Part 30

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"So they were the ones who saved you?" asked Jungkook.

Jin replied nodding.

The living room of their shared place filled with silence.

"And you didn't know they were linked with Kang Minyeong?" Namjoon asked.

"how would I know? I don't even know them properly." Jin said already getting annoyed.

"hyung you know, I mean, what if they aren't the type of people you're expecting?" Hoseok spoke up.

"I don't know. I just got to know their names and jobs plus it's not like I'm close with them. I mean I'm grateful for them but..." he sighed not completing the sentence.

"I don't think they're any harmful from the time I've spent with them." said Jimin.

"ok ok, leave it. Get some rest everyone." Yoongi said getting up from the couch.

"yeah we'll have to deal with that smashed guy tomorrow again." Jungkook said making the others laugh.

"oh, Jin hyung!" Tae excitedly got up from the couch leaving his phone seeing Jin and walked towards him.

Jin smiled at him and patted on his shoulder. "where's Eunseo?"

"she's in the washroom. Why did you come so early. You should've taken more rest. you stayed up almost the whole night." Tae said pulling Jin with him towards the couch and sat him down.

"it's ok. I'm just used to it." Jin said and handed Tae the small pot of orchid.

A door unlocking sound was heard as Eunseo came out. She smiled seeing Jin and Jin smiled back.
Tae ran to Eunseo and escorted her towards her bed.

"Yah, I can walk. My leg is okay." Eunseo said half chuckling.

"here hyung brought it for you." Tae said forwarding the white little flower pot to Eunseo and she happily accepted it.

"Thank you." she said to Jin who was now standing beside the bed and he smiled in return.

"hyung, are you going to explain now?" Tae said with a small pout.

"go ahead. Ask what you want to know." Jin said all calm.

"how do you know Mister Kang?" Tae asked first.

"Seriously? You're still calling him Mister?" Eunseo said while rolling her eyes.

"who doesn't know him? I mean he is the 3rd biggest businessman in Korea." Jin said.

"Still, the way he was talking with you and those men with you, it seemed like you know each other from a long time." Eunseo said.

"because he was the one who attacked me and my other friends so we were angry at him." he said scrunching his nosw which made Tae chuckle While Eunseo gasped.

Just two opposite minded best friends: one who only cares about fun and the other one who's always serious except some 'specific times'?

"but why did he attack you?" Eunseo asked still with a shocked face.

"It's a long story, I'll tell you later. Next question please." Jin said like he was the greatest math teacher in the world who's ready to solve any math related problem of his students.

"How did you have guns with you? Guns are illegal for normal citizens like you but all of you had guns." Eunseo asked raising an eyebrow.

"You're right but we had them for our own safety, you already know what happened to me just like that Jimin was also attacked and another of my friends Jungkook, they also attacked him but luckily his one wasn't that serious. Kang Minyeong tried to kidnap and attack others too but couldn't succeed. So yeah." He finished and the other two made 'O' faces while nodding.

"it must've been difficult or for you all." Tae said making a small pout.

Jin was staring at Tae with an unreadable face. His eyes looked tired and sad like he hadn't slept for a while.

"Hyung?" Tae spoke breaking the chain of thoughts in Jin's mind and He looked at him being a bit startled. "which branch are you in?"

"I-I.." Jin couldn't complete his sentence as his phone started to ring. "excuse me." he got up from the chair and accepted the call while going out of the room.

["where are you at this hour?"] it was Namjoon.

"I'm at Konkuk hospital to see Yoon Eunseo." Jin spoke going near the glass window.

["oh, come to Yoongi hying's house we're having a meeting in sometimes."] Namjoon said.

Jin looked at his wrist watch then spoke "I'll be there in 20 minutes, bye."

["ok, bye"] With that they cut the call.

Jin came in and said "I'm sorry, I have to go somewhere. I'll come back later then we'll have a proper talk." Jin said with a small smile.

"it's ok, and thanks for coming." Eunseo said with a warm smile.

Tae walked up to Jin and Hugged him from the side saying "come to my place when you have time."

Jin patted his head nodded "I don't know you address though" he said chuckling.

"oh, right" Tae laughed embarrassingly "give me your number I'll send it to you." he said and too out his phone opening the dial pad and forwarded it to Jin.

Jin held it and gave it back in some seconds after typing down his number. "ok then, see you later."

"Alligator!" Tae spoke up making others giggle.

"bye" Eunseo said waving at Jin and he left waving to them.

"it'll be the last time we're asking, you might get a chance to free yourself if you open up." Yoongi's deep voice echoed through the dark silent room.

After the meeting in Yoongi's place they went to his basement to see their special guest.

Kang Samyeong.

He was beaten up so much that his body was full of scars. Bangtan thought he will open up after receiving all these tortures but he was just another loyal dog of Kang Minyeong.

"what's the point of still serving that man? If he cared about you then why are you still here? He could've come and saved you and taken you out of here but did he?" Jungkook said with a disgusted look on his face.

"this ain't going to work like this. ChinHo?" Namjoon signaled a boy who was standing behind Sam. He was the one who kept an eye on Sam all the time and. he nodded and took out a plier from his pocket. He came in front of Sam and kneeled down. He held Sam's tied foot and took the plier near his toes.

"stop." Jin said and The boy named ChinHo stopped. "you know what he's going to do..."

"I said I don't know why don't you fucking understand!" Sam said and threw his head back.

"Go on." Jin again said with a straight face and the next thing they heard were loud screams of Sam as ChinHo pulled his toe's nail upwards.

"Just fucking kill me! Why do you have to torture me like this." Sam cried.

"You open you mouth and this'll stop, you keep on lying, you'll lose all your nails." Hobi said with a sarcastic smile.

ChinHo pulled his nail more and he screamed more.

"I will, I will tell. Stop this, oh my God." he kept on crying and Namjoon signaled ChinHo to stop.

"it's.. Most of these are related to Kim SeokJin."

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