Air Support, Part Two

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Bumblebee's PoV
I remember the little sparkling. Hers was the first faceplate I saw when I woke from stasis lock, and she was the one who comforted me when I found out I couldn't speak anymore. She even remained silent for a full five minutes, something Ratchet still claims that he was dreaming about. She's only a vorn younger than me, so she came to me when she was bored and wanted to play. I can't count the number of times I found myself laying on the floor, playing with her dolls with her. She was a fun kid, even though Wasp gave me a hard way to go about playing with her. Man, I miss that kid. Wonder what happened to her?

Bulkhead's PoV
I only met Ignite once before she arrived on Earth, but she did make a mark on me. Jackie and I used to think that all femmes were weaker than the rest of us. Boy, did she prove us wrong. I've never met a femme who could take down Ironhide, and he wasn't even going easy on her. But she did.
That kid is amazing, and she knows it.
I wonder where she went after we left Cybertron.

Arcee's PoV
Ignite has been my best friend ever since I can remember. We met the day my creators joined the Autobots, and they dropped me off with the medic, where they were told there was another femme for me to play with. That's how I remember it, anyway. The first time we actually had a conversation was when she came over to me and offered me a rust stick. To my little sparkling brain-pan, she was an angel sent from Primus himself. We started talking about where we were from, and she told me that she didn't know another flier. So, when we were sixteen, we snuck out of Iacon to Crystal City, and let's just say that Ignite came back a totally different femme. Of course, we both got in huge trouble, but that didn't stop us from sneaking out. We somehow even got across the border into the Kaon Region and saw a couple gladiator fights. Don't ask me how we did it.
Ignite and I were crazy teenagers. We still are.
Sometimes, I think the base could use her optimistic attitude. I know I sure could.

Ultra Magnus' PoV
Not a cycle goes by that I do not think of my sparkmate. In the optics of Cybertronian law, we are not bonded, but that does not deter the fact that even now, I at least know she is still alive, even if I cannot feel any emotions from her side of the bond. I miss her terribly. I am sure that wherever she is, she is happy. Or, she has simply grown bored of the constellations of the universe. I am not certain.
All I know, is that I wish she was by my side. I remember when I first met her. We were young, very young. I was friends with Orion Pax, and after he hadn't come to Academy in a few solar-cycles, I decided to check on him. Even as an entire three vorns younger than he, I surpassed him in mathematics, and he surpassed me in history. I thought I would take him his work that he missed, assist him with it, and perhaps he'd return the next cycle.
When I walked into Ratchet's dwelling, I got the shock of my life-cycle.
Orion was frantically running about, and I could hear the wailing of a sparkling coming from down the hall. Orion was murmuring to himself as he bustled around, looking for something. I remember asking him what he was looking for, and by the look on his faceplate, I had startled him.
I had offered my assistance, but Orion declined, telling me that he had to do this on his own. After waiting a few kliks, I decided to follow the sounds of the sparkling's wails. When I found her, it took all of my willpower to not hold her. My spark called for her, and hers must have called for me, because she immediately stopped wailing. Orion appeared with a youngling's cup of energon, and nearly dropped it. I had asked what her name was, and he simply responded with "Ignite."
Once she was older, I asked her out on a date, to which she accepted. I nearly skipped to my dwelling that day.
I took her out for a meal and a film, and as we walked to each place, she leaned her helm on my shoulder plating. It took all my energy to keep my spark from pounding from my chest. I was so madly in love with her, I sent her chocolates every day.
When I was assigned to our leader's squadron, I always found some reason to visit the medbay, whether it be purposely taking a misfire in the training room, or walking over newly cleaned flooring to render myself into stasis lock.
Every time, I would online to see a certain femme shaking her helm at me, as Ratchet spied on us from the other side of the space.
The first time we lip locked was her 16th creation day, behind a wall of mechs who decided it would be a good idea to shield it from Optimus. To this cycle, he believes he witnessed our first lip lock.
I remember the cycle she had been injured in an ambush, and how long it took for her to recover, due to a piece of shrapnel lodged in her wing. I remember staying online for cycles on end, holding her smaller servo in mine, the occasional reminder to recharge from Ratchet. I remember falling into recharge multiple times, and onlining every time she moved slightly. When she onlined, I remained by her side through all the rigorous and challenging physical therapy she had to endure. Ignite still walks with a slight limp, if she has not changed in the time I have not seen her.
I remember her telling me of her past relationships as we sat under the stars, of how each mech left her in the middle of a crisis, leaving her to suffer alone. She informed me that I had been the first of four that had truly cared.
I didn't know how to respond, so I simply told her I loved her.
That was the first time either of us had said it out loud.
And I got a nice 'make-out' session for it, as well.
Until Optimus caught us, and put me on monitor duty for an entire stellar-cycle.
It was worth it.

Holy crapola on a cheese cracker, that was beautiful. 1120 words! Dang!
Sorry for not updating as much, but I have finals today and tomorrow, and then I'm free! Whoohoo!
I'm probably going to update a lot in June, but in July, I will probably update once, because band camp.
Love you guys!!!

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