The Mafia and his angels

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In Birmingham, Maryanne was getting ready for the day. Tommy was looking for her. "Frances have you seen me wife?" Tommy asked. "She's in the bedroom getting ready Mr. Shelby." Frances said. Tommy nodded. "Right." Tommy said, clearing his throat softly. Maryanne came out of the bedroom. "Tommy?" Maryanne asked looked for her husband. "Darling, there you are." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips. "You feeling alright?" Maryanne asked, "Darling, I'm just frightened after what happened." Tommy said. Maryanne looked at him. "Tommy, I was not injured." Maryanne said. "Darling, you have to understand, I fucking care about you so much. No one can ever love you the I do." Tommy said to her kissing her lips, down to her neck. "Tommy, you are drawn to me." Maryanne said. "Darling, I have always been since we I met you in the bar." Tommy said. Maryanne looked at him, holding him in her arms. "Tommy, you know I love you." Maryanne said. Tommy laid on her chest, "Take your shirt off my darling, I want to feel your bare skin." Tommy said. Maryanne took her shirt off, as Tommy laid  on the bed, as she took off her shirt. Tommy pulled her closer to him. "Nu te pot pierde niciodată dragă, mă înțelegi? Dragă, când ai fost dusă, când Polly te-a găsit, aproape îmi venea să plâng, pentru că simțeam pentru tine. Vreau să știi, te iubesc pentru totdeauna." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips, as he rubbed against her like a cat. "Tommy, you are so special to me." Maryanne looked at her husband. "Sleep next to me darling." Tommy said to her, as he pulled her closer to his body. Maryanne got in the bed with her husband Tommy. "Când ești aici cu mine dragă, aproape ca și cum lumea s-ar opri și s-ar ține atât de nemișcată, până aici putem auzi tot ce ni s-a întâmplat în trecut." Tommy said to her. "Tommy, I love it when you speak Romani." Maryanne said. Tommy looked at her, "Look at me darling, you are my everything." Tommy said, looking at her. The next morning, Tommy is in the bed, still asleep. Maryanne was in the bed with Tommy, still asleep. Maryanne was cuddling against Tommy's chest. "Good Morning Tommy." Maryanne said, as she kissed Tommy's cheek. "Good Morning darling." Tommy said.
Maryanne looked at him. "Did you sleep well darling?" Tommy asked. "I did." Maryanne said. Tommy looked at her, kissing her lips. Tommy held her in his arms. Maryanne looked at him. "Let me feel the fire from your lips darling." Tommy said, as he pulled her clsoe to him for her to kiss him.
Maryanne wrapped her arms around his neck. "I can never get enough of your lips darling, I will always want to kiss you. I will always want you here with me darling." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips. "My darling, you have the lips of an angel, the eyes of princess." Tommy said. Maryanne looked at him. Tommy will never leave her side, Tommy does not want to leave her side, he adores her being with him. Maryanne looked at Tommy, in his deep blue eyes. "Darling, you feeling alright?" Tommy asked. "Aye, I'm alright Tommy." Maryanne said. Tommy looked at her, he kissed her lips.
That night, Tommy was taking a shower, Maryanne was sleeping, it was 3:40am. Maryanne was in a deep sleep. Once Tommy was out of the shower, and he saw his wife asleep. Maryanne woke up to her husband getting on the bed. "Darling? were you resting for the night?" Tommy asked. "Aye." Maryanne said. ""Come here." Tommy said to her kissing her lips. Tommy held her in his arms. "Darling, you are so lovely." Tommy said, to her, kissing her forehead. "In what way?" Maryanne asked, Tommy smiled at her. "Darling, you have something about you, that just makes me feel." Tommy said. Maryanne looked at him, she kissed him. The next morning, Maryanne and Tommy were laying in the bed,  Tommy was laying without a shirt to help Maryanne sleep better at night. It helps her sleep at night when Tommy is shirtless, he wants her to be comfortable at night when they were dating. "Darling, you have nothing to fear, when you're with me." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips, holding her hand in his. At the Garrison, Maryanne got a red wine, and Tommy got a whiskey in a glass. Tommy looked at her kissing her lips.  "Darling, you are so lovely." Tommy said to her, kissing her hand. "Tommy I am your only heart walking on the planet." Maryanne said. Tommy looked at her, kissing her hand again. Arthur came around the bend covered in blood. "Tom! Tom!" Arthur yelled. Tommy ran to where Arthur was laying down. "Arthur what the hell fucking happened to you?" Tommy asked, looking for something to stop the blood. "Maryanne, Maryanne!Come here." Tommy said. "I got fuckin' shot Tom." Arthur said. Maryanne looked at him, and she looked at Arthur. Maryanne put a bandage on his head. Tommy then grabbed something to help his brother with whoever shot him. "WHOEVER fucking shot me brother, will fucking die!" Tommy yelled. Arthur looked at him. "Come on my brother, we are going to take you to my and me darlings house, for us to take care of you." Tommy said. Maryanne looked at him. "Come on darling, let's go." Tommy said. Once at the house, Tommy and Maryanne took Arthur to their house.
"Darling, lay him down on that couch there." Tommy said. "Yes sir." Maryanne said. Maryanne would only call her husband "sir" when they had something important to say when they to political parties or whatever they had to do. "Fuck!" Arthur exclaimed. "Yes." Maryanne said, as she got her kit of bandages  which had what  everything she needed to take care of Arthur. Tommy was cleaning off Arthur's face with a cloth. Maryanne stayed there, watching her husband clean off his brother's face. "Darling, grab the bowl for me." Tommy said. Maryanne looked at the bowl, where Tommy needed to place the bloodied cloth.
The next day, Arthur was sleeping on the couch, Maryanne and Tommy woke up and saw Arthur sleeping on the couch. "Darling look at him." Tommy said. Maryanne looked at him. "Good morning Arthur, how are you feeling?" Tommy asked. "Aye." Maryanne said, lifting up the pillow for Arthur to get more comfortable. The days went by, Arthur got better.
Tommy and Maryanne looked at him. "You feeling betting?" Maryanne asked. Tommy sat next to Maryanne . "Tommy you really found somene for you, who really fucking loves you." Arthur said. Tommy looked at her, holding her hand in his. That night, Tommy was looking at her, "Darling, you have the most beautiful eyes." Tommy said. Maryanne smiled at him.
Once in the bed, Tommy kissed Maryanne's breast, as he inserted his dick in her pussy, kissing her lips, down to her chest, and her pussy.
Tommy was on top of her, fucking her. "Darling, take off your shirt."  Tommy said. Maryanne looked at him, kissing her husband on his lips.
The next day, Tommy and Maryanne was getting to go to a mission. "Darling you ready to go?" Tommy asked. Maryanne walked out of the bathroom. "How do I look?" Maryanne asked. Tommy looked at her.. as he kissed her lips again. "Darling, you always make me feel something that Grace never did." Tommy said. Maryanne looked at him. "Tommy, I understand." Maryanne said.
"Darling, you have nothing to fear when you're here with me." Tommy said to her, kissing her lips.

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