Why It's A Bad Idea To Let Arcee Plan A Party

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"Trust me. I've got this!" Arcee promised.l
"Are you sure you can handle it? I mean, aren't these parties sort of a human thing?" Ignite asked.
"Hey, you're the one trying to adapt to Earth culture, not me. Just let me plan this. Please?" The blue femme begged.
"Alright, alright." Ignite agreed.

"FRAG!" Arcee screeched. "Not again!"
Jack came running into his guardian's room, only to find the femme covered in blue and pink frosting.
"It squeezed out all over." She grumbled.
"That's because you're using too much force." June advised for the thousandth time, herself covered in the sugary confection.
"I'm a warrior, June." Arcee reminded.
"True, but sometimes brute force isn't the answer. Sometimes, you have to work at it." The human woman took the giant pipe Arcee had been using a a sort of rolling pin.
"Roll it towards the end. Then it won't squeeze out."
By the time the Autobot had mastered the art of frosting, it was well after dusk.
"Now just put it in the freezer and it will stay until you're ready to take it out!" June sat down, as the Autobot flopped on the floor of her frosting covered room.

"Glitter is a delicate art, Arcee. One practiced by many, many generations of-"
"Miko. I've watched you with glitter. You've literally just thrown it in the air and screamed 'German Sparkle Party' for three hours."
"My brownie was spiked!"
"I seriously doubt that."

"Little higher, Bulk." Arcee stood behind the two Wreckers, who were helping the shorter femme hang up decorations.
"Perfect! Now hold still. Smoke, boost."
The mech boosted the short Autobot so that she could attach the decorations to the wall.
"You better let me demolish all this later. We had a deal." Wheeljack was stretched as far as every circuit in his body could go.
"Yeah, yeah." Arcee finished the last nail, and stepped down from Smokescreen's shoulder.
"I must say, Arcee, for the first Sparkling Party you've ever thrown, it looks pretty good." The mech complimented.
"It was hard work, but Ignite's face will be worth it."

"Why did they put you on 'Keep-Ignite-Out-Of-The-Base duty, Bee?" The sparked femme asked, a servo resting on her growing sparklings.
"I don't know. Probably because I talk too much."
"Bee, you only just got your voice back. Besides, no one talks more than I do. I hold the record for the most talkative Autobot on base, and I will not relinquish my title so easily."
"Wanna bet?" The yellow mech smirked.

Arcee had been attempting to comm the yellow mech charged with Ignite duty, but he wouldn't answer.
"What if they got attacked by cons? Bee couldn't have handled a squadron by himself and protected Ignite! What if the Decepticons captured them? What if they hurt the sparklings? What I-" Optimus flipped out, each fearful thought he had running through his processor slipping from his mind.
"Optimus, please. Calm down. We still have a fix on their coordinates. If they were captured, we wouldn't see their signals right where we bridged them." Ratchet assured the fearful mech.
"What if the cons put a false beacon? What if-"
The mech was silenced by a flying wrench.
"For the love of Primus, SHUT UP!" Ratchet cried. "I'll send a groundbridge!"

Ignite had fallen asleep on Bumblebee's shoulder, and the young mech had turned his commlink off to keep from disturbing her. He understood that carrying sparklings was a hard, and exhausting task, so any chance he could give the femme to rest, he would take it in a heartbeat.
Bumblebee transformed his free arm into his blaster as a groundbridge opened behind him, pointing it at the portal. As Arcee emerged, he relaxed.
"She fell into recharge, so I turned my comm off so it wouldn't wake her." He explained to the blue femme, who knelt down next to him and gently shook the crimson frame.
"Ignite, wake up, hon. Time to go back to base." She whispered as the femme's optics shuttered.
"Arcee, just five more minutes? Bee's shoulder is really comfortable." Ignite groaned sleepily.
"No, hon. Optimus had one of his panic attacks again."
"Again?" The femme rose from the yellow mech's shoulder plating, and stretched slightly.
"Help me up, Bee."
The mech assisted the femme to her feet, and led the way through the groundbridge, immediately met with the. Angry blaster of Optimus Prime.
"Why was your commlink off, scout?" He hissed.
Bumblebee threw his servos up in surrender.
"Optimus! Stand down! I simply fell asleep. I guess he turned it off so if you started freaking out, it wouldn't wake me up, because, obviously you don't realize that carrying one sparkling is exhausting, much less two!" The femme walked off. "Now if you'll excuse me, there will be no party until I finish my nap."
"Remind me to stay on her good side until the sparklings are born." Bulkhead spoke warily at the femme's retreating form.
"Frag you, Bulkhead!"

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