel it now, the wind rushing past my face, the sound of heavy wingbeats, and the earth far beneath me. Its features and landmarks became so small and distant, that it was like I was flying over a map.

"I can't wait to be flying again, Natalia!" I cheered as I began to circle back to my towering regal friend. Or am I simply diminutive in comparison? I am leaning toward it being some of both. Why are there no other short Archmages my age? I shake my head for a quick second, my 'wings' flutter alongside as to preserve the illusion.

I resumed my thoughts, "I have remained earthbound for way too long, the skies are calling for me and I will be answering today,"

"Certainly, you're feeling the same way, right? We've waited our whole lives for this moment." I stop in front of her path and her expression seems unmoved. She continued approaching, silent, getting so close that for a moment I thought she'd just trample me over like an avalanche. But at the last second, she stopped and she stared down at me, the elfish girl's face was firm and restrained as if to imprison something unsettled deep inside. I attempted to steel myself in the hope she wouldn't notice my anxiety, but I suck at hiding those sorts of things.

Finally, she speaks," You know not every dragon can fly, right?"

"I mean you should know, seeing as how many times you kept me up with those damn books, Princess," She circled past me and continued on her way. I can feel my body grow rigid as my patience began to wane. No, you're not going to talk to me like that, not today!

"Oh come on, what is your problem?" I snapped back at her, my arms falling tight against my sides, "Why are you getting so weird and cross?"

"This is the biggest day of our entire lives and yet all you care about is-"

"Oh for Imperials' sake, IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU, PIIKU!!" Natalia snapped back to face me with clenched fangs, her eyes piercing straight into my soul. I could feel my heart drop into my stomach like a heavy stone. My hands were unconsciously clenching my dress so tightly the rim was buckling up. A faint static crackle escapes my hair. There was a long pause where we stared into each other's eyes. Neither of us seemed sure of what we were thinking or feeling at the moment. She blinked first then averted her gaze briefly and grumbled something to herself. She turned back at me, her face was blushing, eyes were glossy and dark, like a guilt-riddled puppy. Now I am starting to feel bad, did I strike a nerve?

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