"Or what?"

"Or we could go wedding dress shopping." She says, smiling from ear to ear." I look over at Spencer again.

"Is that okay?" I ask him.

"Of course, you go have fun." He says, but I'm still not convinced.

"You sure? You could come with, you know." I say, hoping that he's not mad at me for something.

"No, that's okay. It's bad luck to see you in your wedding dress before the ceremony." He says and I notice the lack of a genius remark about how weddings worked in some century long ago.

"Okay." I say slowly. "It's all set then." I say and look at Emma reassuringly. I'm really excited to go shopping with Emma for my wedding dress, I mean, we haven't been shopping together since we were teenagers. But the thought of Spencer's face when we met Emma keeps drifting into my mind, obscuring my thoughts.


We leave Spence in my apartment watching some SiFi movie and get into the car.

"You excited?" Emma squeals.

"Of course, I've been waiting for this my whole life. I just want everything to be perfect." I say, wishing for Spencer's happiness. "Are you excited to be back?" I ask, changing the subject.

"Yeah, I feel like it's been so long since I've seen you!" She says as we pull into the parking lot of the wedding and prom dress store.

I walk in with fake confidence, reminding me again of my second week at the BAU. The day I got set up with Spence. I guess I'm good at that, hiding my true emotions. Ever since my grandmother died I'd been hiding my feelings and it kind of scared me that I had begun doing it without realizing.

I shrugged it off and joined Emma by one of the racks. She pulled one out and I winced. No way. I nodded though and pulled a different one. "What about this one?" I ask and she looks at it, squinting.

"Hmm... You could try it on... I don't know about the beading on the bodice." She says and I look down at it again. It looks fine.

"Yeah, okay." I say vaguely, draping it over her shoulder. We go back to looking at them.


A half and hour later we've picked out four dresses.

"Are you ready to go try them on?" A lady in a uniform asks.

"Oh. Sure, let's go." I say, still not sure about the picks. As we start walking back to the dressing rooms I notice one more on a manikin I stop, staring at it. "Wait, Em. What about that one?" I ask and she turns to me, nodding. We haven't really agreed on the other choices and I'm glad we finally chose one that we both like.

"Is that okay?" She asks the person helping us.

"Yeah." She replies with a smile. "I think that one would be good. I'll go get it, you go try on the first one." She tells me and we head to the changing rooms.

I come out of the changing room five minutes later and twirl. The first dress poofs out but remains elegant.

"I still don't know about the beading..." Emma critiques from a comfy chair in the corner.

"Okay..." I say, getting a tad bit frustrated. "What do you like about it?"

"I like the way that it poofs out when you twirl..." She says hesitantly.

"Okay. We're making progress." I say, more relieved now.

"Go try on the one that I picked."
She says, smiling. Maybe we should have done this a different day. I think, sighing.

Reid's Girl // Spencer Reid FanficWhere stories live. Discover now