[1.5] Absence of Presence

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Word Count: 2563 words.

With the first snow in Republic City, Katara had announced Yue's full recovery

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With the first snow in Republic City, Katara had announced Yue's full recovery. Yue feels great and wants nothing more than to feel productive once more, but as fast as her health condition was announced, her frequent disappearances and absence was starting to show. Everyone who knew Yue are starting to grow worried, but even worse, each and every one of them had expected this coming from the blind detective. 

"...Have you heard from Yue?" Mako asked Korra as their training session had come to an end. 

But Korra sadly shakes her head, indicating that not even the avatar knew where and how Yue has been as if lately. "Lin and Tenzin refuses to tell me anything, but it seems like the last time Lin had met Yue, they were arguing really bad, I heard the polices gossip." Korra admitted. 

"Woah, it must be serious then, I wonder why they argue..." Bolin hugs Pabu close, not liking to hear that his savior is somewhat in bad light. 

"Yue is a detective, who knows what kind of case she decides to work on." Mako tried to be realistic, but it seems like the firebender understand Lin more than he understand Yue. 

It's only understandable, the last time Yue got so close and personal with the Equalist, she had almost lost her entire right arm. Of course, Lin would somewhat be agitated with Yue if the blind detective is chasing what Mako thinks she's chasing. 

"Last time you talk to her, does she mention anything about Equalist or Amon?" Mako asked once again. 

"She. . . she confessed that she's afraid of what Amon made her feels. Something about how he drives her mad with vengeance and that she lets him." Korra furrowed her eyebrows as she works hard to remember. "But if she's afraid, why chase Amon? Is that what's she doing?" Korra asked back. 

"Knowing Yue, she would." The Fire Ferret hears the voice of Asami Sato and took notice of her appearance. "She's always headfirst going into trouble, as much as I want to say that I know her, I don't." Asami held the new uniform she had tightly as the rest grew into a somber silence. 

"But she will be back before we know it, right? I mean, our first match is tonight, Yue will be there to watch us. I know it!" Bolin exclaim, bending all worry away somehow. 

"Right! Of course, she would, and we'll win to show her." Korra decided to follow Bolin's joy and turn to Mako and Asami, hoping they would tag along. 

"Then what are we waiting for, lets train some more." Mako smirks but Asami raised her voice. 

"Not without a lunch you three, come on, today's lunch is on me." Asami smiles as the Fire Ferret realizes they were hungry. 


With false hair and false eyes, Yue feels her face intensively before she applied her make-up for disguise. To make sure she spread her make up evenly, Yue traces her works exactly like how Asami would teach her. Yue mainly uses the things Asami had picked up for her as Yue trusted Asami more than anyone when it comes to beauty routine. Still, Yue felt that aching guilt began to grow as she recalled how tonight would be Fire Ferrets first match. 

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