Chapter 11 The Road to War

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Even hours after telling the story, I was bombarded with countless questions, but one was asked the most. What became of Thorvald? "Thorvald was the eldest of three children. Each child controlled and withheld a different godly power." I explained. "Thorvald, the god of chaos, Scorn, the god of power and Heisay, the god of fear. Their father was Shodai, the god of strength, power and war." I said "Obviously they weren't the only gods of...those things, but they were the gods of my people. There were also multiple other gods, spirits, deities, and other beings my people believed in. But if there was one thing that my people believed in more than our gods, it was our respect of nature. We commonly associated the elements and such, with spirits. Spirits, that if they were to be awakened it could bring about the end of the world" I looked around to the others then to Mimir. "We should be at the exit point in five minutes." He said to me. I nodded and reached down to my hip. I unclipped the demon jar from my belt and held it in one hand. It was cold, very cold. I swirled the stuff inside around like a beverage. The goop stuck to the walls of the jar leaving a pattern similar to vines. I placed it back onto my belt and continued walking. We continued walking until the realm door appeared. The exit point appears randomly across the path of the Realm Between Realms, the realm itself scans the mind of the person wielding an Yggdrasil seed to see where they want to go, however it can only transport you to areas and locations where a mystic gateway is placed. I looked to the rest of the group when the exit point appeared. I nodded and gestured for them to step through. Freedom was at our door.

Upon exiting the Realm Between Realms, we were greeted to the Australian desert. A thin layer of snow coated the orange and red terrain with rocks, dead shrubbery, and the occasional tree to mark our location. But most prominently was the huge structure out in the distance, Outpost 170, MPKPS, Military protected Kaiju prohibited Site, also known as Sydney Base. I watched the expressions of my comrades light up with joy. They were almost free. I took in a deep breath of air and smiled. They would be safe. And so, we made the trek to our destination. Hours went by and the faded morning sun disappeared behind the clouds around midday. We were 5 kilometres away when our peaceful voyage turned hectic. A loud, booming roar echoed from the nearby valley. We all turned in unison. The roar was incredibly loud and ear splitting. Another cry burst our eardrums. I yelled for the others to run as rock began to fall from the valley's entrance and the ground shook. Suddenly a huge bumpy and scaled hand reached out from inside the valley and grabbed the side of the rocky entrance. Standing at a huge height of an estimated two hundred meters, stood a kaiju. It roared again upon spotting us and ran after us. I pushed the group in the direction of Sydney base and turned to face the kaiju. My eyes flickered orange, my skin turned black, and scales covered my body. Spikes burst from my spine and fangs sprouted from my mouth. I grew and roared as I did so. Gojira had returned.

I yelled a roar of rage and engaged a fighting stance. The kaiju growled and barrelled at me. It struck my shoulder and tore into my chest. I growled in pain and stumbled back. I slashed at its chest before biting its neck. It shrieked and kicked me back. Sand flew up into the air as my tail struck the floor. The kaiju roared aggressively while watching me. Individually the spines down my tail and back began to glow a bright purple. I roared and shot a beam of smoke at the kaiju. It stepped back and swung its claws viscously. Sparks flickered in my mouth turning the smoke into flames. I seared the kaiju's flesh with the fire. He roared and charged. I concentrated the flame into a single powerful beam of radioactive, atomic energy. The creature roared as my Burning roar of ruin collided with its flesh. He roared in pain as I pushed forward. When my flame extinguished the kaiju rushed me. He struck me in the hip and clawed at my chest. Using the claws atop his head he rammed me. I growled in pain. It was like getting hit by a bull. I roared and raised my hand. I swung down and sliced its back. We roared and exchanged blows. We clawed at each other's bodies until our energy was gone. I felt weak and tired, but the kaiju didn't seem fazed. Boom! He punched my face, knocking me to the floor. I let out a weak roar and turned back to my friends. They were a quarter the distance needed to get to base. I roared and stood back up. I punched and clawed at his chest and neck. Bang, bam, boom! It roared one last time as I grabbed it in a choke hold, I felt its scales stabbing into my skin. I growled and fired a beam at the creature's head. It roared before I tossed it into the floor. It got up and rammed me again. It slashed my thigh before biting my neck, drawing blood. In pain I stabbed my claws into its head. It growled before finally dying. I breathed heavy from exhaustion and limped towards the group. As I thought I was in the clear I was suddenly stabbed in the back. I roared and turned. The kaiju was back up. I roared and groggily swung my claws at it, missing. While I was weak it delivered a blow to my stomach. It then slashed my chest repeatedly. Growl. I was so tired. I could only watch as blood leaked from my wounds. I shook my head and roared, ready to finish this. I rammed the beast and bit into his neck. I grabbed its head before twisting. Snap! The kaiju fell limp and collapsed to the ground. I stepped a few meters before stopping. I looked up into the sky and roared. Afterwards, I barely took two steps before crashing to the ground. I took a glance at my friends, still running towards Sydney base. They were almost there.

Time went by before I awakened. I blinked my eyes open and gradually picked myself up. I was still in kaiju form when I opened my eyes. I growled and took a few steps before stumbling. I growled and crashed back to the ground. A wave of sand flew out beneath me. I let out a snort of air and looked out at the vast landscape. In the distance stood Sydney base, tall and empowering. My whole body shook as I lifted up off the ground. As I proceeded to walk to Sydney base, I let out a loud roar. It reverberated off the ground and canyon walls. Gradually I lumbered across the desert, my tail swaying behind me, my legs carrying my weight, my arms swinging at my sides and my spines pulsated briefly before fading back to grey. I wasn't sure how far away I was, but I knew I was getting very close. In the near distance I spotted a few small dots moving at the speed of snails and a few larger dots hovering in the air above them, all heading towards Sydney base. I looked closer. That was my group, my comrades. I let out a quiet growl before they turned to look up at me. I crouched and flattened the back of my hand to the floor, gesturing for them to hop on. Individually they each climbed on, and I continued walking. I occasionally looked down at them to make sure they were okay. They were all huddled together in a circle talking. I smiled and kept going, while our dragons circled above my head. What felt like an hour went by when we were about one and a half kilometres from the target. I stopped walking to rest and the others hopped off my hand and continued walking by themselves. All was well until he showed up. Suddenly, I was struck in the back and sent flying up into the air. With a bang I crashed to the ground. Looking up I spotted a glowing dot on the floor. "Cooper..." I growled, standing up. I roared and raised my foot to step on him. My eyes widened. I roared as I was shockingly tossed through the air. I crashed to the floor and screeched in pain. Standing up again, I charged Cooper. He leaped into the air and readied a punch. Kaboom! In unison our fists collided, sending us shooting back. I clawed the ground and ran at him. I was so tired but persevered through the pain. Like the Flash, Cooper whizzed across the ground and struck my chest, sending me sky high. With another roar I struck the floor and returned to human form. I clutched my rib in pain and tried to stand but Cooper punched my face. In return I delivered a blow to his chest before spin kicking him back. I wiped blood from my nose and readied for a duel. Cooper lunged, punching my face, chest and hip in under a second before kicking my stomach. I flew back, leaving streaks in the air. We leaped at each other and struck each other like a damn anime scene. Blood dripped from my nose and scrapes on my hands. Bruises covered my torso and cuts littered my skin. I yelled and ran at him. I delivered powerful blows before he retaliated with a headbutt. Boom! I fell back, grabbing my head. Vision became blurry and it was difficult to stand. I reached to my holster and pulled my revolver. I swung it around before locking onto Cooper. As I prepared to pull the trigger he dashed, snatching the revolver from my hand, shooting my thigh, and blasting me in the left eye. The movements took all but a few seconds. I couldn't tell what the happened before I was hit in the chest and crashed to the floor. I reached up to my wounded eye. Blood covered my face and hand. It had become almost impossible to see and stand. I cried out in pain before falling to the floor. Cooper stood over me, boot on my chest. I breathed heavy. Blood leaked from his nose and a large bruise developed under one of is eyes. He held my revolver. "You were never going to defeat me!" He cackled while swinging the gun around. I sighed and looked up. A dark shape loomed in the air high above the clouds. A loud roar boomed from the sky as Hellfire divebombed into Cooper and flung him into a rock. He yelled in pain and pried himself up. He raised the gun up to Hellfire and fired. The dragon dodged the bullet and lunged at him, tearing into his chest with his claws before slamming him down. I heard the sound of bones break. I got up and ran at them. I gabbed Cooper off the floor and punched his face, before kneeing his chest. He groaned in pain and aimed the revolver. Hellfire slapped it out of his hand and bit his arm, swinging him around before throwing him into the air. I wiped blood from my face and looked to Hellfire. The dragon looked pissed. His eyes glowed an ominous orange while baring his fangs. I sighed and prepared to hop on his back as I was suddenly flung to the floor. I groaned as I was struck again and again, repeatedly. I blinked and watched as Cooper pulled his sword and readied to kill me. Hellfire screeched and fired a beam of purple fire at Cooper, pushing him back and severely burning him. I yelled and swung my fist, striking Cooper's jaw. He yelled and crumbled to the floor. I grabbed his sword and placed it to the side of his neck. He breathed hard. Genuine fear began to build. My body shook with fear. This was my brother, family. Did I have what it took to kill him? Could I? Did I want to? I gripped the blade harder. Agh! I threw the sword to the ground and kicked it away. "I will not kill you, brother!" I yelled. "I will find a way to save you!" I turned, climbed onto Hellfire and shot into the sky, far away from him. 

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