Harvey II

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Harvey had known that it wouldn't be easy, but he hadn't realized that it would be this difficult. After nearly a year in the DA's office, he hadn't made a dent in Falcone's operations, nor in his stranglehold over Gotham politics. Mr. Fields happily overlooked any evidence that might be used as ammunition against the crime lord, and instead threw his weight into strengthening Falcone's hold by aggressively prosecuting any potential rivals that emerged.

Well, at least they were prosecuting some criminals.

When the Catwoman appeared, no one knew what to make of her. At first, they thought it was all just a ridiculous story created by some drugged-up tramp and spread through the East End as a joke. But then the holding cells at the GCPD started filling up with violent thugs who complained about being caught by a woman in a cat costume.

And then the legal complications began to manifest, as defense attorneys hurried to point out the injuries their clients suffered in what could be deemed illegal detainments. While citizen arrests were legal in the state, associated assault and battery were not. Some attorneys even suggested that their clients would want to press charges against the Catwoman, although that was impossible considering no one knew who the Catwoman was.

As routine prosecutions became increasingly complex, Fields decided to have the office formally seek guidance from the Mayor and the City Council, but they were indifferent so long as the Catwoman didn't hurt Falcone. And once it became clear that women across Gotham were pleased with the presence of a vigilante who protected them by night, and that their votes might reflect such feelings, all thoughts of dedicating GCPD resources to catching the Catwoman were put to rest.

Harvey wasn't pleased about it. The Catwoman was committing crimes in the course of catching the criminals, and she should be prosecuted for it.

But, just like with Falcone, he was in no position to push for a change of tune among much higher-ranking officials.

Marie was the only one who was always in his corner. She had always encouraged him when it came to Falcone, and it was no different with the Catwoman. Not that she was in a position to help him at all.

He once again accompanied her to the Wayne Enterprises Christmas Gala, and was very surprised to find 'Samantha Kane' working at the event. It was over a year and a half now since the night he met the little thief, but it was an encounter that he was unlikely to ever forget.

"You still haven't put a second ring on her finger, Harvey?"

"Huh?" He looked up to find the green eyes watching him with amusement.

"I notice Marie doesn't have any more jewelry on her left hand than she had last year."

It took him a moment to recognize her. Her attire was very different from the oversized hoodie that she had been wearing the night they met, and she didn't look nearly so young without it. "Samantha Kane?"

She smiled at his use of her fake name.

"What are you doing here?" He immediately felt suspicious, recalling the circumstances of their first encounter and realizing that there were plenty of rich people here with fancy jewelry and thick wallets.

"I'm working. Nothing that you could prosecute me for, I promise."

"And admiring the jewelry in the room while you're at it?"

She didn't deny it. "There's nothing wrong with that."

"As long as it all stays in their possession."

She made a show of looking offended at that. "Harvey, what kind of girl do you take me for?"

"I haven't forgotten our first meeting."

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