Chapter 11

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Author 'sPOV
The doctors immediately hurried to the emergency unit as the patient who was brought in was in need of urge medical attention. The patient who was involved in an accident was brought in by a good Samaritan.

Alex's POV
I glanced at my watch repeatedly. We were so close again to hitting this contract deal and that stupid dude wasn't here yet. Like seriously what's his problem. If he had gone to drink again this time around I would surely kill him. My phone rang and I excused myself. I picked the call.

"Hello." An unknown voice said.

"Hello, pls who is speaking?" I asked.

"Are you Mr Alex Dakota?"

"Yes, I am ." I replied.

"Do you know one  Mr David Young."

"Yes , he's my best friend is anything wrong?"

"I am Dr Alfred from T&D hospital. Your friend was brought in by a good Samaritan. He had an accident and   he is in a critical condition."

What !!!! Ok , I 'm coming right now." I said.

Shit!!!! I rushed to my car not minding the contract we were about to lose. I drove like a mad man to the hospital.

Stephanie 'sPOV
"Nooooo." Cherry screamed as she hugged me tight.

We had finished watching "The nun."
and we were currently watching"Anabelle Creation."

"Are you serious? Just a little doll and you 're scared . "I said.

" It's not just a little doll. It's killing people and it's scary. "

" Seriously if you wanna act like a cry baby you can meet your boyfriend."

" I don't act like a cry baby around Alex cos he doesn't make me watch what I don't wanna watch. "

" Whatever, when are you gonna introduce me to your boyfriend? "I asked.

" I thought you don't wanna meet
him."she said

"Well that's your business anyways." I replied her glancing at my wristwatch.

"It's three o'clock already ."

"Yeah, let's go pick Axel." Cherry replied.

Alex 'sPOV
I rushed into the hospital. I saw a man on white coat and ran to meet him .

"Doctor, Doctor is my friend Ok?"

"Your friend?"

"Yes, Mr David Young."

"Oh yes he's currently unconscious but we have successfully stopped his bleeding.

" When is he gonna wake up? "I asked.

"We do not know sir."

"Ok,can I see him now?" I asked.

"No yet sir." The doctor answered and turned to leave but I grabbed him by his arm.

"Listen here you're gonna do everything in your power to make sure he's okay . Infact you're gonna make sure he's okay or else this hospital would be shut down." I said.

"Listen here young man, we're trying everything within our power to save your friend why the threats."

"Do you know the famous Young family? "

" Well yes . "

" Good. That guy in there is the only son of the Young family and I'm very sure if anything happens to him I am very sure his parents would not take it easy on you. Do you understand? "

" Yes sir . "

" Good , I am going to see my friend. Any objections? "I asked the doctor.

" No, sir. "

I entered into David's ward I couldn't help but cry as I saw my friend lying unconscious and connected to different machines.I held his hand .

"Bro, if you wake up I'm gonna stop insulting you please wake up." I said as tears flowed down my cheeks.

Suddenly the machine started beeping and some doctors entered the ward.

"What's happening I asked?"

"His condition is becoming unstable. We are loosing him."

"What!!!!" I screamed.

"Please sir you would have to excuse us ."

"I am not leaving." I said .

"Sir please your presence here is distracting us."

"Fine , but if anything happens to him
you all are dead meat."

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