"I don't have right words to describe my sorrow, I feel your pain by your eyes and your voice," She stroked her leg, "You don't deserve any insults towards you and your parents."

Josephine lifted her wet eyes on her and gave a little, shy smile.

"Josephine-" Daphne Greengrass entered the common room, cacthing everybody's attention, "Dumbledore wants you to go to his office."

"Thank you, Daphne." She slightly tugged the corners of her mouth.

"Malfoy will be there." Daphne warned, and walked out silently.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Theodore asked as he gently tugged her hair behind her ear.

"No, Teddy, I'll do this on my own." Josephine stood up with Bizet in her arms, and gave it to Theodore, "See you later."


"Miss Blake, we were waiting for you." Dumbledore warmly welcomed his student in his office, as soon as she stepped in.

Josephine had already been in this room, and every time she wished to read all the books tidly put on the shelves. That place was as calm as the man it belonged to was. She had always thought that Dumbledore was cute and generous, she loved him. No one could be a better headmaster than he was. He was helpful and righteous - a reference point.

"Good afternoon, professor Dumbledore." Josephine moved forward slowly.

The blond stood in front of the headmaster, turning his back to her. Draco didn't move, kept still. Once got by his side, Josephine's steps blocked and intertwined her fingers behind her back, waiting for his lecture.

"I witnessed your fight during lunch," Dumbledore spoke, his peaceful voice as he paced back and forth.

"I'm sorry, professor." She mumbled, lowering her gaze with regret, and looked at her shoes.

"Can you please tell me what happened?" He took a seat on his brown-leathered armchiar, keeping his eyes focused on them.

"Absolutely nothing, she hit me for no reason." Draco quickly justified himself.

"It's not like this." Josephine said, raising her head rapidly, "Professor, this stupid-" She paused, so that she could hold her big impulse to say something against him, "Malfoy offended my family ruthless."

"I only said the truth." Draco shrugged.

"You want another punch?" Her head snapped to face him.

"Stop fighting," The headmaster gently hushed them, and raised his hands for them to relax, "I see the problem...Miss Blake, as much as I understand your reasons, violence is not accepted. So you are in detention, you both are."

"What?!" Draco yelled, his wide eyes, "She did hit me, I didn't do nothing wrong."

"You, Mr Malfoy, hurt your schoolmate by making inappropriate comments about her parents, so it's fair that you get punished, too. You will clean Transfiguration classroom for two hours. No magic."

"Am I really supposed to be in the same room with this nuts for two hours?" Draco whimpered, he totally disagreed with this desicion as he tilted his head towards her.

"If you call me nuts just for this, you didn't see anything..." Josephine chuckled as she bited her lower lip to hold a laughter, caused by his silly words.

"Don't speak, you mudblood-" Draco growled, his teeth gritted as he shook his head.

"Enough," Dumbledore interferred again, "Now go. Tommorrow you will serve your detention, have a nice day." He dismissed them, nodding towards the door.

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