The Mafia and his angels

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Tommy took off his shirt, he  brought Maryanne helped him take off his pants. Arthur was downstairs, he was sound asleep. Tommy was rubbing her back. "Darling, you need a bath?" Tommy asked. Maryanne nodded. "Aye." Maryanne said. "I'll go get the water running." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips. Maryanne was taking off her clothes, as Tommy got the water running. "Darling, in here." Tommy said. Maryanne walked into the bathroom, naked. Tommy saw her walking into the bathroom. "Darling, you look so beautiful naked. Get in the tub." Tommy said, as he stroked her hair. Tommy helped her take a bath, once she was done, Tommy helped her dry off, he brushed her hair, he helped her get into her clothes. "Darling, you have the most beautiful princess type hair." Tommy said to her, kissing her.
Tommy looked into her eyes. Maryanne cloud never leave or hurt Tommy in the way Grace or Lizze did to him. Grace hurt him, by dying in his arms, Lizzie left him because she could not handle him. Maryanne is the only one that Tommy could handle. "Get in the bed darling, I need to talk to Arthur about an important thing." Tommy said. Maryanne laid on the bed with Tommy looked at her, kissing her lips. "Lay on me darling." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips.
"Let's get some sleep darling, we had a long day." Tommy said. Maryanne looked at him, she held him in her arms. "Sleep my darling, I am right here if you need anything." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips. Arthur was sleeping. Tommy was sleeping. Maryanne was sleeping. "Darling, you have a beautiful body." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips. Maryanne looked at him, she held him tightly. "Your embraces darling are so warm, it feels as a bed." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips. Tommy held her in his arms. The next morning, Tommy had a lot a work to do. Maryanne was still asleep. Tommy got into the room, where he had all these papers. Tommy opened the door. "Darling?" Tommy asked, as gently opened to door. "You in here?" Tommy asked. Maryanne looked up, to see Tommy, standing by the bed. "Tommy, you frightened me." Maryanne said to him. "My apoloziges love." Tommy said, laughing and smiling. Maryanne pulled Tommy closer to him. "Do you need help with the papers?" Maryanne asked. Tommy looked at her, through her crazy bed hair. "Darling your hair is mad." Tommy said, moving her hair out of her face. "I never noticed it." Maryanne said he grabbed a dress for her to wear. Maryanne puts on her dress, and puts on her heels. "How do I look?" Maryanne asked. "Like a rose." Tommy said to her. "Come on darling. I have a lot of work to do, and I need you to help me." Tommy said. "Aye." Maryanne said to her, kissing his lips.Once they got downstairs, Maryanne grabbed the papers, and her pen. Tommy had his glasses, and his pen. "Let's go darling?" Tommy asked. Maryanne nodded. Tommy and Maryanne sat down, and began to work. Maryanne sorted the papers that Tommy did already, and set them to the side. Tommy clipped some papers. Maryanne looked at him. "What darling?" Tommy asked concerned. "Nothing." Maryanne said. "What did Lizzie do to you." Maryanne said to him. "She never loved me the way you do my darling." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips. Maryanne looked at him.. "Let's get some rest darling." Tommy said to her, kissing her, as he lifted her up.
"I can walk Tommy." Maryanne said. "Darling, you're my princess, me as your husband, I need to lift you up." Tommy said to her, kissing her. Maryanne looked at him. "Tommy, what makes a peaky blinder a good husband to a woman like me?" Maryanne asked. Tommy looked at her, and said;
"Darling, there's a pride in us men, when we find someone as beautiful, and delicate as you, there's something about you that drives me mad." Tommy said to her, holding her tightly in his arms. Maryanne looked at him, she wanted nothing but the best for him.  "Can you feel my love more than you felt Grace's love?" Maryanne asked. "Yes darling, I can." Tommy said to her, as he held her in his arms, kissing her neck. That night, Maryanne  kissed Tommy all night. That morning, Tommy stayed in the bed, with Maryanne that morning. "Darling, come closer to me." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips, and her body. "Come alright Tommy?" Maryanne asked. "Nothing darling. I jsut want you to keep me close to your heart." Tommy said. Maryanne looked at him. "You want to keep you close to my heart?" Maryanne asked. "Aye." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips.
"Cât de mult îmi pasã de dragul meu cu atât inima mea devine mai deschisã." Tommy said to her. 
"The more you care about me, the more open your heart gets." Maryanne translated. "Yes my darling." Tommy said, lifting her up in his arms. "Do you want to visit the gypsylands?" Maryanne asked. "Is there something there, you want to show me darling?" Tommy asked. "The trai ride there and back is a long way." Tommy said to her again. "That's right." Tommy said to her sitting on the bed.
Tommy grabbed Maryanne, pulling her close to him. "Darling don't ever let me go. I need you, the same way you need me." Tommy said.
Maryanne looked at him. "Darling I have nothing to lose, when I'm with you." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips. "What's on the adgena today?" Maryanne asked. "Well I need to be on a train soon my darling, I need to head to the Garrison, for a while." Tommy said. "Can I come with you?" Maryanne asked. "Darling, of course you're coming with me, how can I leave my beloved wife." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips. "Tommy, you make me feel so loved and important." Maryanne said. "Darling, you're important, because you're a peaky fucking blinder." Tommy said, putting her hat on. "My own  peaky blinder hat?" Maryanne asked in tears. "Aye, darling you need to look more as one of us." Tommy said to her. Maryanne looked at him. "More as one you?" Maryanne asked. "Darling, you have nothing to fear with me, you're completely safe and sound my dear." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips. Maryanne looked at him.
Maryanne and Tommy got to the train station, to get a ticket back to Camden. "Ready darling?" Tommy asked her. "Yes." Maryanne said to him, kissing his lips. "Let's go darling. If you see anyone coming up to you, no fucking fighting. I will handle it darling." Tommy said, placing his hand behind her neck. "Do you understand darling?" Tommy reminded her. "Yes sir." Maryanne said. "Good." Tommy said, kissing her forehead. Later that day, they reached Camden, reaching the Garrison. "Darling sit there." Tommy said, pulling the chair. "I'm going to give you my pistol, do not shoot it, unless someone is trying to fucking grab you, grop you, or kiss you, or kidnap you. Got that darling?" Tommy asked, recahign for his gun. "Yes sir." Maryanne said to him. "Good, sit there and wait for me. I will be quick, I swear it." Tommy said. closing the door to his small office. Maryanne sat there. Just then, Johnny came in, startling Maryanne. "Fuck Johnny. I nearly killed you." Maryanne said. Johnny held his hands in the air. Tommy saw what had happened.
"Darling is everything alright?" Tommy asked. "Aye, Johnny startled me." Maryanne said, with a small giggle. "Johnny, fucking watch it she has a gun that I gave her. Don't come inside of the Garrison, when someone has a gun, loaded." Tommy scolled. "Yes Tommy." Johnny said. "What the hell you tow doing in here anyway, I thought you were in New York." Johnny said. Tommy heard. "Who fucking told you!" Tommy yelled. Maryanne held the gun, not to his head, but she held it, ready to shoot him. "Darling, drop the gun, put back on the table." Tommy said, softly. Maryanne listened to her husband. "Johnny, keep your mouth fucking shut, this why me and my darling fucking left to New York." Tommy said. Maryanne looked at Tommy. Johnny looked at Tommy.
"Johnny I would advise you to get the fuck out of here now!" Tommy yelled. Johnny left the Garrison. Tommy looked at Maryanne. "You alright darling, huh, you okay my love." Tommy said to her, holding her tightly. "Aye." Maryanne said to him, kissing him. "Tommy boy?" Arthur boomed. "Arthur?" Maryanne asked. "Hallo Maryanne." Arthur said, holding her. "How you doing?" she asked. "I'm well." Arthur said. "Hallo Arthur." Tommy said, pulling his coat down a bit.
"Hallo my brother." Arthur said to him. "You doing well?" he asked. "Aye." Tommy said, bringing Maryanne in close. "You two are so happy together." Arthur said to them. "Thank you Arthur, our 1 year anniversary is coming rather very soon, we plan to have a party." Maryanne said. "A party?" Arthur asked. "Aye, would you like come?" Tommy asked. "Of course." Atrhur said. "Aye." Tommy said. "My darling is going to be the one in charge of everyting to make sure it's how she wants it to be." Tommy said, kissing her hand. Maryanne looked at him.
"Tommy the way she looks in your eyes, shows you she really is the one for you." Arthur said. "Aye. She is me special lass." Tommy said. "Lass?" Maryanne asked. "It's gentle word for wife." Tommy said, placing his thumb on her chin. Maryanne looked at him, kissing his lips.
"Darling, nothing I do can ever done, you are my reason for why I work hard." Tommy said to her. "Did anyone come and try to hurt you, or just Johnny being the fucker he really is." Tommy said. "No he's just himself, he just scares the shit out of me." Maryanne said. Tommy held her in his arms. "Let's go back New York. These reports will not write themselves." Tommy said to her with a smile. Maryanne looked at him. "You're amazing Tommy." Maryanne said to him, as they got to the train station.
"Get in darling." Tommy said to her, as he escorted her in the train. Maryanne looked at him. "Sat here darling." Tommy said, pulling his coat off him, and draping it over her body to keep her warm. Maryanne cuddled closer to him. "Try to sleep darling." Tommy said, kissing her lips. Back on the train, Tommy looked out the window, it was snowing.
Maryanne felt a chill going through train. "Tommy it's so cold." Maryanne said to him. "Darling, it's snowing." Tommy said, as he dawned on his coat. "Darling, get closer to me, I don't need you to fucking  freeze to death on me right now." Tommy said. Maryanne cuddled closer to Tommy, as he walked to the apartment. Maryanne held him in her arms. Maryanne cuddled next to him. Maryanne held his hand. "Darling your hands so cold as ice." Tommy said. Maryanne laid on the bed, Maryanne kissed him. Then she grabbed his dick. "Fuck, darling, you know how to do me right." Tommy said, as he crawled on the bed with her, he undid her dress, touching her pussy.
"Daddy, you can fuck me however you want." Maryanne said, as she began to suck him. Maryanne laid on her back, Tommy kissed her lips. "Darling, you have everything I have ever wanted." Tommy said to her. Maryanne kissed his chest.
"Don't let me go darling." Tommy said. Maryanne held him in her arms, "Kiss me darling."  Tommy said to her, kissing her lips. Maryanne latches onto his neck, twirling her fingers in his hair. Tommy then places her hands onto his body. "Do you feel that darling?" Tommy asked, whispering in her ear. "Aye." Maryanne said. "That's how much I fucking love you." Tommy said, kissing her neck. Maryanne loved how that felt on her body. Tommy knew that Maryanne was unable to produce a child. Maryanne knew that too, she would try too much, too times, it was just pain and blood everywhere. Maryanne will never be able to carry a child, in her past she was thrown around a lot by her own father, who never loved her, she was left on the streets a lot, with cuts all over her face and body. Maryanne never knew what it was like to be loved, properly, until she met Tommy Shelby, the love of her life, her prince, her king of her heart, her world, her protector, her one and only. Tommy loves her more than her own parents did, she was never lovede by them. One day, when Tommy and Maryanne were dating, Maryanne's mother, Aveda Smith, Maryanne's mother, died, from a gunshot. Walter Smith, he was killed in a fight at a gambling pub near Belfast.  Tommy knew that there was something he had to do, and quick, when this happened, Maryanne was still in the gypsy lands, where no man was ever allowed to step foot, unless they were seeing a gypsy, or if they were involved with a gypsy. Tommy was seeing Maryanne a lot in the gypsy lands. When Tommy told her that her own parents were dead, she lost it. Tommy held her in his arms, to keep her from falling and hitting her head on a tree.
"Darling I'm sorry, I wanted to tell you at some point today. "
Maryanne remembered what he told her that day when she found out. "Tommy, do you remember the day you told me about my parents dying?" Maryanne asked. "Vividly my darling." Tommy said. Maryanne kissed him. "I remember when I told you, you nearly fell, you almost hit a tree, I had to hold you." Tommy said, kissing her head. "Darling, you have no reason to fear, you're safe with me." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips, as he grabbed her hand, placing it on his neck.
"I was still in the gypsy lands." Maryanne said, as she grabbed her coffee. Tommy looked at her.
"Darling do you think I regret saving you?" Tommy  asked her, sitting her down on the bed. "You don't regret that." Maryanne said, softly to him. "Extactly darling." Tommy said, lifting her up in his arms. "Darling, me saving you was the best thing I could have ever done for a woman, so beautiful, and kind and loving." Tommy said. "Are you the one I've been fucking waiting on?" Tommy asked, looking deep into her eyes. "Darling you know I have been looking far and over the place to find someone so brillant, so kind hearted, you my love are all that." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips. "Tommy, did I fell from grace and down in your lap?" Maryanne asked. "I believe that darling." Tommy said, kissing her hand, she looked at him;
"Where have you been?" Tommy asked.
"Waiting, waiting for someone like you Thomas Shelby." Maryanne said, kissing him.
Tommy stroked her hair, praising her, telling her how lovely and beautiful she is. Telling her how amazing she is to him, how smart and brillant she is, she much she shines when she walks into any room.
How she looks stunning in everythng and anything. How wonderful she is in the bed, how sweet her lips are when she kisses him, she warm her embrace is when he needs her to hold him, how grateful he is to have someone like her in his life, how much she means the world to him, how much he adores her, how much he wants her with him all the time.
How much he wants to spend the rest of his life with her forever, how much she wants him to stay with her forever. Tommy has made some deals with the devil, before he knew Maryanne, but now Maryanne may have to make some deals with the devil as well, more than him. Those deals are, to kill when she has to kill, to shoot when she feels threatened. To fight back when she has to, to yell if she needs to. Tommy will show her all of these things, Maryanne is now a peaky blinder, but she needs a lilttle bit more training from the professionals. Such as Arthur, Johnny, and her husband Tommy. 
Maryanne wants to be like them so badly, Tommy can see it in her eyes. Maryanne wants to be a killer, she wants to have her own gun sling belt, Maryanne wants to have that kind of life with Tommy, she wants to have the killer lifestyle. Tommy can see it in her eyes.

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