Chapter 9

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(A year later)
Stephanie 'sPOV

"Are you sure about this???" Aunt Rose asked for the twentieth time as I put my bags into the trunk of the cab.

" Yeah, I don't want to have memories of this place anymore it keeps giving me nightmares. "

"Alright , call when you get there." Aunty Rose said giving me a hug .

I smiled and opened the door of the cab . As I entered into the cab I had mixed feelings . I have been having nightmares in this place because of what happened to me . This place was cursed I mean my parents died here, I was raped here so I just felt this place was just too much bad luck. My phone rang . I glanced at the caller 's ID. It was Mr Young. Well for some time I have been avoiding their calls. I wanted to put the past behind me and that was what I was gonna do. I have a book which I had written Aunt Rose number cause she was the most important person in my life right now. I gently opened the cab window and tossed the phone. With nostalgia I glanced back at the place I once called home. I was leaving here with uncertainty, no future plans and I don't think I would be able to survive but as the sleeping child stirred in my arms, I knew that I would have to survive for his sake.


(Three years later)

Stephanie 'sPOV
A lot has happened in the last three years . My little son Axel was growing into a carbon copy of his dad. Though he was just four years old I could see the resemblance clearly.Aunty Rose has moved to New York City with her husband and I have a best friend now her name is Cherry and I 'm currently working as a secretary for a stupid  whore whom I detested cos he only had his eyes on what was underneath my skirt. Yeah I detest him and this job so much but hey I gotta survive.

I packed my things as I prepared to close for the day. Gosh ! today was so hectic. As usual I had to work under the glaring eyes of Mr Theodore which always made me feel uncomfortable but what can I do?
When I was done packing my things he called me to his office.

"Sir you called me." I said looking at the floor.

"It's been two and the half years since you started working here and you are still proving stubborn hun?

"Sir I don't understand what you are saying?

" Oh don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about? "He said.

"Sir seriously I don't know what you're talking about. "I said feigning ignorance?

He banged the table in anger .

"Listen here Stephanie you are not better , prettier or even more holy  than all the girls in this company so why is yours different?"

" Sir I.... "

" What type of excuse do you wanna give. Fine what do you want in return? Is it money or promotion all you gotta do is this simple task. "

" I don't want anything sir. "

" I am giving a day off, think about it and get back to me. "

" Yes sir . "I replied and left his office.

Alex's POV
I was sweating under the AC as I glanced repeatedly at my phone .Gosh
we were meant to sign a contract today and David wasn't here yet. I excused myself from the meeting. When I was sure I was out of earshot I dialed his number.

"Hello, where the fuck are you? "I asked angrily when he picked the call .

"I'm on the mooooon ."he  replied drunkenly.

"Are  you serious? We  are about to sign one of the biggest contract in our lives and you chose the moment to drink away your sorrows. I swear I'm gonna kill you."I said and hung up.

I got in my car and ordered my driver to take me to his favorite bar.
Cherry's POV
I glanced at my wristwatch as I waited
for my best friend, Stephanie. It is been a hour since she closed from work. Why isn't she here yet???
Stephanie moved to California from Los Angeles three years. She was a victim of rape and has a child to show for it . I still remember how we met at the shopping mall . I used to be a very lonely person , no friends, boyfriend just on my own but since she came into my life it has just been great for me.

"Hey."  Stephanie said hugging me.

"Gosh, what took you so long I have been waiting for three hours" I said folding my arms.

"No  way I'm very sure you must have been waiting for me for three days" she said sarcastically.

"Whatever  let's go pick up your son."  I said rolling my eyes.

David's POV
I woke up on a bed. I glanced around. Oh , I was in my room. I felt a slight headache and I held my head in pain. The door opened and Alex entered my room.

"Idiot you are finally awake and guess what you were supposed to be at a contract meeting today."Alex said obviously annoyed.

"I  am sorry Alex it's just that...."

"Just that you drink to forget all your problems neglecting the people who care about you. You're currently living a wasted life because of a mistake you made in the past. And you don't think you deserve a better life " Alex said.

"Alex , I tried to find Stephanie. I neglected her , I only tried to look for her and my son a year after she has given birth. I didn't realize my mistake. It hurts Alex, it hurts."

"Yeah  and you keep hurting yourself right??? Ok even if you eventually find her what makes you she's gonna accept you as the father of her child hun?What if she's married already what will you do ? Look you seriously need to put the past behind you and think of the future" Alex said.

"Alex  you wouldn't underst..."

"No , I understand. You are going to kill yourself one day David trust me " Alex said.

And with that he was gone.
I watched as Alex left my room. This was not the first time he was giving one of his motivational speeches. He has been giving me this speeches for over three years .

After Stephanie left town, I tried looking for her and her aunt. I knew. her aunt left town just few days her niece left town so I knew they were probably not headed in the same direction. But still I tried to find one of them at least all to no avail. I hired private investigators but none came up with anything tangible. With weeks , months and finally years passing by the guilt of what I did was eating me up and I started having nightmares. My parents tried to help through therapy sessions but none seemed to be working. It was one of the therapist who suggested that I needed a change of environment so my dad sent me to California with my best friend of course, to head one of his companies and here I am today . A hopeless drunk.


Summary: David has been searching all over for Stephanie all over after Stephanie left town.

Guys. let's leave a word of encouragement for David.

And to all my readers I truly appreciate y'all.

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