Somethings Wrong

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Ignite heaved over the giant toilet for the third time that morning, as Arcee knelt beside her. "You sure you're alright?" The blue femme asked, placing her hand on the Seeker's shoulder.
"Yeah. I'm fine." She replied.
"Ignite. I'm serious. You should go see Ratchet. If you don't, Optimus will be pissed." Arcee warned her friend.
"He's not a morning bot."
"That's not exactly gonna stop him from worrying when he finds out you've been purging every morning all week."
Just then, the door burst open, and Ignite was picked up by a strong pair of arms.
"We're going to the medbay. Now." Optimus' deep baritone had a sleepy tone as he packed his younger sister through the halls, and kicked open the medbay doors, startling the medic within.
"Optimus! Knock next time!" Ratchet chastised.
"She's been purging every morning all week. Scan her." Optimus ordered as he set the femme on the berth.
"How did you know?" Ignite asked the red mech as the medical officer scanned her form.
Optimus shook his head at the young Seeker.
"That does not matter. Ratchet?" He asked, raising a curious eyebrow. The medic's jaw was wide as he stared at the screen displaying the femme's scan.
"By the AllSpark...." Ratchet was shocked for a moment, before smiling. Actually smiling. "Bulkhead, I need you to be prepared to restrain Optimus." Ratchet told the wrecker via comm-link.
The wrecker appeared momentarily, and stood before the door.
"Ready, doc." He nodded.
"Ignite, it is an honor to inform you that you are going to be the first to carry sparklings since Cybertron went dark."

Optimus' optics narrowed dangerously.
"And the sire?" He growled, his servos balled into fists.
"Ultra Magnus."

"THAT MOTHER FUCKING SON OF A BITCH I AM GOING KILL HIS FUCKING ASS!" Optimus bellowed, charging at the door.
"No can do, Optimus." Bulkhead shouldered him towards his sister.
"I DO NOT GIVE A FUCK!" The Prime shouted, effectively waking the base.
"Optimus! Calm down! It's not like he didn't have my consent! I asked him to interface! If you're going to be mad at anyone, be mad at me! Don't take it out on him!" Ignite screamed. "What would our mom say if she saw you acting like this? She would bend you right over her knee and whip your ass. So I suggest you cool your jets before I do the same."
Optimus vented loudly as Bumblebee came running in, followed by Smokescreen. Both bots had their blasters out and ready, aiming around the room.
"Bee, Smoke, put your guns away. Optimus here just got a little carried away." Ignite slammed her elbow into her brothers stomach, causing the mech to bend in pain.

"Sparklings?" Arcee's optics lit up. "No way!" She cried, jumping up and down with Ignite's hands in her own.
"Yeah. Sparklings. Magnus doesn't know."
"Honey. You HAVE to tell him! Cmon, I'll go with you." Arcee drug her friend to the commanders office, before stopping.
"Maybe we should take him out in the main hangar. Then, if his reaction is hilarious, then everyone will see it and he'll never live it down!"
"Sounds like a good idea to me. Hit two birds with one stone."

Arcee had gathered all of the Autobots in the main hangar, telling them that Ignite had a surprise.
"Ignite better not prank us." Wheeljack murmered.
"If it was a prank, would Arcee be that excited?" Bulkhead wondered, though he knew already.
"Nah." Was his simple reply.

"Glad to see Arcee got you all in here so quickly." Ignite smiled, before looking away.
"This is kinda awkward, but, I have an important announcement to make." Ignite stood tall, and closed her eyes.
"I am expecting sparklings."
A loud metallic thud sounded through everyone's ears.

Commander Magnus had fainted.

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