What's an Easter?

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"What's with all the bright colors in here?" Ignite rubbed her optics. "It looks like one of those too happy medics came in and barfed all over the place."
"It's Easter tomorrow, so Mom thought it would be a good idea to decorate the base a little bit." Jack shrugged.
"What's an Easter?" Smokescreen asked.
"It's a human holiday where we eat chocolate bunnies, hunt for little eggs with candy inside, and stuff like that." MIKO piped up from behind a pile of multicolored eggs.
"Really? Tell me more." Ignite picked up one of the eggs, staring at the bright green orb. "Like, how does one hunt for such brightly colored objects? Wouldn't the candy inside be destroyed once you shot it?" She gave the egg back to Miko.
"No, the parents usually hide them either early in the morning before the kids wake up, or late at night after they go to sleep. When they wake up, the kids go around and find them, thinking that the Easter Bunny hid them."
"Is the Easter Bunny like Santa?" Bumblebee blooped, excitement shining in his round optics.
"Yeah, only he hides eggs." Raf smiled this guardians excitement. "In my family, we take real eggs and dye them with food coloring, then put confetti in them, and throw them at people."
"Like Jackie's confetti grenades?" Ignite pulled a grenade from Wheeljack's hip, tossing it up in the air.

Ignite had a plan. An evil plan.
"Best. Idea. Ever." She whispered to herself, leaning back against the wall, drooping her wings as to not be recognized by the camera when Optimus would no doubt check them in the morning. She snuck along to the Prime's chamber, opening it with the passcode.
"Seriously?" She scoffed at the simple combination of numbers as she slid in the room. She removed a can of bright pink paint and a can of neon green paint from her subspace, along with a pair of giant bunny ears, a bunny tail, superglue, and a bright blue giant mustache.
"Let's get to work."

Optimus awoke with a groan, checking his internal clock for the time.
"Scrap." He muttered under his breath, sitting up and rolling his shoulder a bit before leaving his chamber without a second thought.

The entire team was bustling about in the main hangar of the base, doing a number of things that needed to be done. As Optimus' heavy footsteps announced his presence, everyone, bot and human, turned to face him.
At the sight of their leader, the team erupted into laugher, Smokescreen actually needing to lean against the wall to keep himself upright.
"What is so funny?" Optimus asked, tilting his head.
"By the AllSpark, Optimus, I've not laughed this hard in years!" Ratchet could barely speak as he leaned against his computer.
"I'm serious, Ratchet. What is so funny?" The Prime turned at the sight of a camera shutter, only to see Miko with her phone out. "Miko, what is so funny that you might need to take an image?" He asked the young human, who simply turned the phone screen to him, so he could see exactly what the entire team was almost dying of laughter about.
Optimus' optics widened as he stared at the picture, one of them beginning to twitch. The prime was mostly a bright pink with bright green accents, and giant bunny ears attached to his helm. Over his lip was the bright blue mustache, and as he turned around to face the team again, the girl erupted into laughter once more.
"Ignite. This is not funny." Optimus turned to his little sister, who was fighting the urge to laugh.
"Yes it is." She managed to choke out, holding a fist over her mouth to keep herself from laughing.
Optimus rolled his eyes, turning away from the team and walking back to his chambers to remove the paint.
As soon as the mighty Prime disappeared, everyone burst out laughing again. Attached to the top of his aft was a bunny tail, all fluffy and white.
"Ignite, how did you do all of that?" Miko asked after she had finished laughing.
"What can I say? Optimus is a heavy sleeper."

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