Chapter 15 : Carpe Diem

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It's 7 already.. I cooked Sunghoon some rice along with some side dishes. I cleaned his house too . He's sleeping. I guess he's still a bit weak. I get ready to leave his house since I'm all done. I have stayed here for one night already.

I was checking my bag, making sure I didn't leave anything. Suddenly i get chills feeling two masculine hands hugging me from behind .

"Si- can't you stay here? For tonight? " He mumbles like a baby  asking eagerly to buy a toy . I can't deny the fact, it was..cute .
" I have stayed here for one day already- " " No! I couldn't see then ! I was asleep! No i mean unconscious "

I hold back my smile as his cuteness was overloading. " Si...Please? Just for today? " He pouts as our eyes mets. I sign and nod at him. He holds me tight and gives me a hug screaming " Thank you!! I love you!! "

I was blank for a second. As he kept hugging me and giggling . Those words, i have missed them so much. And again hearing it from the person i wanted to hear the most.. Just seeing him spelling it for me tears suddenly slides out of my own will as i keep my eyes away from him, don't wanna let him aware that I'm crying

" I- I need to go to the washroom" i stutter at him " Yeah go on " I finally escape of his hold and head towards the washroom lowing my head down, looking at the ground

Time Skip

" Hey! What are you doing?! You should rest hoon ! Let me make the table and stop it !" i yell at him worriedly finding him setting the table for us. " Oh Si~ rest assured! I'm alright now" he says smiling but i still can't allow a sick person to be working like this right?

" No! you're not- " he suddenly cups my face and places a sweet little peck on my lips leaving me blank. And speechless. " I'm really alright now having you by my side , Si " i snap out of the reality and slightly push him off me

" Let's eat- or not- or not- you know it will- umm it will get colder! "
I barely speak in front of him. I could totally feel the hotness burning inside of my cheeks . No wonder how red it was outside! He chuckles and nods at me

We were enjoying our food in silent not until Sunghoon asks me " Do you still keep touch with heeseung- hyung? " I look at him as our eyes mets. I nod at him smiling sweetly at my food. Thinking of him suddenly makes me feel good. I'm still thankful of him , i need to thank him properly for what he did

"You and him..You two are pretty close right? " Sunghoon mumbles as he pouts at his food. I nod at him with a big grin and reply " Yes! We are..close" " Look at you smiling for another guy " he mumbles lightly as I don't understand anything and ask him again about what he just said. " No-nothing! " I just nod..

I yawn feeling tired and open my phone to check. OTP - " 27 messages from HAM PRINCE✧ " Oh no! Look at him! I immediately call him as he picks it up


" Siyeon-a ! Where have you been?! I was freaking worrying about you! You didn't even reply to my texts! "

" I'm really sorry hee.. Things came up.. I will tell you everything! Okay? I promise i will tell you everything! Please try to understand me..hmm? "

He signs and asks " Are you still with him? "

I give him a hmm

" You stayed there the freaking night?! "

I give him a hmm again

He was silent for a moment while suddenly sunghoon appears and snatches the phone from me .

" Wt- wait! What? " I say to Sunghoon who didn't even give me a damn and said to heeseung " Don't worry, i didn't harm her at least"
" What-? What do you mean by not harming her at least!! Hey-! Sunghoon! Park Sunghoon! What have you done to her?!! " Sunghoon hangs up the call

" Hey! Why did you hang up? What if he misunderstands? " I yell at him and try to snatch my away from him. He keeps on moving his hands away " What if ?! What if he do? " He slightly raises his voice at me making me slightly flinch

I shrug it off and keep on trying to get my phone away from his hand. Soon after i start to tip toe as his hands gets higher and higher.
Suddenly i loose my balance and fall on him , he grabs my waist tightly preventing us from falling but unfortunately it doesn't work.

i fall on the couch along with him on top off me. I could feel his mint scented breath rushing towards my cheeks, leaving a pinky red type of effect on it .

" You know what, about the misunderstand thing...Why don't we make his assume come true? " He asks with a pervert type smile and glueing his gaze on mine , keeping his face straight on mine. I blush hard and mumble " Pervert! " The he smirks and leans his face closer glueing his eyes on my lips.

My heart was racing that time. I didn't know what to do so i just gave him a headbutt making him grunt slightly letting go off me . I seriously took it as a chance and ran off towards the room.

" You!! Just wait till i catch you Si! " He screams as i look behind and scream too " Catch me If you can ! " I find him smirking as he gets up and runs towards me.

I scream surprisingly as i run towards the bedroom. My plan was to reach the room and lock it . I succeed reaching the room and grab the doorknob to lock the door. He appears with a smirk and stops the door preventing it from locking.

I gasp seeing him and try my best and give all of my strengths on closing it. But i fail! He comes inside locking it using his one hand from behind and with the other hand he grabs my waist tightly, preventing me to not escape his grip.

He pins me against the door and smirks saying " Where will my princess go now? " I gulp at him, his eyes were lost in lust as i find him glaring at me from top to bottom

He leans his face closer to mine, leaving myself no hope of escaping from him but to accept what he was ready to do to me. I squeeze my eyes tight getting the feeling of our lips collide . My eyes were still closed tight until he pecks on my forehead leaving me numb and blank. He chuckles

" I know you're tired. But it doesn't mean I won't complete what i had started. I will see you next time" saying he carries me bridal style and gently places me on his bed, still his eyes glued on me .

He turn off the lights, puts and fixes the blanket on me and again places a sweet little kiss on my forehead whispering " Goodnight"
Then he lefts the room leaving me all blank about what just happened. But one thing for sure, i could seriously feel the butterflies inside of me twinkling and screaming the name of him . Where did he go? Won't he come back? Won't he come and lay beside me? Won't he spent the night with me? Sleeping and hugging?

BE MY FUTURE ( VOLUME 2 ) - LOVE LASTS Where stories live. Discover now