The mafia and his angels

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The next morning, Tommy laid on the bed, looking at her.
Maryanne looked at him. "Morning darling." Tommy said, looking at him in a loving way. "Morning Tommy." Maryanne said. "Sleep well last night?" he asked. "I did, because I was in your arms." Maryanne said. Tommy lookede at her. "You did look beautiful in my arms that night." Tommy said, smiling.
"Get ready darling, I have to go to the stables to check on Dangerous." Tommy said, kissing her forehead. "How is she doing by the way?" Maryanne asked him. "Yeah, she's fine, just need to make sure she has food and plenty of water in her bucket." Tommy said. "Alright." Maryanne said, getting up from the bed. "Darling, hand me my pocketclock, could ya?" Tommy asked. "Yes I can baby." Maryanne said, walking up to him. "Thank you darling." Tommy said, clipping on the pocketwatch to his vest on his suit. Maryanne was wearing black pants, and a blouse. "You look beautiful." Tommy said, holding her in his arms. "You look handsome and hot." Maryanne said to him, smiling. "You are the most important part of my life now. I can protect you the way you protect me darling." Tommy told her.
"Come on let's head over to the stables." Tommy said. Maryanne smiled. Arthur saw them walking to the car. "Tommy boy!" Arthur called out. "Hello Arthur." Tommy said. Maryanne smiled at him. "How are you doing?" Arthur asked. "I'm fine Tommy. I am getting the help I need." Arthur told him. "That's good Arthur." Maryanne said. "Thank you." Arthur said. "We are headed to the stables to check on Dangerous." Tommy said. "Alright then, I'm going to the resturant with my wife later on tonight." Arthur said. "Alright then. See you when I get back." Tommy said. "Get in the car darling." Tommy said, opening the car door for Maryanne. "Will we ever get a chance to ride one of the horses?" Maryanne asked. "We might tomorrow morning." Tommy said. "Did you ride horses when you were younger darling?" Tommy asked her, as the engine started in his car. "I do with my father." Maryanne said to him.
"There he is." Billy said. "Hello Billy." Tommy said, glancing at home. "Come on darling." Tommy said, opening the car door. "Hello young lady." Billy said. "Hello Billy." Maryanne said, closing the cardoor. "Where you headed to Mr. Shebly?" Asked Billy. "To see Dangerous." Tommy said. "Carry on then." Billy said. "Mr. Shelby, good to see you again, I see you brought your lady." said the grommer. "I did. This is my grace. Maryanne Grant." Tommy said. "Nice to meet you ma'dam." he told her. "Good to meet you as well." Maryanne said. "How's Dangerous, has she been behaving?" Tommy joked. "Yes sir she has been." he told him. "Good, alright leave to her." Tommy said. Maryanne latched on Tommy's arm. "Darling, you make everthing better in my life." Tommy said, smiling. "This is Dangerous?" Maryanne asked. "Yea, she is the best top of line mare." Tommy said. Maryanne looked at her. "May I pet her?" Maryanne asked him. "Of course." Tommy said, reaching to grab her hand. "Hi there Dangerous." Maryanne said, stroking her neck. "I think she likes you darling." Tommy said, smiling lightly. "She does." Maryanne said, holding him from his side. "I feel safe with you." Tommy said. Maryanne looked at him. "I am glad you feel safe." Maryanne told him, holding his hand.
"You to hed back home?" Tomym asked her. "I am." Maryanne said, holding him tighter. "Alright let's go." Tommy said, patting his horse. Once at the main enterance where Tommy parked his car. "Let's go darling." Tommy said, opening his door. "I love your horse Tommy." Maryanne said. "Thanks my love." Tommy said, closing the door.
"I need to stop by Shebly Limited, for a while." Tommy said.
"Alright." Maryanne said, holding his hand while he placed his hand on her knee. "Has Arthur been in rehab?" Maryanne asked. "He tries to be there, but wants the old him back, the addict." Tommy said. "Makes sense." Maryanne said.
Back at Shelby Limited, Tommy stop his car. "Come on Maryanne." Tommy said, opening the door, holding his hand out. Maryanne came out of the car. "Maryanne, I can get you a red." Tommy said, softly. "Okay." Tommy said. "A glass of red fro my grace please." Tommy said. Maryanne looked at Tommy. "I need to do some things, I won't be too far from you darling." Tommy said. Maryanne smiled. "Take your time." Maryanne told him. "I don't want to be away from you my grace." Tommy said, stroking her face.
"I'll be here once you're ready to come back." Maryanne said. "I won't be long, my love." Tommy said, kissing her face.
"I'll be quick darling." Tommy said, softly letting go of her hand. Maryanne sat on the barstool- waiting for Tommy to come back to her. Maryanne looked out the window~
Tommy came back. "Ready to take off?" Tommy asked. "I am." Maryanne said to him. Tommy grabbed her arm lightly, placed it on his. "I will one day marry you." Tommy said. Maryanne smiled. Tommy kisses her hand. Just then- a gunshot went off, Tommy covered himself and Maryanne. "What the hell was that!" Maryanne yelled. " I don't know get in the car!" Tommy shouted protectively. Maryanne ran to the car, closed the door, she watched Tommy shot someone "Drop your gun!" Tommy shouted, aiming his gun to the man covered in a black cloak. "Don't waste your bullets Mr. Thomas Shebly." said the man. "You nearly shot my woman!" Tommy yelled shooting him. The man fell down, in cold blood. Tommy walked back to the car. "Everything alright Tommy?" Maryanne asked. "Yeah, he's dead." Tommy told her, kissing her lips. "I have to thank you for saving my life." Maryanne said. "My darling, it's my duty to save you from anything, the way I found you nearly dead, I can't find you that way again." Tommy told her, placing her hand on his cheek.
Once at home, Tommy got in the shower, Maryanne took off her clothes. Slipped into a nightgown. Taking off her shoes. Maryanne crawled into bed, to rest, she heard Tommy in the shower. Maryanne went to sleep, while Tommy was out of the shower, he came into the room and saw Maryanne sound asleep. "Dar-... long day. I bet. Sleep my darling." Tommy said, putting on a long sleeved Pj shirt and bottoms. Maryanne jumped out of her skin when she felt the bed move. "Shh darling, it's just me. I'm sorry if I scared you." Tommy said, pulling close to him. "It's alright Tommy." Maryanne cuddling closer to him. Tommy watched her sleep, seeing how lucky he was with her, how his persona has changed since his daughter died and his first wife died. Grace died from being sick. With Maryanne, he is happier than he has ever been in his whole life. Nothing can take away his love for her.

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