No Escape

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Y/n found himself in the lobby of what appeared to be a hospital. And it looked no better than the lab. Giant blood trails and splatters were all over the walls and floor, a body was laid out on the ground with a giant hole in their torso and their organs were no longer inside the body. 

Shaking his head, he approached the exit of the hospital but quickly realised the shutters were down, keeping him trapped inside. 

Y/n: Shit... Maybe I can lift it? 

He mumbled under his breath. Crouching down, he planted his fingers underneath and tried to lift it up. Unfortunately, it didn't budge. Giving up, he cursed under his breath and turned back to the interior of the hospital. Y/n walked slowly and quietly, being careful not to alert any of those freaks. That is, if there were any here. Though considering the grisly sight he witnessed at the front, that seemed likely. 

As he walked down the hallways, he frowned as he could've sworn he heard growling of some sort, prompting him to crouch down to try and be as quiet as possible. When he reached a corner, he heard the growls becoming louder. Hiding behind the corner, he peeked around and saw a group of the infected. They all wore bandages and similar garbs to him. 

Y/n: They must have been patients... But how did all this even happen? 

The man noticed something strange with the infected patients. They all had "tents" sticking out from their garbs which were abnormally large. Around 15 inches or so. 

Y/n: What the...? 

One of the Infected turned his way, but he had quickly retreated behind the corner again before it could catch him. Y/n looked at the bloodied scalpel in his hand and peeked around the corner once more, doing a quick headcount of how many there were. From the looks of it, there were around 7 of them. He barely handled one which made him less than eager to face 7 all at the same time. 

He was about to move forward, but he felt his foot hit something, making him look down. It was a small piece of glass from a broken door. Picking it up, he felt like he should try something. He tossed the glass shard at the other end of the hallway. Despite it making only a little bit of noise from the impact, it managed to draw all the infected's attention. 

Y/n took his chance to move quickly and went further down the corridor in front of him, avoiding detection. Taking a quick sigh of relief, he pressed on further into the hospital. However, the further he went in, the more densely populated it was with other infected people. 

After awhile, Y/n reached the end of the hallway and found a single door. He had tried the other doors, but they were all locked with the exception of a couple, but he heard nothing but bad things from inside them. His hand reached for the knob, but to his surprise, the handle turned and the door opened. On the other side was a young woman in her underwear with short white hair, an eye patch over her left eye and a red right eye. 

Y/n: What the...? 

The woman maintained an emotionless stare and held a bloodied scalpel in her right hand

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The woman maintained an emotionless stare and held a bloodied scalpel in her right hand. She tilted her head, as if surprised that there was someone else alive. 

Y/n: Um... Are you okay? 

She nodded and took a good look at Y/n, sizing him up. 

Girl: Who are you? Do I know you? 

Y/n: Uhh, I don't think so... My name's Y/n. And you are...? 

Girl: Aoi. 

Y/n: Uh, right. And um... How do I pronounce that? 

Aoi: Ah-o-ee. 

Y/n: Right. Do you know what the hell is going on? 

Aoi: No. But I'm not sticking around to become one of these things. 

Y/n: Fair enough. Maybe we can work together? 

Aoi: Do what you like, just don't slow me down. 

She responded rather coldly and harshly to the taller male. She walked past him and found a stair case right next to her. Y/n let out a low sigh and followed behind Aoi quietly, not wanting to get on her bad side. 

At least they wouldn't have to face this nightmare alone.

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