Glad that I got a basket before doing everything, seeing that I somehow bought a lot more than intended and that we still need to eat dinner later, but I can't say no to snacks, especially instant noodles.

I finish my little grocery shopping to find where Bada is, seeing that she is already waiting for me near the counter with a few snacks and drinks of her choice.

"That's all you need?" I said while putting the food I bought in front of the store employee to scan it.

"Yeah, already enough for me."

We just wait for the store employee to finish scanning what we buy. I see the amount it reaches, and I pull out a 50,000 won bill to pay for it, seeing that the things we bought were only around 47,000 won.

I didn't let Bada even get her wallet to pay and just get the things before going to the section where we can heat and have hot water for the ramyeon we buy and other food that needs to be heated.

It didn't take us that long, and we are now walking towards the part of the park where we can lay the mat and still see the view of the river with people walking and biking around.

I am doing my best to hold everything together and not spill the ramyeon I am holding to the bag that has the blanket, mat, and pillows, and make sure that the plastic that holds the things we buy will not snap.

"You sure you don't need any help with that? You know I also have functioning arms and hands," she said with amusement present in her tone while looking at me.

"Yup, I am a strong, independent woman of this century, so I can do this. And for the help you are talking about, can you find a place where we can settle?" I said as I carefully walked, not wanting to trip on air.

She scans the area before walking in front of me and leading me to a part where we can have privacy but still see everything around us.

I sigh in relief when I get everything in their places without spilling our ramyeon and take a seat on the now spread-out mat.

"Go ahead and start eating; the ramyeon will not be warm enough any minute now," I said as I gave hers, waiting for her to take a bite first before doing the same with mine.

As we take a bite of our food, we just watch our surroundings, and from time to time I sneak a glance at her, but at some point she caught me, making her chuckle.

"You really have the tendency to stare at someone," said Bada, making me put down what I was eating and look straight back at her. Blushing seems to be our thing now, for her cheeks are slowly reddening, and I know mine too. I didn't even think of the chance that it was because of the slightly chilly wind breezing us in our spot, but rather assumed that it was because of how we always find ourselves staring right straight through each other's eyes. She mirrors what I have done and squints her eyes in a questioning way.

Fishing my phone out of my pocket, I go to the camera before letting her face the screen of my phone. "See what I see everytime?" I said with a cheesy grin projecting to my face.

Something must be really wrong with me, but if I'm being honest, I don't want whatever it is I'm feeling to stop. As scary as it is for me, I don't want them to stop. That I know is for sure.

I grab the chance to take a picture of her before pulling my phone back and letting it sit beside me.

I look back at her to see her shaking her head, trying to stop her smile from coming out. "Did you just take a picture of me?"

"Huh? What do you mean? Did you see me doing that?" I said, clearly knowing that she saw it with her two eyes, but I just shrugged it off and continued eating the remaining ramyeon I have, still looking at her with a grin that just can't seem to leave my lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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