[1.3] The Revelation

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Word Count: 3535 words.

Word Count: 3535 words

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"You know... Yue isn't exactly who you think she is." Korra whisper to Mako behind her as the two of them rides Naga to look for a supposed missing Bolin. 

"Woah, why so suddenly?" Mako scoffed, still a bit agitated by the lack of boisterous Bolin by his side. 

Mako had no interest to speak so ill regarding the adopted Beifong, but unfortunately for him, it doesn't seem like Korra is going to give it up anytime soon. Lucky him.

"Well, I just thought that you should know." Korra added, with a hint of jealousy in her throat. 

"Why?" Mako scrunch his nose, a bit more agitated. 

"Looks like you got the hots for her." Korra shrug making Mako silent for a moment. 

Was he that obvious? Then he needs to tone it down, one way or another. There's no harm in admiring your hero after all, right? Mako wonder why Korra speaks so... ill of her. 

In Mako's eyes, Yue is perfect after all. 

"It's none of your business." Mako deny as slowly as possible, he's glad that Korra wasn't able to see how warm both of his cheeks are. 

"Fine, so where are we heading?" Korra was pretty disappointed, but she hides it well. 

"The Triple Threats Triad Headquarter. Hopefully, Bolin is there and nothing's going down yet." Mako gives the primary destination, head fully focused on his priority to get Bolin safely. 

"Triple Thread Triads? I beat up some of those goblins before Yue arrested me. Why would Bolin get tangle up - woah!" Korra tried to talk before Naga finds Pabu and chase the fire ferret heads on. 

"That's Pabu!"

"No, Naga Pabu's a friend not a snack." Korra held back her trusty companion as Pabu adorably made his way towards Mako. 

"We got to Hurry." 


"Yue?" Mako recognize her almost instantly even in her official uniforms, both Mako and the avatar finds the mentioned blind detective inside the pretty much abandoned building. 

There was no thug on site as the place looked incredibly messy, as if a massive had took place not too long ago. Yue only responded with distant eyes; her lips doesn't curve to a warming smile. 

"Equalist happened. I'll handle the premises, the two of you check around here." Yue took off. 

Albeit her voice is as beautiful as ever, she's evidently tired, worn out and had enough. Did she partake in early fight that took place? Or is it her abundant overtime as if lately? Either way, Mako understands where she came from and followed Yue's order to a t, whereas Korra stayed back to further observe the blind detective. 

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