Chapter 13 Kaiser Obliterator

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I stepped out the elevator and approached Hanson. He stood with his hands behind his back and turned to face me. He smiled and waited for me to stand beside him. I smiled and gave a slight nod of my head as I stood with him, looking over the Epicentre. Hanson inhaled before looking me in the eyes. I however had a stern expression. "Hanson, Alpha dingo was defeated by a kaiju last night, with it came two more kaiju." I said sternly. Hanson sighed. "I received new as to what happened just before you arrived. You must have some pretty good timing." He replied. I looked out the GMPs. We had a small army, but I personally doubted that these machines could protect all these people. Hanson placed a hand on my back. "Despite how awful the event was, it only proves my point as to why I did what I did." I glanced at him. "What did you do?" I asked. He leaned over to the microphone and spoke into it. Afterwards he stepped back to be in line with me. "In war, risks must be taken, that is why I specifically ordered something specifically for you." He smiled and we watched as a massive shape rose from the floor of one of the GMP pods. Shrouded in smoke and mist, a ray of lights shone out revealing a brand new GMP. "Came all the way from Japan, I wasn't sure what to get you Mr Hahn, but I thought I may as well order everything." My eyes widened. "That thing is mine?" I gasped. Hanson nodded. "I'd like to introduce you to... Kaiser Obliterator!" The lights awakened and cast a ray of hope upon the new mech. It was built like a god. It had a head with a bright orange visor, spikes running along the middle of its head and protruding from the top were horns. It had beefy arms with massive crushing fists and sharp points on the knuckles. It had angular panels on its elbows, thighs, torso, and heads. The GMP also had large wings on its back. However, its most prominent characteristic was its black, purple, and red colour scheme with what appeared to be a Gojira face painted onto its chest and markings similar to my spikes in kaiju form all across its body. I smiled and saluted Hanson as he guided me to the armoury.

Before I knew it, I was wearing a sleek black metal suit and a helmet with a glass front and metal spine protector and clip was inserted into the back of the suit. I spun around, getting used to the new clothing. I breathed heavy and stepped outside to a large platform. Connected to the platform was a movable bridge. It moved to line up with the platform around the back of Kaiser Obliterator's head. I walked across the bridge, feeling the force of the wind from the small gaps in the side of the dome's roof and the cold temperature. After reaching the other side, a crew member opened one of the doors to the GMP's head. The was sealed with a circular spinning lock and the door was painted a bright red. I stepped inside and placed my feet in the standing area. Down below there were mechanical arms holding me up. I breathed heavy and looked to Hanson who was standing in the doorway. "Am I getting a copilot?" I asked. "Sure are!" A voice called out. I turned, it was Mimir, fully suited up in the same gear as me. I smiled and nodded my head, in respect at him. "So, we're in this together then?" I said. Mimir nodded and locked into position. We looked to Hanson. "How do we control this thing?" Mimir asked. Hanson laughed. "The way you normally control yourself!" He laughed. "Your two minds combined to control a massive robot, sharing memories, thoughts and feelings." He said. I nodded and looked to Mimir. "You sure you can handle my mind?" I asked hm. He nodded. "I told you I'd always be by your side." He spoke. I laughed. Hanson closed the door, and we were left alone.

I opened my eyes and felt my head spinning. It was like having a seizure but for your eyes. My head hurt but it got even worse. A flurry of memories shot at me like a montage. I saw Thorvald collapsing into the sea, a dragon grabbing me as I lay wounded on a raft out off the coast of my island country, the moment I first saw Astrid, and me being slammed to the floor by Hellfire. I also saw the moment I obtained the Banes of Destruction, the time I shot both Cooper and Jordan up atop that cliff, the moments where I ruthlessly slaughtered the king dragons after murdering Drago, lastly, I saw the moments where I fought Cooper before arriving at Sydney base. I stumbled back but steadied as the rush of thoughts overrun me. I looked to Mimir. "You okay?" I asked him. He nodded, straitened his posture and reached up to the communication box. He pressed the red button and spoke, "This is Kaiser Obliterator on standby, ready for deployment." Then we received a reply. "Copy that Kaiser, deployment occurring now." Hanson voice came through the speaker. Suddenly we jolted and the whole GMP shook. We were moving. It didn't take me long to realise the platform had rose up and was moving us to the doors. I looked up and watched as the doors slid open and we were greeted to the dark stormy sea ahead. I looked to Mimir before turning back to the sea. The speaker sounded again. "Initiating pilot controls" the speaker called. Suddenly the whole structure dropped. I felt the weight of the massive metal being as if it were my own body. I inhaled and took a step. The GMP moved with my strides. I looked to Mimir and smiled. He laughed and walked in unison with me. Together we were controlling the massive tank. I felt the entire metal body be pushed by the waves of the sea. As the waves crashed against the metal sell, storm clouds loomed overhead and lightning crackled, illuminating the dark sky. I peered through the visor of the GMP and watched the waves swirl below. In the distance three large silhouettes loomed near the surface of the water. The lights of the GMP pointed out at the sea, catching on the top of the silhouettes. My eyes widened and we stopped walking. Three kaiju, larger than anything I had ever seen emerged from the water. Two of the kaiju approached while the middle one sank beneath the waves and disappeared. The first kaiju had four arms, two eyes and yellow stripes along its sides. The kaiju growled and slashed at the waves with its claws. It looked right at us, staring into our souls. I looked to Mimir. "You ready?" I asked. He nodded and took a battle-ready stance.

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