"Well I needed to get some work done and besides that I don't really want to drink with my cousin, who hates me to death" I said a bit sarcastically, which made the smaller laugh out loud.

Once again I noticed how beautiful his laugh was. It looked brighter than the sun. And it probably made everyone feel a weak feeling in their legs as soon as he smiled.

"What did you mean yesterday by saying your bedroom is down the hallway?" he mumbled and got closer to me. My eyes widened since I didn't expect him to actually confront me with the sinful words I said last night being dragged to them by my own dirty thoughts.

I tried to stay as calm as possible but the smaller suddenly went over to me. His beautiful vanilla scent met my nose making me feel hypnotized the moment he stood right in front of me.

He knew that there was only one answer. He knew that he almost dragged me into admitting that I meant it in a naughty way but I guessed that he just wanted me to say it out loud. Maybe to embarrass me, but maybe to get clarification.

I got up from my seat and put down the glasses I wore today. Wooyoung looked me right into my eyes not breaking eye contact once, which made me a bit nervous for the first time ever.

"You're drunk, Wooyoung. Please go to bed" I said trying to change the topic but the smaller seemed to know exactly what I was doing since he slowly shook his head and got even closer. The smell of peach Soju mixed in with his own vanilla scent met my nose combining two things I really liked to one

"I am not as drunk as you may think" he said, his eyes traveling up, looking dangerously pretty. Fuck, if he continues to talk and act like this I probably can't hold back anymore. I took a deep breath trying to not look at his beautiful features such as his beautiful lips, his sharp eyes and his cute button up nose

He got closer and closer making me feel like I've never seen a beautiful boy before. I did but none of the people I've met looked even close like him. He was so crazily beautiful, like a flower.

I put my hand on his chest in order to control how far he'd get closer. His diamond eyes met mine leaving me in shock since we've never been so close to each other. His eyes were big and widely opened as if he was mesmerized by the sight

"You don't know what you're starting, Wooyoung. I am not a very patient man and I am not easy either" I whispered when his face was so close to mine that I could see every little glittet particle that was part of his stunning natural eye makeup.

He licked his lips unsurely. It was a beautiful sight for me and I would've definitely remembered this scene till my fucking death. But now, I needed to stay focused and try to get to know about his real intentions. Was he just simply bored being with Felix or was he actually interested?

"What did you mean by saying that your room was down the hallway, San? What was your intention?" he didn't even reply to the things I just said and confronted me once again about my little offer that he sadly didn't take last night.

Of course, I meant it in a sexual way, but not only in a sexual way. I didn't even know what I would've done when he would've decided to visit me in my room. Maybe kissing, maybe heavy petting, maybe sex but maybe we would've just talked to each other.

"My intention was to get to know you" I whispered still standing close to him. Our bodies didn't really touch yet I felt an intense warmth around me as if we were connected. But maybe it was just the sexual frustration.

Wooyoung didn't seem to believe me one word even though it actually was the truth. The little tipsy boy licked his lips again and then leaned over. Our noses touched.

"I-It's not easy to hold back, San. You are such a perfect man. Someone I could never have" he whispered almost so quietly that I couldn't hear it, but I did, unfortunately.

My eyes widened, my heart clenched. Wooyoung, Jung Wooyoung, apparently didn't know how beautiful he was. It was bizarre that such a perfect boy said that he couldn't have a man like me. Like me? I wasn't someone one should've adored. I wasn't someone who was easy to love

"I envy every single man that ever touched you. you're absolutely beautiful" I whispered, my hand slowly traveling up to meet his face. I brushed his beautiful hair behind his ear not breaking the eye contact once.

Wooyoung looked down for a second, as if he was unsure about what he'd say next. "S-San I- it's-..no one ever touched me" he suddenly whispered. My mouth opened slightly, I needed to think about the words he just said.

He took a step back and looked at me in shock. He looked like he regretted what he just said. His lovely diamond like eyes met mine again, he was obviously panicking. "I-I am s-sorry I don't know what I am d-doing I will-" he stopped himself from talking now facing the door before storming out

My eyes followed him but my body and muscles didn't move. Of course, I should've followed him, tell him that everything was fine and that he did nothing wrong. That I wouldn't tell Felix and I wouldn't tell anyone that we had such intime moment but I was shocked.

I was actually not even surprised but so turned on by something I didn't want to be turned on by. He hit my weak spot. A spot I was ashamed of. A spot inside me that was dark, very dark.

I've had sex with so many people before. I've had sex with people that very already very used, very very used. They all fucked around, they all were experienced — because otherwise they wouldn't have started things with me since everyone in the club scene knew what I was doing to people, that I only wanted to fuck and nothing else.

I didn't even wanted to wake up next to someone. They should leave the second we were done or in the morning when the sun didn't even rise fully.

But what turned me on the most, what really made me feel excited and aroused was knowing that I would be the first to touch someone.

How easily he would get excited. How easily he would get aroused. How easily his skin would have a beautiful red flush on it. And how tight he would be around me.

And how he would realize how amazing sex was. And how he would never feel the same with someone else again, because I knew what I was doing to people. I knew how to make someone feel the best they've ever felt.

Fuck, they don't have sex. He never had sex. No one ever touched his body, saw him naked.

No one.

No one

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A/N:It starts folks It gets exciting !! I can't wait to shock you all with the planned darkness and smut Be prepared

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It starts folks
It gets exciting !!
I can't wait to shock you all with the planned darkness and smut
Be prepared

Guilty | Woosan 18+ Where stories live. Discover now