Chapter 16 Unchained and Unveiled

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I soared in from the atmosphere, the frigid cold of space dispersing into the just as cold if not colder, Earth. The wind blew in my face and caught on my wings. I began reverting back into human form as I grew nearer to the ground. The layers of snow upon the ground began to fade as my wing flaps pushed the snow into the air. A snort of flames expelled from my nose as the ruckus settled. The Reaper's flesh seeped into mine and disappeared inside of me. I swept back my hair and scratched my arm as I looked around. A soft growl emanated from behind a rock. I looked. It was Astrid's blue wyvern. It chirped at me and cocked its head to side, looking at me with curiosity. It ran up to me licked my face. I shoved her away and scowled. Disgusting I thought. I clenched my fist and punched the dragon in the jaw. I charged it and knocked it over the rock. Behind the rock I ripped and tore the dragon apart. It let out a single last screech as it died. I wiped my face and mouth before wiping my hands on my pants. I walked past the rock and into the dim sunlight. Ch-chink. I turned. Pointed right at my face was an assault rifle. I smirked. "You think that'll kill me?" I cackled. "What the hell was that? Jira, you need help!" Levi screamed, standing behind him was a soldier wielding the rifle. The rest of the group began to circle around me, each speaking of their outrage at what I had done, yet it seemed they didn't realise what I had just done moments before. "I brought you all here! I saved you from those the devils and I'm out there getting my ass beat by my own brother!" I yelled. I looked to Mimir. He glared me in the eyes, I could see his disappointment. I sighed. "You're betraying me too?" I sighed, disappointed and annoyed. "We want to help you, but we can't if you keep trying to kill us!" Thea yelled. I snapped in her direction. "Why are you acting like this?" She asked, desperation in her voice. She glanced down to my hip. A realisation must've struck her as her sight remained stuck on my hip. I looked down. The jar. "I unclipped it from my belt and held it up for them to see. "It's cracked. That means..." Thea stumbled back and tripped, collapsing to the floor. "It's gone!" Mimir croaked. "We need to get that thing off of you." A tendril shot out from my back and grasped him by the throat. "Do NOT call us Thing!" I shouted. The tendril held its grasp firm around Mimir's neck while raising him high into the air. Ch-ching. I heard the cog of the shotgun before it even occurred. I growled and a second tendril shot from my back grabbed the person behind me. I turned and scowled. "Drop him, now!" Ash yelled, pointing the shotgun directly at me. I tightened my hold around her mid-section. "You all have NO respect!" I boomed, tendrils lashing out and scratching at the floor. The soldier readied his rifle. I lunged, grabbing him by the neck and lifting him high into the air. I growled and opened my mouth. The soldier screamed. Chomp! "I delivered you here! I protected you! I am the ONE who kills all of those bastards that are after your heads! I'M out there getting my ass beat by MY OWN BROTHER while you are cowering in fear inside this monument of your weakness!" I punched a hole right through the side of Sydney Base. I growled and turned my head to Ash. "Do it. Shoot me. Dead between the eyes. Blast a hole through my skull and show them how great you are!" I sneered. Ash's hands trembled as she held the shotgun. I frowned. Perhaps you need some motivation! I grabbed Thea off the floor and held her by the throat. I looked Ash dead in the eyes and mouthed the words "do it". I saw the fear in her eyes. It was...DELICIOUS. Her hand quivered as her finger brushed the trigger. I smirked. Ash closed her eyes and... BANG!

I shook my head and dropped Ash, Thea and Mimir, before climbing up the side of Sydney Base. The Reaper transformed me back into full demon form as I peered out at the open space all around. I looked down to the group. I wiped my mouth and examined my claws. They looked up at me, some had expressions of fear, others concern and lastly, hate. I smirked. Wings peeled from my back, and I leaped into the frosted, smoky air. I had one objective now. KILL COOPER.

I flew for hours, traversing multiple terrains. I knew where he would be. Where it all began. I was close now, I could see the old, deserted road and endless fields of radioactive material on either side. A broken road sign greeted me as I landed on the asphalt road. It read, "Welcome to Route 666". The third six was written on with blood. I looked up from the sign. In the distance was a large pillar of smoke, emerging from a group of trees. I launched back into the air, hovering high above the trees when a massive shape emerged from the forest. A huge hand smacked me to the floor. I bounced and skidded back onto the road. I looked up at the unholy sight. My eyes widened. That was a spirit. The spirit of Darkness to be exact. I launched back into the air and glid past its head. The spirit looked like a huge ghost with a black colour instead of white, with piercing red eyes, massive, clawed hands and no legs. I dodged its hand as it whizzed past my head. I dove into the trees and leaned against a tree. If Cooper had unveiled one of the spirits, what's stopping him from unchaining the rest? There were six spirits, Space, Earth, Fire, Water and Darkness, in that order of power. Now I found myself in the path of the most powerful spirit. My father told me ghost stories of the spirits, how they, when awakened they would tear apart the world, starting from the small communities before destroying the whole world. They scared the hell out of me as a child. I sensed the demon's power growing. It was feeding off my fear, my weakness, my emotion. I could hear the whirring of the Darkness Spirit hovering nearby. Low, muffled growls came from the spirit, its shadow casted a large blanket of darkness against the ground and trees. For the first time since Astrid's death, I felt true fear. I turned my head towards where I believed Cooper to be. The flickering of a fire could be heard but was drowned out by the growls and screeches from the spirit above. I dreaded looking it in the eyes. "So, YOU'RE A COWARD!" I crept onward, approaching Cooper's position. I could hear his voice, whispering and murmuring random, inaudible nonsense. As I turned the corner, I spotted him. He was on his knees, surrounded by candles. A menacing glow engulfed him life a plague. Was he praying? "FOOL, the GODS care NOTHING for him!" This entire setup, the candles, location, pentagram, it all seemed too sinister. Was this some cult practice or just something similar? I had a million thoughts swirling around inside my head like a tornado tearing through a metropolis. But this was my chance. He was occupied, distracted. My chance was now. I unsheathed my blades, the yellow spiral glow and demon aesthetic still remained from when they were empowered by The Reaper. "Do it, KILL him!" The Reaper beckoned. I smirked, my eyes going into a trance as the blades ignited into flames. I carefully came around his side, still out of view. I raised The Banes of Destruction above my head, ready to strike. My hands shook. My head spun; he was my brother. How could I? No. I will do it. I will end it all today. In the blink of an eye, I swung down. I expected blood to be splashed across my face but instead, something was blocking me. "You didn't really think you could get rid of me that easy did you brother?" Cooper sneered. He struck my head with his with a loud crack. I fell back, the Darkness Spirit looming over. It growled, lifted me, swung me around, and smashed me into the trees before throwing me to the floor. The events only took about ten seconds. The Spirit hovered over me. I could feel the cold floor scratching my face and the pain of the impact all over. "You are about to experience the world tear itself apart all around you! You will be a king with no kingdom, a god with no universe. You, and everyone you care about are all about to die." Cooper said, insanity growing. I looked up at him. My eyes squinted and my pupils turned to slits. The demon crept up my back and over my flesh. "I care about NOBODY!" The Reaper roared. He tore at the ground and lashed at Cooper, but he was infinitely quicker. He roared as a blow to the face was delivered. Cooper grabbed his face and kicked it, breaking a tooth. The Reaper roared and gave me back control. I swung my fists at him, but he dodged and parried. I looked him in the eye. "How are we gonna end this?" I asked. Cooper shrugged, his fists raised. "You are going to die." He scowled, punching me dead in the face. I fell back, right into the Darkness spirit. It grabbed me by the throat and raised me high into the air, expanding its height as we went. I roared and struggled but nothing worked. The Darkness Spirit looked me right in the eye as we ascended into space. Shivers shot down my spine. The fear was genuine. Its dark and mysterious face against the pitch-black void of space was terrifying and blood curdling. My eyes were wide, and my mouth dropped. Everything felt so cold, too cold. I heard screams fill my ears and visions rip into my eyes. Tears burst from my eyes and floated off into space. The spirit cackled and smirked before throwing me down. I felt it all. The pressure of the atmosphere, the heat of the sun, the winds on my flesh. I frantically looked around, my head was loose and felt light while my limbs felt weightless and non-existent. Was this how death feels? Am I dying? My teeth chattered and my mouth tightened. I wanted to scream. I could see Australia from all the way up here. My friends were there, somewhere. Likely laughing at my weakness and hateful how I harmed them. For the first time I felt in control. That Demon wasn't here no more. I watched as the water grew closer. I watched the sun as I felt time slow. My body shook and quaked, my skin growing tight and my veins pulsing. I screamed as the I felt the impact. Blood shot from my body as I felt it. It was all over now.

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