"For one of our 'greatest asassins'  you really aren't the best at self defence." He licks his lips, turns around and climbs onto the bike.

I shake my head and climb onto the back, wrapping my arms around him I try to calm down my breathing as he rides up the drive way and down into the garage.

Cass and Diego meet us in the garage, Marco gets off the bike first and walks off with Diego, their conversation making a low hum as they bend their heads towards each other as they converse.

"The hell have you been?" Cass raises and drops an arm.

I bite a lip and wrap my arms around my waist.

Cass sighs, "He told me about the necklace" She holds eye contact with me.

I look down and nod slowly.

"Ray is one of the best, he'll figure it out for you" She tries to offer comfort, "Let's go, Stefano has a meeting organised for us and I'm a tad nervous not gonna lie"

We take the elevator to another level I've never been on before but the whole time I think about what Cass said. If she knows, who else knows?

"Did you guys have sex?" Cass asks with an emotionless tone.

With a mortified expression I turn to her, she only smirks and continues looking at the elevator doors.

"I'll take that as a no" She turns to me, "Whatever you do, try to stay as far away from him as you can, it's not worth it" She licks her lips.

I raise a brow and turn my head slightly, confusion all over my face.

"Oh," she laughs, "I didn't date him, God no. Tess and I just knew someone who did and long story short Stefano got in the way" She steps out of the elevator.

I give a short nod and follow her out.

"Good, you're all here" Stefano says as we sit down at the rectangular table. I look around, Stefano is at the head, Marco and Mateo opposite each other at the top, Diego and Alexander opposite each other, Tess are and Cass opposite each other and so is Ray and I.

Ray gives me a quick sympathetic smile, it's the first time I've seen him show any other emotion than stress but I don't think much of it and look back to Stefano.

"I take it that you all have no idea why I brought you here today?" He looks around the table, "The Spanish, that's why. You're mission is to storm their main base." He slides 8 files into the middle of the table, "There's statistics for all of you in there, and you're assigned task"

Grabbing a file I scan quickly what's happening.

Marco D'Angelo: Mission coordinator.....determines the plan

Mateo D'Angelo: Brute.....target as many officials as possible

Diego Russo: Hitman.....elimiate Felix Garcia

Alexander Romero: Con artist.....raid weapons

Athena Brown: Asassin.....eliminate Carlos Ortiz 

Cassandra Bianchi: Con artist.....raid weapons

Tess Bianchi:Medic on standby and driver

Ray Ricci: Hacker, comms and cameras

"Wait, hitman? Am I being paid?" Diego asks Stefano and I'm suprised by how casual he is.

"Of course you're being paid, at least most of you are" Stefano lands his gaze on me, "I just need Garcia out of the way and you're the best for the role" Stefano turns his attention back to Diego.

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