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The Red Keep was in chaos on a beautiful summers day as maesters and midwifes ran to the rooms in a hurry. Today would be a joyous day because both Targaryen princesses, Rhaenyra and Viserra, would be giving birth to the newest additions of the family.

King Viserys sat in the council chambers with his brother and son-in-law waiting patiently on the news of his daughters. Daemon was nervous because he feared he would lose his wife everytime she gave birth. They had eight children already, The twins Prince Baelon and Princess Rhaella, Princess Naerys, twins: Prince Aerion and Princess Aeliae, Prince Daeron, Prince Jaehaerys and Princess Alyssa.

The doors to the council room suddenly opened and in rushed a maid. She bowed to the King and Prince. Viserys stood up urgently.

"What is it?" He demanded

"The Princess Rhaenyra has delivered a son, your grace," the maid said.

Laenor smiled and laughed, "another boy." Viserys and Daemon congratulated Laenor.

"What of the Princess Viserra? Has she delivered her babe yet? Is she alright?" Viserys questioned.

"The Princess is fine but the maester fears that the princess is struggling to birth the babe. The princess and the queen believe it is like the princess's first pregnancy your grace, with the twins," the maid answered.

"Twins?!" Daemon said. The King smiled.

"At least it's not three again," Laenor said.

"The Gods have blessed you both again," Viserys said patting Daemon on the back.

"My Prince, you must come to the chambers, the maester would like to speak with you," the maid said. Daemon nods to the maid and followed the maid out of the council room and to his and Viserra's chambers.

Inside the chambers all you could hear was the princess screaming. Viserra was in pain, the same pain she felt when she had Baelon and Rhaella, even the same pain she had with Aerion and Aerea. Alicent, Mariah, and Johanna were stood by the princess' bed watching her cautiously.

"Fuck, where's Daemon?" Viserra said wincing in pain, "I want Daemon!"
Alicent rushed to Viserra and took her hand.

"He should be here soon Viserra, just keep breathing alright," Johanna said reassuringly.

"I don't want to die," Viserra said crying, "I can't do it, it's too much."

"Hey look at me," Mariah said approaching the princess, "you are the future Queen of Westeros. You are strong. You are the blood of the dragon, Viserra you can do anything." Viserra kept shaking her head as sharp pains kept coming through her abdomen.

Suddenly, Daemon rushed into the room and took over Alicent's position at Viserra's side. Daemon carefully lifted Viserra with the help of Mariah and Johanna and sat behind her so that her back was against his chest.

"Viserra, I'm here," Daemon said wiping her tears away.
"Daemon, I'm scared," Viserra whimpered.
"Little Dragon, you are the strongest person I know. You have done this six times before, you can do this. I am with you now, Alicent, Mariah, and Johanna will be with you also."

"I think we're having twins," Viserra said, "the pain is the same as when Baelon and Rhaella came along." Daemon nodded and smiled taking Viserra's hand while Alicent took the other. Johanna and Mariah both helped aid the midwives on the side of the princess. The maester approached Daemon and Alicent.

"My prince, my queen, I must say the next time the princess feels another contraction she must push," the maester said.
Daemon looked to Alicent.

"Viserra, when you feel another contraction you must push, okay? You need to for the health of your children and yourself alright, you do it," Alicent said. Viserra nodded as Daemon kissed her forehead.
Viserra breathed slowly withstanding the pain. She knew she had to do it for the sake of her children's health as well as hers was at stake, so when she felt another wave of contractions, she pushed with all her might as she gripped Daemon and Alicent's hands tightly.
"That's it, princess, babe number one is nearly here they can see the head," Mariah said.
Viserra used all of her strength and pushed hard until she finally heard the sounds of a crying babe.
"A girl, Viserra," Johanna said. The midwives cleaned off the babe and handed the babe to Johanna. Johanna approached the side of the queen.
Alicent smiled at the little princess.

𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ