Chapter 2 The Dragon Prince Orenstein

Start from the beginning

"An Erymanthian boar, who would bring such a ghastly beast into town, let alone keep it!?" I said, cocking my head in shock. Bigger than a rhino, with black bristly hide as tough as a wyvern's scales, and sporting two, long-jagged tusks it used to chew on the bars of its cage. Its squeals and roars were deafening even from my height. I could only wonder how the crowd gathering around the animal could stand being so close. In the wild, this monster of a swine would be ravaging the countryside with its herd, eating whatever and whoever stood in its way. "Glad it's in a cage. I prefer my tail attached to my body."

Where are they taking it anyway, a zoo, a private menagerie? It'd be a waste of resources to take it so far just to slaughter it. "What does it matter? We can find out later."

Pulling the cart was a domestic parasaur. A far cry from its cousins beyond the rainshadow; these beasts are dumber, stockier, and less nimble than their wild counterparts. While by far one of the strongest and easiest to control work animals, they're so expensive to feed that most people tend to avoid using them.

Speaking of eating, they're absolutely delicious, perhaps some of the best herbivore meat I know, I thought as I greedily licked the remaining blood from my jaws. The rich taste gave me a surge of energy, and I briefly circled over the oblivious animal, my eyes glowing with raptorial ambition. That was until its master caught sight of me and gave me a stern look, well aware of my intentions. Coming back to my senses, I made a quick apology and resumed my flight home, swearing under my breath. I was always pathetic when it came to my appetite. But if I didn't have to hunt for food, I wouldn't be the fine, elegant, young dragon I am now.

Well, elegant is a strong word, especially when you're covered in blood, cuts, and bruises, as well as wearing a saddle that's practically ribbons at this point. Fine, yes, I am often regarded as the fastest flier in the Southern Shores, and I've personally conquered all of my rivals.

But you still got your tail whopped by a gaggle of murder turkeys, and you're still only second best, and Adara is going to usurp you soon, and I can't believe you forgot Amor-

"Just let me be proud. I'm having a bad day. You've got more important things to bitch about." I said with an exhausted moan. Just then, the last mountain home finally came into view. Its towering peak was highlighted by the warm glow of Gile Montang, the crown jewel of the Southern Shores, or Ermanthyia as they call it, my home. Within a passing moment, the world around me became a blur as I cleared the summit and was engulfed in the fiery glow of the ocean sunset.

Using mighty coastal updrafts to maintain my position, I paused for a moment to gather myself, but most importantly to see the city in all its mechanical beauty: the alluring flicker of gold and white lights contrasting against the stone walls and sweeping rooftops. Tranquil humans of all forms poured through the streets like a dried floodplain after its first rainy day. Distant orange and red waves rolled silently as the sun's rays faded into a new horizon in some far-off land. The low rumbling of a million footsteps and the subtle roar of a thousand tiny voices filled my weary soul with satisfying relief. Even after my most troubling ordeals, seeing my home turf always managed to give me the necessary dose of euphoria. Simply put, it's beautiful.

I silently drifted into town, trying to remain discreet as I glided toward my tower. Once I landed on the cool stone balcony, I made sure to wipe the remaining blood from my feathers. Don't want my parents to think I am hurt in any way. I then slowly crept to my soft, welcoming bowl, stripped off my saddle, curled up, and had a long-awaited rest.

Just wait until Mom and Dad see you, ya filthy bastard

Just wait until Mom and Dad see you, ya filthy bastard

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