Chapter 1 Surviving Fimbulwinter

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I walked down the plains; small fires flickered into nothing as I walked by. My dual blades glowed an ominous orange while purple illuminated the cracks with the blades. Hrrn. I scowled before raising my revolver. I loaded a couple rounds before taking aim at the nearby zombie. Clink. I pulled the trigger, and the bullet flew through the air before piercing the undead's head, splattering blood all over the floor. A grunt came from behind me. I turned. A woman stepped down from a two-legged blue dragon. The Woman adorned a blue tunic and a dragon scaled cloak. She had blonde hair in a loose ponytail and a belt with skulls lining it. The woman swung her axe in one hand before holding it by her side. She wore a bright smile as she approached me. I smirked, reaching out a hand and the woman took it. I lifted my arm and spun the woman in a dance before pulling her in to a hug. We shared a smile before separating. "Astrid", I said in a smile. "And how has Fimbulwinter been treating my goddess?" I asked. Astrid smiled and rolled her eyes. "Shut up." she said jokingly. I flicked open the holster on my belt and placed the revolver inside. "What's the status?" Astrid questioned. I bit my lip while fiddling with my holster. I sighed and nodded. "The undead have overrun the south, the east and southwest quadrants. So far, we only have ½ of the territory we once had.", I pointed out in those directions. We sighed. Astrid reached down to her waist, grabbing a walkie-talkie and tuning into the right channel. "Yeah, this is B9 and A4 requesting pickup." Astrid spoke into the device. She nodded one last time before she put away the communication device. I pulled up my cloak hood and stood, the wind making the cloak flap wildly in the intense wind. The temperature began to drop increasingly. They better hurry up, I thought.

In the distance a bright ray of light shot out through the fog. The sound of its engine revving paired with the snow being tossed up in the air was a clear indicator of a vehicle. The van burst out from the fog sending a wave of air at the heroes. The window reared down revealing a bald, tattooed man with horns protruding from his head. "Aye, hurry up will you! The engine's gonna freeze up." The man yelled out. "Mimir, quit your wining!", yelled Astrid. She leaped into the open side door and sheathed her axe, her blue dragon rushing after her. Screeech! A loud roar screamed from above. As I heard it my head began to spin. Everything began to fade away back to reality. I raised a hand to my forehead. This wasn't real. Astrid died over a year ago, I watched it happen. I was there, I could've done something but...then she was impaled, killed by a murderer who I vowed to kill. I looked up to the sky, there was no time for distractions. The shadow lingered in the sky, that was real. I unsheathed my blades in an instant. I looked up. The looming silhouette from before was gaining size. It was getting closer until... Roar! The winged beast burst from above and landed before me. I stood unphased, my stance unbroken. The wind from the beasts' wings pushed me back. I dropped my blades to the floor before placing his hands around my mouth. "Rraaghhhk!" I called to the sky. Nothing happened. The sky stood still until. A bright red glow illuminated the clouds before a roar replied back to my call. Suddenly, Fwooommmm! A second dragon soared out from the sky. This dragon had crimson, blood red scales with purple osteoderms covering its skin. Red smoke spewed from the dragon's maw as its back glowed a bright blood red. Suddenly a beam of fire spewed from the dragon's mouth, striking the other dragon, and knocked it over. The Dragon soared down, lunging at the other dragon while tearing and ripping it apart. Screeches of pain roared from the first dragon as fire and blood shot out from its body. The crimson dragon dropped down from the dead dragon's body, letting out a victorious roar! I approached the dragon, my hand outstretched. The dragon walked forward before resting its snout in my hand. "Easy, Hellfire. You don't have to tear apart every dragon that we encounter." I smirked. Hellfire lowered his body revealing a saddle. I scowled and hopped onto Hellfire's back. I looked to where the vision of Astrid stood. She was gone and it was about time I got over it. Just like that, we launched airborne. The clouds parted as the winged reptile soared by. Hellfire's wings slicing the clouds like a hot knife through ice. All while the blood moon loomed over our heads.

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