CH7 - The Deserved Fate

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Dave POV

Henry was just like I remembered him. [I'm too lazy for yet another character description so insert Henry drawing here].

[I can't draw hands so ignore that please & thank u]

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[I can't draw hands so ignore that please & thank u]

He was just getting dressed in a Springlock suit. What the hell is he planning? "Oh, look at little Davey here! Pissing in his pants?" He ridiculed me. "You know, maybe if you stopped chasing after mere love, you wouldn't end up here." He criticized. How could he tell? "You little-" Jack let go of my hand and snatched his crowbar, seemingly wanting to hurt Henry. This is wrong.

"No. Don't hurt him, Sportsy." I stopped Jack, and calmly approached Henry. "Good dog. Good! You didn't go completely nuts for this, tangerine manipulator!" Henry spread his arms out for a hug. "Dad..." I went straight for it. "I was worried. So, so worried you'd fall for this measly boy!" Henry patted my back. "Dave, stop it! He just wants to use you again!" Jack ran up to me and tried to get me to back off. He's wrong. I never should've doubted dad.

No... Henry abused me. Jack wants the best for me. He wants to avenge his sister and get outta here, together. I love him. I've always loved him. And I have yet to tell him. Oh, not this feeling again. What should I do...

I backed off from Henry and furrowed my eyebrows at him. "You abused me, dad. You made me kill people with families. You made me kill Dee!" I yelled at him. He wasn't happy to hear that. Did I fuck up?

"Well, then. If you hate me so much, why don't you just kill me?" Henry raised his arms provocatively. I couldn't. I wouldn't forgive myself. And he knew that really damn well.

"No need! I'll do it for him." Jack pulled me away furiously from dad and swinged his crowbar at him. Henry however, grabbed it and twisted Jack's arm. He whined in pain. I don't understand. I thought dad loves me. Why is he hurting Jack? It's my fault, isn't it... Henry then pulled out a knife, and headed straight for Jack's chest.

Without thinking, I crowbar'd Henry right into the stomach, grabbed Jack and started fleeing. The place was a mess. Chairs and flipped tables scattered everywhere. It wasn't easy jumping over all the garbage everywhere, especially with a man dressed in a murder fursuit up to his shoulders chasing you. Terrifying sight, really.

We got to the exit, only to find out it's locked. When the fuck did Henry get to lock it? Jack thought fast and pulled me aside behind a flipped table, hiding away from Henry. "Don't say a word, you hear me? He's gonna try to bluff you." Jack whispered, placing an index finger over his mouth. I nodded, crouching up as low as possible.

Henry caught up shortly. He knew we couldn't have gotten out. He knew we were hidden near. Both of us were doing our best to conceal our panting.

"Where are you hiding? Come on, my boy! Come out! We can have a nice little performance for your boyfriend!" Henry yelled out, pacing back and forth slowly through the dining area. That does sound quite promising, I must admit. But Jack is right. He might be bluffing. I looked over at Jack, asking for advice. He glared at me and shook his head. Okay..

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