Chapter 4 Brothers of Shared Blood

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I opened my eyes, heavy storm clouds swirling overhead. I peeled the covers off the bed and sat up. I placed a hand on my head. The same feeling from yesterday. This doesn't feel right. I walked to my cupboard. I sighed and turned to Mimir, sleeping. After retrieving my shoulder guards and cloak from the cupboard I smashed open the door to my dorm and looked out at the surrounding camp, to Levi's, Ash's, Ethan's dorms. Sydney Base is what's best for them. I can protect them no more. Not if who I think is coming.

The skies darkened and lightning rained down like hail. Zeus wasn't holding back, not this time. The winds grew so strong trees were swaying and snapping in half. Suddenly, one of the palm trees on the outskirts of the camp swung so hard it snapped! The tree crumbled down sending dirt and debris into the sky. The remains of the tree crushed through the roof of the dorms...Ethan and Patrick's dorm. My eyes widened in shock. Lighting illuminating the disaster and expression on my face. I sprinted to the dorm, thrashing wood and debris away in a desperate attempt to find them. That's when I heard it, a cough. Scrambling through the remains I spotted it, skin, a whole hand. "Hello?" I yelled. Another cough, followed by a wheeze. "Patrick? Ethan?" I called out. "I'm here!" A voice replied from under the broken wood. I grabbed the hand, pulling as hard as I could without tearing their arm out of their socket. Eventually I managed to pry them free. "Patrick." I gasped for air, "Where's Ethan?" Patrick looked up. "We have to find him!" He cried. I nodded, rushing headfirst into the debris. The wood scraped my skin but not enough to draw blood. I panted, exhaustion overwhelming me. In my frantic attempt to escape the prickles I spotted it. Ethan's glasses. "Ethan? Are you here?" I sniffled; dust flew into my face. Then Patrick cried out. "I found him!" I summoned all my strength and lifted the debris off my back. The scraps breaking into pieces as I pried them away. Finally, I tossed the remains of the dorm away, into the Serpent's Pass, where I fought the Crimson Dread and my identity as the God of Destruction was revealed. The scraps bounced and skidded to a halt in the distance. I looked around for Patrick. In the fog and mist I spotted his silhouette. I limped over to him, a gash cut deep in my leg. I looked up, Patrick was standing over a stuck Ethan. I reached down, grasping his arm and started to pull but Ethan's lower torso was stuck deep in the debris. "Patrick dig!" I spoke. In a rush he got on his knees and tore at the broken wood shards like a dog. After minutes of pulling and digging finally we pulled him free. Agh, I sighed, wiping my brow, and readjusting my shield, Aspis on my forearm. I looked to my comrades. "Well done gentlemen." I smiled, holding out a hand. Patrick shook it while the rain poured down on our heads. "We should get inside before- "Ethan was cut off. "Get down!" Patrick screamed. In an instant I swung around unfolding Aspis and dodging back to the others, holding the shield high above our heads as lightning struck down on us. Aghh! I yelled while holding the force of Zeus' element on my arms. The lightning dissipated before I lowered my shield. I turned to Ethan and Patrick. "Before that happens?" I said waving my arms at the sky. "Hey Zeus! Cheers for that mate!" I gestured for the others to follow me. We sought refuge in my dorm. The rain was striking harder than ever and the wind howling like Fenrir at Ragnarök. I leaned against the wall, sharpening the blade of my axe. It was going to be a long night.

Lightning shot through the roof of the dorm, wind crashing against the walls and rain pelting us. I grabbed my axe, wiping the runes clean as I smashed down the door. On the outside Two figures stood. Their capes billowed ominously in the screeching wind. "Who are you?" I yelled under the heavy wind. Suddenly the figures eyes turned a bright terrifying white. They removed their hoods and swept away their cloaks, revealing their weapons. I drew my axe while they drew their weapons. The one on the left held a hammer while the other wielded a sword. "Get back!" I yelled to my allies, engaging a fighting stance.

The duo spoke in an unknown tongue but by their stance they accepted the dual. I awaited their move. The hammer wielding one charged first, leaping into the air and striking down, but I lifted my shield and parried with a kick to the stomach. The one with the sword struck next, sliding under my shield, and slicing my thigh. I howled in pain before bringing my axe down, clipping his shoulder. He swiftly dove back seemingly recovering instantly. I gripped my axe hard, charging the duo. I swung firm, slicing the one with the hammer across the stomach before knocking the other one back with the pommel of the axe. I stood strong. I watched the two, awaiting their move. Suddenly they rushed around, moving so fast I couldn't see them until they were right in my face. The hammer struck first, smashing into the side of my head knocking me to my knees while the other sliced me with their sword. The wounds were deep, drawing my golden ichor blood. The two stood over me. The hammer one stood aside while the sword wielding warrior grabbed my head. "You thought you could hide from us? I'm surprised you would've forgotten us so easily after you left us for dead in that hospital." The sword warrior spoke, spitting in my face. He raised his sword and, swing! My eyes shot open. I gasped and reached for my chest. The sword had pierced right through my chest. I looked up at him. He smirked. I breathed hard but I couldn't control it. I yelled, grabbing my axe, and charging the sword wielder. I grabbed his shoulder and sliced his arm clean off with my axe before delivering a sonic punch to his face, sending him flying. I turned to the other one. He charged me, raising his hammer high over his head. I took the opening as an opportunity and sliced him across the chest before kicking him in the stomach. Suddenly the sword wielder lunged at me wrapping his good arm around my neck. "You think you're safe here? We'll never let you escape; you will be with us no matter the cost!" After finishing he raised his head and opened his jaws wide before digging his teeth deep into my shoulder, biting me. In that small moment I looked right into his eye and felt heart broken. He leaped off me and landed in front of me. They gave one last glance at me before walking into the shadows. I crumpled to the floor. Holding one hand to my chest and the other to the bite on my shoulder. I could hear the others rushing out beside me. I sat up, looking at Patrick, then to Mimir and all around to Levi, Thea, and Ethan. What the hell was that? I thought. I stood up, leaning on a tree stump. "Brother, who were they?" Mimir asked shocked. "People, I feared long dead" I responded. I grabbed the sword in my chest and pulled it out. I winced before tossing it to the floor. That's when I heard it. A thud. Something heavy landed in the shadows. They came closer, their silhouette was tall and bulky. Whoever this was, he was a brute. A body fit for a god. I called my axe and held it firmly. If I died, I wanted to die fighting. The figure came closer. "I'm going to give you one chance to leave or die!" I said warningly. The figure approached. I was shocked but before I could resonate on what or who it was, they raised their axe. It flew from their hand, past my face and straight into something behind me. I heard people screaming. I whizzed around in an instant. Oh shit. "Patrick!" I yelled. I ran to his side. "Patrick, I'm sorry." I wheezed, holding his chest. But I knew he was out cold. I looked to the others then back to the mysterious figure. I clutched my axe and charged. He charged too. We swung our blades in unison before they clashed. The sound of metal cracking in my ears combined with the feeling of knowing that Patrick brought tears to my eyes. That's when I looked dead into my opponent's eyes. "Krat- "He swung his axe such precision that he slashed through my axe. I watched as my axe's head exploded and shattered into pieces. Shards of ice slashed my cheek, narrowly missing my eye. Without a chance to react I was kicked straight into a tree. He walked up to me. I looked up at him. He raised his axe. I nodded, if I was gonna die, dying by the axe of The Ghost of Sparta was a hell of a good way to go out.

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