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your pov:

"Did you hear? A deadly snake escaped from the local zoo."

"There's a poisonous snake on the loose!?"

"Are you boys sure it escaped? An animal attack is just the kinda plan they'd come up with."

You payed little attention to the rumors about the snake escaping. You weren't scared of snakes and you definitely weren't worried it would somehow make its way towards your school.

"Fear not! I, the Jet-Black Wings, am never fooled by their evil deception. Someone must have set that snake free on purpose!"

"Hang on, you know the guy who did this Kaidou?"

Kaidou continued to explain how he, Jet-Black Wings, was the enemy of the Dark reunion. And how the snake incident was all a part of a scheme to sort mankind. 'Wow, he really is delusional' you thought to yourself. The group of people previously surrounding him disappeared. You almost pitied him, it didn't seem like he had many friends (not that you did either).

"Aha. Once again the fate of the world has fallen into our super-powered laps ay Saiki?"

Now that got your attention. To be completely honest, you didn't even realize that Saiki was in this class. Nor did you realize he was "friends" with Kaidou.

"I dont like this one bit. The snake, which i've named  the Murder Dragoram Snake, is likely no ordinary snake! It's also likely that Dark Reunion genetically engineered Murder Dragoram Snake specifically to kill people."

"So, this snake was made by the Dark Reunion? Seems pretty scary...are you and Saiki really gonna be able to protect us" you said in a teasing tone.

The male didn't pick up on the sarcasm and continued with his delusional rant. Saiki didn't respond. He only glanced at you before looking away in annoyance.

"Of course we will! For it is my destiny, as Jet-Black Wings, to protect the world from evil organizations like the Dark Reunion! With the help from my sidekick, we'll defeat the Dark Reunion once and for all."

You covered your mouth to hide the smirk on your lips. You couldn't help but tease him. I mean, it's not like he noticed what you were doing anyway. You might've just made his day by jokingly going along with his silly story.

"Hey good news! They caught the snake."

Kaidou froze. You weren't sure if you could hide your smile any longer. It was bad enough that his speech was interrupted, but when it was revealed that the so called "murder snake" was beaten dead by 5 year olds.. Turns out you weren't the only one who thought it was humorous, as a group of people started laughing and making fun of Kaidou.

"Go ahead and laugh, this is the calm before the storm....Dark Reunion is coming. I tried to warn you all I swear" he said as he walked out of the classroom.

"You know, I kinda feel bad for him" you said to Saiki.

"Don't. He'll be- woah, better go with him" he said before standing up and heading after Kaidou.

You raised your eyebrow in confusion. You didn't take him for the type of guy that would go comfort his friend in a bathroom. His sudden change of mind confused you too. It was as if he realized something. You decided that you didn't really care and dropped it. You put your head down and listened to the almost peaceful chatter of your peers. That is, until a snake fell out of someones sleeve causing everyone to scream. Your head jolted up and you pulled your feet off the floor. You still weren't scared of snakes. But being bit by a poisonous snake was not on your bucket list so you opted to be careful. Saiki and Kaidou sure were lucky. They left right before the snake was revealed. 'Maybe Kaidou and Saiki used their magical powers to read the future and leave before the snake was found' you joked. Little did you know you weren't completely wrong.

Your thoughts were interrupted by the sight of the snake hanging right from Nendou's crotch. That was truly unfortunate for him. The snake released and began to move around the room again.

"Everybody get down! I'll take care of this snake."

Kaidou had bursted through the doors and started to "fight" the snake. It seemed more like a distraction than a fight as he wouldn't actually touch the snake and was only doing questionable poses. You took this as an opportunity to slip out the door and leave. You weren't interested in seeing how the "fight" ended and instead decided to roam through the halls until things calmed down.


Kaidou had somehow gotten worse. You didn't think you were gone for that long. But when you came back his ego had grown and there was now some confidence behind his words of nonsense. Apparently, the snake went to attack a girl when Kaidou blocked the attack and electrocuted the snake before it could reach them. This was just what you heard, by the time this happened you had already left the classroom. You didn't want to believe it, but it was hard not to when every student in the classroom claimed Kaidou now had powers. The only person who hadn't commented on this was Saiki. But it's not like he would know either, he wasn't even in the room after all.

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