BP Lisa & Jennie (A Paired Request)

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*****Start of Plot*****

Man, the luxury hotels back home had nothing on the ones in Seoul. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but there was just something extra about them. Though, I had to remind myself that it very well might've been because of who I was traveling with.

The hotel allocated a whole floor of rooms for Olivia and all her staff very near the top floor. I was lucky enough to get one with a stunning view of the city below. On second thought, maybe luck had nothing to do with it. I had spent the last hour or so watching the city blink awake as the sheet of night fell across it. I half-expected a knock at the door by now, but none came. How presumptuous of me.

Olivia had gone out on the town around midday for some fan meets and just some general exploration; things that didn't require my particular expertise. She still offered to bring me, but I turned her down on account of having some pretty bad jet lag. Oh well, there was always tomorrow. I went to put on my PJ's, but noticed the complimentary silk robe on the edge of the bed. When in Rome, right? I stripped down and slid it on. God, it felt like I was wearing air. I started putzing around the room, getting things ready for bed. Then a knock came.

My heart fluttered as I made my way to the door, taking a steadying breath before opening it. But it was just Clem, Olivia's assistant.

"Evening, y/n," she said flatly. "Just wanted to give you tomorrow's schedule; we'll need to be at the venue in the early afternoon so plan accordingly."

She handed me a sheet of paper with a series of tables and charts on its face, color coded of course.

"Got it," I reply.

"Sleep well," she curtly nodded and began walking down the hall.

I peeked my head out and called after her, "You too, Clem!"

I went to shut the door, but stopped when I heard someone whistle from the other end of the hall. I poked my head outside again and looked, only to find Olivia walking silently towards my room with two feminine figures in black hoodies in tow. I held the door open and they all slipped inside. I shut the door quietly.

"What's going on?" I whispered.

Before answering me, Olivia eyed me up and down with an amused look, "Gotta say, I don't hate the robe; really shows off your thighs."

I felt my face turn bright red; I had forgotten what I was wearing. I became acutely aware of how dangerously close I was to an accidental exposure. I rushed over to the bed, snagged my PJ's, and went toward the bathroom. Olivia blocked my way before I could get there.

"Oli— Miss Rodrigo, please let me make myself presentable for your guests," I begged.

"Oh, I think you already are," she teased.

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